Potensi Penerapan Produksi Bersih Pada Proses Pengolahan Kopi Arabika di Agroindustri Maju Mapan Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember
Panti District is the second largest coffee producer in Jember Regency after Silo District. Coffee plantations
in Panti District in 2016 have a land area of 1096 ha, with an altitude of 50-1,340 meters above sea level.
With this average height, one of the coffee plants planted is Arabica coffee. Based on the number of existing
coffee plantations, the processing of wet coffee will produce a lot of liquid and solid waste. Coffee fruit waste
in the form of flesh flesh physically composition reached 48%, consisting of 42% fruit skin and 6% seed skin.
The purpose of this study is to determine the process of processing Arabica coffee, determine the potential
application of cleaner production that can be applied and determine the top priorities based on an economic
feasibility analysis. The method used is measuring products, waste, and others using mass balance analysis.
The results of mass balance analysis in 1 ton of red coffee and 3146.63 liters of water input produced a 40%
yield of coffee beans, 38.4% solid waste, 2946 liters of liquid waste. Solid waste is obtained from the pulping
process and liquid waste is obtained from the rambang, pulping and washing sorting process. Based on the
mass balance analysis, the potential application of production that can be applied to solid waste is the
manufacture of tea (cascara), animal feed, compost blocks, to liquid waste namely the making of biogas and
liquid organic fertilizer. Based on these alternatives, making tea (cascara) is a top priority to be applied to
solid waste because it has an NPV value of Rp. 997,230,980, IRR of 40%, PBP 7.85 and B / C Ratio of 3.70;
while making biogas is a top priority to be applied to liquid waste because it has an NPV value of Rp.
7,344,691,114, an IRR of 45%, a PBP of 1.51 and a B / C ratio of 1.51.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]