Now showing items 1-20 of 93267











    • The 1998 Banyuwangi Humanitarian Case (In Socio-Economic Studies) 

      SWASTIKA, Kayan; JAMIL, Robit Nurul (Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal), 2022-04-30)
      The change of power from the New Order era to the reform era was accompanied by various major problems, such as the problem of KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism), the economic crisis, and cases of violence. One of ...
    • 1st International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB): Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity 

      MUZAKHAR, Kahar; PURWATININGSIH, Purwatiningsih; UTAMI, Eva Tyas; SISWOYO, Siswoyo; ULUM, Fuad Bahrul; SETIAWAN, Rendy; UBAIDILLAH, Syafiq; BAROKAH, Anis; KHOIRIYAH, Zakiyatul; JANNAH, Arminatul (Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity, 2015-09-29)
      Based on these phenomena above, the ICOLIB 2015 with theme “Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity”, provide an interdisciplinary platform of life sciences for researchers, academics, students, professionals, industries, ...
    • The 2-Distance Chromatic Number of Some Wheel Related Graphs 

      KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; UTOYO, Muhammad Imam; DAFIK, Dafik; ALFARISI, Ridho (Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Volume 103, Number 3, 2018, Pages 645-657, 2018-02-09)
      Let ( )EVG , be a simple and connected graph of vertex set V and edge set E. By the 2-distance chromatic number of a graph G, we mean a map ( ) { }k c GV ,1 ,2 ,3 ..., : → such that any two vertices ...
    • The 2014 Indonesian General Election and Beyond: Melting “Frozen” Cleavages 

      Trihartono, Agus; Bayu, Himawan (2015)
      This study investigates Lipset-Rokkan’s ‘‘freezing hypothesis’’ based on the contemporary Indo- nesia cleavages by analyzing the 2014 election together with the previous elections. This study found the endured cleavages ...
    • The 2014 Indonesian General Election and Beyond: Melting “Frozen” Cleavages 

      TRIHARTONO, Agus; PATRIADI, Himawan Bayu (2016-12-21)
      This study investigates Lipset-Rokkan’s ‘‘freezing hypothesis’’ based on the contemporary Indonesia cleavages by analyzing the 2014 election together with the previous elections. This study found the endured cleavages ...
    • 3-Dimensional Eksternal Electric Field Effect (Stark Effect) On the Ground State Energy of Tritium Atom 

      MAHARDIKA, I Ketut; HARIJANTO, Alex; BAHRI, Syamsul; RIDLO, Zainur Rasyid (IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics, 2019-03-10)
      Tritium Atom is a Radioisotope that has a half-life of 12.3 years. This atom produces beta decay with a maximum generated energy of 18.598 KeV and an average energy of 5.7 KeV. Tritium radiation is still relatively safe, ...
    • The 32 kDa Outer Membrane Proteins of Klebsiella pneumoniae Acts as A Bacterial Adhesin 

      AGUSTINA, Dini; SHODIKIN, M. Ali; NUGRAHA, Bima Setia Sandya; MUFIDA, Diana Chusna (Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2022-07-02)
      Klebsiella pneumoniae is a bacterium that often causes infection in the human body. At present K. pneumoniae can resist some of the antibiotics it has associated with modification of one of the virulence factors possessed ...
    • 37% Phosphoric Acid Induced Stronger Matrix Metalloproteinase-8 Expression of the Dental Pulp than 19% Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid 

      Nadie Fatimatuzzahro; Tetiana Haniastuti; Juni Handajani (2015-06-29)
      Etching agents such as ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and phosphoric acid as which are widely used in adhesive restoration system aimed to increase for retention of restorative materials, may act a chemical ...
    • 3D Convolutional Neural Network untuk Klasifikasi Video 

      KHUSNI, Fahmi Al (Fakultas Teknik, 2022-07-20)
      Convolutional Neural Nerwork (CNN) merupakan salah satu bagian dari deep feed-forward artificial neural network dimana pada penerapannya banyak digunakan pada computer vision. CNN adalah contoh bagian dari teknologi ...
    • 3D Convolutional Neural Network untuk Klasifikasi Video 

      Al KHUSNI, Fahmi (Fakultas Teknik, 2022-07-20)
      Convolutional Neural Nerwork (CNN) merupakan salah satu bagian dari deep feed-forward artificial neural network dimana pada penerapannya banyak digunakan pada computer vision. CNN adalah contoh bagian dari teknologi ...