LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 581-600 of 1876
An Application of MODIS Surface Reflectance Product for Drought Assessment on Agriculture Area in Manukwari – West Papua – Indonesia
(E3S Web of Conferences 142, 01001 (2020), 2020-01-21)Drought is one of the natural disasters in Indonesia. Some regions in Indonesia are very vulnerable to drought, including West Papua. This research aimed to map the droughtiness level on the agriculture area in Manokwari ... -
Polyphenol Content and Enhancing Plant resistance of Lowland Arabica Coffee
(ProceedingThe 3rd International Conference on Agricultural and Life Sciences (ICALS 2019), 2019-07-31)The production of arabica coffee in Indonesia is still low because of leaf rust disease suppression caused by Hemileia vastatrix. Basically, it can produce well in the overlapping zone (1000-1500 masl). This potential ... -
Farmer Poverty in Wonosari, Penanggal Village, Lumajang Regency
(The Second International Converence on Environmental Geography and Geography Education, 2019-09-28)Farmer is one of the biggest professions in Indonesia. Their welfare should be guaranteed with how good their land fertility is. In fact, this occupation cannot guarantee their economy. Therefore, it causes poverty in ... -
Implementation of Green Building Concept and How to Manage it at SMAN 3 jember
(The Second International Converence on Environmental Geography and Geography Education, 2019-09-28)The concept of green building is a practice that is focused on minimizing the environmental impact that arises with reference to the concept of ecological, social, and economic. In Indonesia, this concept is still not ... -
Prosedur dan Parameter Institusonalisasi Pancasila dalam Evaluasi Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
(Badan Keahlian DPR-RI, 2018-07-30)Untuk menuju peraturan perundang-undangan yang baik, bukan suatu hal yang mudah setidaknya ada 5 (lima) faktor dan ini sudah menjadi prinsip secara universal di berbagai belahan dunia. Karena memang meskipun negara yang ... -
Ventral Abdominal Wall Defect, 2nd Case: Followup at 4 Months
(The Hendren Project, 2020-01-16)Ventral Abdominal Wall Defect, 2nd Case: Followup at 4 Months -
Late Presentation of Enterocutaneous Fistula
(The Hendren Project, 2020-06-18)Late Presentation of Enterocutaneous Fistula -
Fistula-like Structure at Midraphe After Anoplasty
(The Hendren Project, 2019-12-19)Fistula-like Structure at Midraphe After Anoplasty -
5-Year-Old Female Patient Presenting with Abdominal Pain
(The Hendren Project, 2020-04-23)5-Year-Old Female Patient Presenting with Abdominal Pain -
5-Day-Old Female Patient with Stooling from Anus
(The Hendren Project, 2019-08-29)5-Day-Old Female Patient with Stooling from Anus -
Relevansi Sosial Bentuk Undha-Usuking Bahasa Jawa dengan Budi Pekerti dalam Era Globalisasi
(UPT Percetakan dan Penerbitan Universitas Jember, 2020-10-01)Undha-usuking dalam bahasa Jawa merupakan sebuah tatanan masyarakat Jawa dalam komunikasi yang diatur menurut status sosial, yakni status masyarakat tinggi, menengah, dan masyarakat bawah. Refleksinya bagaimana masyarakat ... -
The Role of Seed Producer in Maintaining Corn Production Sustainability
(Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2013-08-01)Farmers are entrepreneurs who are realistic about the economic value of products their grown. Food sustainability couldbe achieved through farmers participation in corn cultivation. The commodities economic value supported ... -
Family Structure and Family Functions on Adolescent Reproductive Healt in Developing Countries: A Literature Review
(ACINE 2018, The 3rd Asian Congress in Nursing Education, 2018-04-18)Adolescent reproductive healt (ARH) is a very large issues for parents in developing countries. family structure and family function (FSF) are important elements for healthy of ARH in the context of family systems in ... -
Family Structure and Family Functions on Adolescent Reproductive Healt in Developing Countries: A Literature Review
(ACINE 2018, The 3rd Asian Congress in Nursing Education, 2018-04-18)Teaching and learning activities the faculty of nursing require a special approach in the process. A positive attitude in Educational Environment and good of academic purpose of this study to determine on overview of the ... -
The Substance of Islamic Public Policy in The Era of Decentralization
(Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Civilization, ICIC 2020, 27 August 2020, 2020-12-14)Implementing the Decentralization System in the reformation era in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia provided an opportunity to change various systems and institutions. The Decentralized System brings ... -
Analysis Of Potential And Development Strategy Of Halal Tourism Of The Pulau Santen Banyuwangi
(Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of Economics, Business, and Social Science, ACEBISS 2019, 2020-03-26)The global halal industry grow up rapidly. Data on the global halal industry is estimated to reach USD 2.3 trillion. This Data is expected to continue to increase. The growth in the number of Muslims and awareness of ...