LSP-Conference Proceeding
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Combination of Kangaroo Mother Care and Quranic Murottal to Improve the Body Temperature of Low Birth Weight Infants With Hypothermia
(Proceeding International Student Conference, 2024-09-22)Low birth weight infants are a problem that requires special attention because they can lead to growth and developmental disturbances, as well as psychological issues. Low birth weight (LBW) infants have limited ability ... -
Implementation of Benson Relaxation Technique In Post-surgery Patients of Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (Bph) With Acute Pain : A Study Case
(Proceeding International Student Conference, 2024-09-22)Acute pain is a common nursing problem in postoperative patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Ineffective pain management can lead to serious complications and delay recovery. This study investigates the use ... -
Steeping Bay Leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) To Increase Cholinesterase Levels Due to Pesticide Exposure In Farmers
(CV Global Health Science Group, 2024-06-02)Farmers are at high risk of pesticide exposure. The threat of death from pesticides reaches 168,000 per year. Pesticide free radicals cause health problems in the form of impaired function of nerves, liver, and kidneys and ... -
Sikap Masyarakat Jember Terhadap Bahasa Jawa Dialek Using Dalam Acara Siaran Radio Berbahasa Jawa Dialek Using
(FKIP Universitas Mataram, 2012-09-05)Sebagai Dielek pinggiran, bahasa jawa using di kabuapten Jember memiliki kecenderungan berkedudukan sbagai bahasa rendah. terdesak oleh bahasa tinggi yakni bahasa jawa baku dan bahasa Indonesia, dan perkembangan pemakaiannya ... -
Panfacial Trauma-Managing Separated Nasal Cartilage And Extensive Degloving Faciala Case Report
(Perapi Jateng DIY, 2024-05-05)Seven out of ten victims of trauma in many road traffic accidents are those with facial trauma, who not only experience fractures but mostly also experience soft tissue damage, including lacerations or bruising. Wounds ... -
Digital Involvement in Driving Reading Habits in the Era of Smart Education
(JGP International Conference, 2024-03-29)The current accelerated development of the world of education is increasingly leading to the involvement of digitalization in the learning process. This digital engagement is one of the supporting aspects towards ... -
Darurat Sampah Plastik: Pelatihan Teknis Optimalisasi Sistem Bank Sampah Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Jember
(Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, 2023-11-09)Tantangan permasalahan timbulan sampah di antaranya adalah ketersediaan infrastruktur berupa fasilitas pengumpulan dan pengelolaan sampah di lingkungan masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk pengurangan timbulan sampah sekaligus ... -
Sekolah Asik Tanpa Plastik: Edutainment Dampak dan Pencegahan Mikroplastik di Lingkungan Sekolah
(Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas jember, 2023-08-23)Timbulan sampah di Indonesia mencapai 34.584.584,16 ton/tahun dengan 17,1% merupakan sampah plastik. Edukasi pengelolaan lingkungan pada anak sekolah dasar merupakan langkah awal yang tepat dalam memupuk rasa cinta lingkungan. ... -
Patompes Stunting: Pelatihan Kader Posyandu sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Angka Stunting di Desa Sumberjambe Kabupaten Jember
(Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas jember, 2023-08-23)Fokus penurunan angka stunting di Indonesia semakin dipercepat terutama di Kabupaten Jember sebagai Kabupaten dengan angka stunting tertinggi di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Temuan kesalahan pengukuran antropometri pada baduta ... -
Minoca Dan Inoca: Konsep Patofisiologis Dan Pendekatan Terapi
(CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION, 2023)Infark miokard dengan penyakit koroner nonobstruktif (MINOCA) merupakan suatu kondisi klinis yang heterogen, yang menyumbang sekitar 5% dari semua kasus infark miokard akut (IMA) dengan rentang 5% sampai 15% bergantung ... -
Rape Culture Pictured In Barbara Dee’s Maybe he Just Likes You
(International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)This study discusses how rape culture pictured in Barbara Dee’s Maybe he Just Likes You. Data is in the form of narrative quotes in the novel then analyzed using Hall's representation theory. The meaning is constructed ... -
The Role of Women Activists in Improving Environmental Conditions in Kenya
(International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)In overcoming efforts to damage the environment, there are several difficulties that women activists must face because of their gender identity. This research aims to determine the role of women activists in improving ... -
Sexual Violence Against Women in the Australian Parliament
(International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)Sexual violence against women is still a big problem in the Australian Parliament. Women in the Australian Parliament have received a lot of empowerment and gender equality, but this has not made women in the Australian ... -
Legalizing Prostitution Against Female Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) In Bangladesh
(International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)This study aims to determine the causes of the legalization of prostitution's impact on female commercial Sex Workers (CSWs) in Bangladesh. As a country with a Muslim-majority population, Bangladesh has legalized ... -
Increased Participation of Indonesian Female Peacekeepers in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL)
(International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2023-11-20)This article analyzes the reasons behind the increasing number of Indonesian female peacekeepers in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL). In the analysis, the researcher uses a liberal feminist ... -
Implementation of The CEDAW Convention on Sexual Violence Through the Congress of Indonesian Women Ulama
(International Conference of Gender and Feminism, 2024-01-01)Cases of sexual violence are cases that place women as victims with the highest position. The rise of cases of sexual violence affects women's lives in society. However, the crisis of rights experienced by women has not ... -
Pengaruh Perendaman Anasir Gigi Tiruan Resin Akrilik dalam Ekstrak Kulit Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana l.) terhadap Perubahan Warna
(KPPIKG, 2023-02-04)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi stabilitas warna anasir gigi tiruan resin akrilik setelah direndam dalam ekstrak kulit manggis 30% dan 19% selama 4 dan 19 hari. Bahan dan Metode : Penelitian eksperimental ... -
The effect of Anacardium Occidentale Leaves Extract with Various Concentration Used as Denture Cleanser on Streptococcus Mutans Growth
(-, 2013-01-18)The effect of Anacardium Occidentale Leaves Extract with Various Concentration Used as Denture Cleanser on Streptococcus Mutans Growth -
Investasi Gizi Ibu Hamil dengan Memanfaatkan Makanan Tambahan Berbasis Pangan Lokal Berbahan Dasar Sayur
(Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat: Peduli Masyarakat, 2023-10-02)Seorang ibu hamil harus memiliki kecukupan nutrisi dan gizi yang tepat. Hal tersebut karena selama masa kehamilan seorang ibu tidak hanya memerlukan nutrisi untuk kebutuhan tubuhnya kan tetapi juga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ... -
Hubungan Kecemasan Dengan Nyeri Pada Pasien Glaukoma Di Poli Mata Rumah Sakit Dr. Soebandi Jember
(Ikatan Perawat Mata Indonesia, 2023-08-26)Peningkatan Tekanan Intra Okular (TIO) pada pasien glaukoma menyebabkan pasien mengeluh nyeri dan mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Situasi stres yang dialami, ketakutan akan kebutaan, kurangnya informasi dan komunikasi ...