LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 541-560 of 1876
Heating Ethanol-Gasoline Fuel Mixture to Improve Performance and Reduce Exhaust Emissions at Gasoline Engine - A Review
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020-09-26)Today's dependence on fossil fuels causes shrinkage of fossil fuel in the earth, especially in industrial sector and transportation that is highly depended on petroleum. Industry and transportation agents have changed the ... -
Laminar Burning Velocity of Calophyllum inophyllum Methyl Ester on Perforated Burner
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020-09-26)Laminar burning velocity is the volume of unburned gas per unit time distributed by the gas consumed. The laminar burning velocity has an important role because it contains basic information about fuel reactivity, ... -
Karakteristik Penyemprotan Campuran Diesel-Biodiesel Minyak Nyamplung dan Etanol dengan Variasi Tekanan Injeksi
(Prosiding The 11th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar, 2020-08-27)Karakteristik penyemprotan adalah parameter penting dalam kinerja mesin dan emisi gas buang. Karakteristik penyemprotan menentukan kualitas pembakaran pada mesin diesel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari karakteristik ... -
Wall Heat Flux on Impinging Diesel Spray Flame: Effect of Hole size and Rail Pressure at Similar Injection Rate Condition
(SAE International, 2020-11-30)The fuel economy of recent small size DI diesel engines has become more and more efficient. However, heat loss is still one of the major factors contributing to a substantial amount of energy loss in engines. In order ... -
Teacher Perspective: Innovative, Adaptive, and Responsive Instructional Design Aimed at Life Skills
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)Teachers have the main task in developing learning designs. The industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 call forth different learning and paradigms. A new paradigm that requires the ability of teachers to maintain a ... -
Utilization of Rhizobium spp as Substitution Agent of Nitrogen Chemical Fertilizer on Soybean Cultivation
(IOP Publishing, 2019-11-02)Rhizobium is one of the important microorganisms in free nitrogen fixation. The study aims to determine the use of Rhizobium spp as substitute for chemical fertilizer Nitrogen on soybean cultivation. The experiment design ... -
The Effect of Parenting Patterns and Learning Motivation Towards Citizenship Lesson (PPKn) Learning Outcomes 11 Grade SMA Negeri 3 Lumajang, Second Term Academic Year of 2017-2018
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)Education plays significant part in many ways of living. It brightens world and forming civilization. Nowadays, along with globalization steam, citizenship lesson in term of PPKn (Pendidikan Kewarnegaraan) is a compulsory ... -
The Development of Patukangan Local Sites Situbondo E-Module for History Learning by Using Dick and Carey Model
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)Curriculum 2013 was developed to meet the needs of students and environment demands. Relevant with the rapid development of technology, educators are required to have learning innovation. Learning innovation can ... -
Aceh Tsunami and Government Policy in Handling it: A Historical Study
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)Tsunami occurred in Aceh in 2004 was determined by the Government as a national disaster. The criteria supported Aceh Tsunami as a natural disaster to be determined as national disasters are (1) The victims and Losses ... -
Development of Augmented Reality in Biotechnology Processes as a Supporting Media for Science Learning Modules in Elementary Schools
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)Learning media is an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. This can be seen if, in enjoyable learning, it will generate student learning enthusiasm, and vice versa. If students can grow their enthusiasm ... -
Chocolate Industry in Puslitkoka Jember is Benefits of Colonial Heritage
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)In Indonesia, plantations can cultivate industrial crops such as cocoa, coffee, coconut and tea. The plantation system in Indonesia was also introduced through Western colonialism, namely Dutch colonialism. One of the ... -
The Importance of Updating the Learning Media for History Teachers in Vocational High Schools
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)The subjects of Indonesian History are closely related to the management of national character values such as nationalism, patriotism, national culture, national struggle, and others. The government program in the 2013 ... -
Identification of Biotechnology Urgency in the Environmental Knowledge Course
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)The development of Biotechnology has the benefit of health, agriculture, environment, industry, and so on. Biotechnology provides solutions to environmental problems, hunger, agricultural damage, and other problems that ... -
The Effect of Discovery Learning Under Mind Mapping on Students' Results of History Learning at SMAN 1 Tenggarang
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)Learning in the era of globalization requires knowledge and understanding of skills so that students are able to empower themselves to find, support, assess, and use information, and collect innovations that are creative ... -
A Life Potrait of Metal Childern in Ketapang Banyuwangi Port in Economic Perspective and the Solutions
(IOP Publishing, 2019-09-09)This study aimed to analyze the background of metal child in Ketapang ferry ports in the economic perspective, and formulate a model that can be used to cope with the presence of metal child in Ketapang ferry ports. The ... -
Technological Content Knowledge of History Teachers in Jember
(IOP Publishing, 2019-04-01)Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2016 concerning Basic and Secondary Education Process Standards that the learning process can be carried out by ... -
Perspektif Pengembangan Pariwisata Rawa Indah di Desa Wisata “Alas Sumur” Kecamatan Pujer Kabupaten Bondowoso
(UPT. PENERBITAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER, 2018-10-07)The aim of the study was to find a way to develop Rawa Indah Tourism based in the tourist village of Alas Sumur, Bondowoso Regency. This descriptive and explanatory research uses primary and secondary data. Primary data ... -
Beberapa Catatan Penting Komisi Yudisial
(PUSKAPSI FH-UNEJ, 2017, 2018-12-01)Perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar Tahun 1945, membawa dampak yang begitu besar terhadap keberadaan lembaga-lembaga negara, baik lembaga negara yang hilang, maupun banyaknya lembaga negara baru yang dilahirkan atau sengaja ... -
Perhitungan Kinerja Jalan Terhadap Hambatan Samping pada Ruas Jalan Gajah Mada Kecamatan Genteng Banyuwangi
(FTSP ITATS, 2021-02-20)One of the influencing factors is the side barriers in the form of vehicles in and out, crossings, and slow vehicles. The Gajahmada street section was chosen as the research location because it has two types of roads, ... -
Pemodelan Gedung Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Integrated Laboratory for Plant and Natural Medicine dengan Metode BIM
(Konferensi Nasional Teknik Sipil dan Infrastruktur – II, 2019-11-13)Metode yang cepat dan berbasis IT diperlukan dalam kegiatan konstruksi yang memiliki kompleksitas manajemen proyek tinggi. Penggunaan BIM pada kegiatan konstruksi mampu mengintegrasi dan membantu manajemen proyek tersebut. ...