LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 561-580 of 1876
Perbaikan Tanah Lunak Dengan Metode Preloading Kombinasi PVD dan PHD Berdasarkan Data Analisa Balik (Studi Kasus: Proyek PPKA 4, Sumatera Selatan)
(Konferensi Nasional Teknik Sipil dan Infrastruktur – II, 2019-11-19)Proyek Pembangunan Jalan Tol Pematang Panggang – Kayu Agung Zona 4 (PPKA 4) merupakan salah satu zona dari Proyek Pembangunan Trans Sumatera yang menghubungkan Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) hingga Provinsi ... -
Islamic Perspective on Human Security: A Discourse Analysis
(Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Civilization, ICIC 2020, 27 August 2020, 2020-08-27)Human security is a people-centred framework which is central for achieving sustainable development. It was formally introduced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 1994. While discussion on the Western ... -
Perbandingan Perhitungan Daya Dukung Pondasi Bored Pile Menggunakan Program Allpile V6.52 dengan Metode Empiris O’Neil dan Reese (Studi Kasus: Proyek Trans Icon Surabaya)
(Fakultas Teknik, 2019-11-13)Metode-metode untuk mengetahui daya dukung aksial pondasi bored pile yaitu menggunakan metode rumus empiris dalam hal ini rumusan O’Neil dan Reese dan program komputer bernama Allpile V6.52. Tujuan studi ini untuk ... -
Perbandingan Anggaran Biaya berdasarkan Volume Pekerjaan menggunakan Metode BIM dengan Kontrak Awal pada Pembangunan Gedung Auditorium IsDB Projek Universitas Jember
(Fakultas Teknik, 2019-11-13)perkembangan AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction). Revit Architecture merupakan salah satu perangkat lunak yang dikembangkan oleh Autodesk yang dapat menunjang penerapan metode BIM. Pengguna Revit Architecture ... -
Modeling and scheduling engineering biotechnology building using bim and microsoft project
(Fakultas Teknik, 2020-10-02)The development of education today is required to reflect specificity in future development achievements, the needs of infrastructure related to Biomass and Bioenergy shall be facilitated well. Related to this goal shall ... -
Penggunaan Instrumen Geoteknik Untuk Analisa Balik Pekerjaan Perbaikan Tanah Lunak Dengan Metode Preloading
(Fakultas Teknik, 2019-11-02)Tanah lunak merupakan tanah yang memiliki daya dukung tanah yang rendah dan kompresibilitas tanah yang tinggi. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada bangunan diatasnya, sehingga perlu adanya perbaikan tanah. Salah ... -
Aplikasi Teknologi Downhole Water Loop (Dwl) Untuk Produksi Minyak Berat
(Fakultas Teknik, 2019-12-21)Untuk memproduksi migas non konvensional dibutuhkan strategi dan teknologi khusus yang berbeda dengan migas konvensional. Salah satu bentuk reservoir non konvensional adalah reservoir minyak berat, minyak yang memiliki ... -
Sequence-Based Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Using Greedy Layer-Wise Training of Deep Neural Networks
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019-11-13)Jamu is an herbal medicine commonly used before the advent of modern medicine. Generally, the herbal formula is obtained empirically and passed down from generation to generation. However, the healing process with herbs ... -
Voice Controlled Wheelchair for Disabled Patients based on CNN and LSTM
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK, 2019-10-11)Disabled patients with reduced mobility due to health problems such as disability, injury, paralysis, or other factors will experience difficulty in movement. They need tools that can help them, in which the most widely ... -
Steering System of Electric Vehicle using Extreme Learning Machine
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK, 2020-10-01)increasing and growing very fast. Some efforts have been conducted, one of which is using BLDC (brushless direct current) motors to improve efficiency. This study utilized extreme learning machine (ELM) embedded on ... -
Intelligent Wheelchair Control System based on Finger Pose Recognition
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK, 2020-10-01)In the old day, wheelchairs are moved manually by using hand or with the assistance of someone else. Users of this wheelchair get tired quickly if they have to walk long distances. The electric wheelchair emerged as a ... -
Estimation of Finger Joint Angle based on Surface Electromyography Signal using Long Short-Term Memory
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK, 2020-11-18)The presence of hand plays a vital role. Without a hand, humans experience difficulties in their activities. As a result, several solutions have emerged to overcome this problem, especially finger movement regression ... -
Development of a Visual Aid Tool for Blind People Based on Faster R-CNN
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK, 2019-11-14)The technology used to help blind people has been developed using various technologies such as an ultrasonic sensor in the form of sonar system in the form of belts and watches. The sonar vision works based on the principle ... -
A novel herbal leaf identification and authentication Using deep learning neural network
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK, 2020-11-18)Herbal plants are plants that can be used as an alternative to the natural healing of diseases. The existence of herbal plants is still not widely known by the public. It is due to many types of medicinal plants so it ... -
Risk Analysis and Management Strategies of Sugarcane Producer in Selecting Varieties: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Approach
(ICAFS 2019 : 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science, 2019-11-30)The composition of sugar cane varieties which planted are not balanced especially in the nursery sector that caused the efficiency of the sugar industry on national scale low. This condition happens because there are ... -
Role of Mineral Elements to Induce the Resistance of Arabica Coffee Against Rust Disease at Lowland Area
(ProceedingThe 3rd International Conference on Agricultural and Life Sciences (ICALS 2019), 2019-08-30)Lowland arabica coffee can be affected by leaf rust and its decrease the coffee production up to 80%. The resistance level of the plant can be determined by the content of cellulose, lignin, calcium pectate, and polyphenols ... -
Sustainability Analysis at Sidomulyo Smallholder Coffee Agro-Industry
(UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2012-06-25)Sustainability of Sidomulyo smallholder coffee agro industry as a part of Jember coffee agribusiness should be attempted by improving their high quality of coffee bean. Development of sustainability assessment indicators ... -
Potensi Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Proses Pengolahan Kopi Arabika di Agroindustri Maju Mapan Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember
(Agropross, National Conference Proceedings of Agriculture, 2019-09-18)Panti District is the second largest coffee producer in Jember Regency after Silo District. Coffee plantations in Panti District in 2016 have a land area of 1096 ha, with an altitude of 50-1,340 meters above sea level. With ... -
Kelayakan Pemanfaatan Limbah Cair Tahu pada Industri Kecil di Dusun Curah Rejo Desa Cangkring Kecamatan Jenggawah Kabupaten Jember
(UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2016-10-26)Tahu merupakan makanan tradisional dengan bahan dasar menggunakan kedelai. Dalam proses pembuatannya, tahu menghasilkan limbah cair yang mengandung BOD, COD, TSS, dan pH. Jika air limbah tahu langsung dibuang ke lingkungan ... -
Evaluasi Data Hujan Harian Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Versi Ke-6 di Provinsi Papua Barat
(MIPA UNIPA, 2019-08-08)Informasi curah hujan merupakan komponen penting pada bidang pertanian. Terbatasnya stasiun iklim di Provinsi Papua Barat serta sebarannya tidak merata menjadi kendala dalam penyediaan data hujan. Global Precipitation ...