LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 681-700 of 7359
The Effect of anti miRNA 144 on the Expression of a Globin Chain in PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cell) of Major Beta Thalassemia Patients
(Indian of Journal Clinical Biochemistry, 2019)The main pathophysiology basis of E-thalassemia is excess unbound D-globin chain due to reduction D-globin expression. Reduction of D-globin chain can lead clinical improvement. Reduction of D-globin chain is an alternative ... -
The Effect of Anti-miRNA 144 and Anti-miRNA 150 on the Expression of Alpha Globin Chains in PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell) of Major Beta Thalassemia Patients
(Journal of SCRTE, 2022)The excess of unbound α globin chains are the basic pathophysiology of the cause of clinical symptoms in major β thalassemia. Recently there are many alternative therapies by increasing γ globin chains to reduced the effects ... -
Correlation between Platelets Count and C-Reactive Protein in COVID-19 Patient in Jember Regency
(Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory, 2023-03)The laboratory test for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is very important for initial treatment and predicting the prognosis of the patients, but there have been reports of false negative COVID-19 diagnostic test ... -
Korelasi Jumlah Trombosit dan Kadar Hematokrit terhadap tingkat Keparahan Pasien Demam Berdarah Dengue di RSD dr Soebandi Jember
(Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences, 2021-10-31)Demam berdarah dengue (DBD) merupakan suatu penyakit infeksi akibat virus dengue yang masih menjadi masalah kesehatan utama di Asia Tenggara terutama di Indonesia. Kabupaten Jember masih dikategorikan sebagai daerah endemis ... -
Hubungan antara Kadar Feritin dengan Malondialdehyde pada Pasien Talasemia Beta Mayor di RSD dr Soebandi Jember
(e-Journal Pustaka Kesehatan, 2019-01)Repeated blood transfusions, increased iron absorption, and ineffective erythropoiesis in major β thalassemia patients lead to iron overload characterized by elevated ferritin levels. Free iron will catalyze reactive oxygen ... -
Proses Asuhan Gizi Terstandar pada Pasien Anak Penderita Nephrotic Syndrome
(Pontianak Nutrition Journal, 2023-03-31)Sindrom nefrotik merupakan kelainan ginjal dengan insiden lebih tinggi terjadi pada anak-anak. Studi kasus anak sindrom nefrotik dilakukan pada pasien rawat inap RSD. dr. Soebandi Jember. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ... -
HOPES: Holistic Premarital Class bagi Remaja Santri Putri Dalam Perencanaan Kehidupan Berkeluarga
(Buletin Al-Ribaath, 2022-06)Tercatat hingga 25 November 2020 terdapat 1.332 permohonan dispensasi nikah yang diajukan ke Pengadilan Agama (PA) Jember. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa angka pernikahan anak pada usia remaja di Kabupaten Jember cukup ... -
Design and construction of single guide RNA for CRISPR/Cas9 system based on the xa13 resistance gene in some varieties of rice (Oryza sativa)
(Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika, 2023-01-18)The xa13 gene is a recessive resistance gene against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) found in several rice varieties. Activation of this gene will trigger the formation of sucrose as a nutrient supply to Xoo for their ... -
Community Response of Small Scale Bio fertilizer Production
(Integrative Community Service and Agriculture, 2022-12-01)Biofertilizer act same like chemical fertilizer for plant. be a plant nutrition source, like carbon, nitrogen, potassium and other micro mineral. More environmentally save than the chemical fertilizer. Some problems ... -
Pemberdayaan dan Penyuluhan Masyarakat melalui Kegiatan Produksi Sedotan dari Bambu di Desa Sucopangepok Hulu DAS Bedadung Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal Abdidas, 2022-06-01)Abstrak Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) merupakan bagian dari konservasi untuk kelestarian sumber daya alam. Perubahan alih fungsi lahan di bagian hulu dipengaruhi oleh faktor ekonomi sehingga terjadi perubahan ... -
Cocoa and Chocolate Products: The Sensory Characteristics That Affect Consumers’ Acceptance
(Journal La Lifesci, 2022-11-17)This review describes the sensory characteristics of some cocoa and chocolate products which will later determine the acceptance of consumer. Cocoa beans are widely used as raw materials in many industrial sectors ... -
Pengaruh Ketebalan dan KomposisiMedia terhadao Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Jamur Merang
(Journal of Agricultural Science, 2023-06-01)Jamur kerang dapat tumbuh pada media yang berasal dari limbah pertanian yaitu jerami padi, hal ini disebabkan karena jermai mempunyai kandungan selulosa yang tinggi, jerami juga dapat dikomposkan dengan mudah, selain itu ... -
Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi Petani Jamur Tiram Desa Karangpring Melalui Teknologi Alat Pengepres Baglog Dua Tuas
(Prima : Journal of Comunity Empowering and Service, 2022-07-29)Kapasitas produksi baglog secara manual petani jamur tiram di Desa Karangpring, Kecamatan Sukorambi, Kabupaten Jember adalah 1.250 baglog/bulan dengan rata-rata produktivitas yang rendah yaitu sekitar 625 kg/4 bulan ... -
Cocoa and Chocolate Products: The Sensory Characteristics That Affect Consumers’ Acceptance
(Journal La Lifesci, 2022-11-17)This review describes the sensory characteristics of some cocoa and chocolate products which will later determine the acceptance of consumer. Cocoa beans are widely used as raw materials in many industrial sectors ... -
Empowerment of Oyster Mushroom Farmers in KarangPring Village, Jember through Training on Making Oyster Mushroom Seeds F0, F1, and F2
(Ilmu Pertanian, 2021-09-01)Oyster mushroom farmers in KarangPring Village, Sukorambi District, Jember Regency have implemented the appropriate oyster mushroom cultivation technique. However, the profit of fresh oyster mushroom sales is still low ... -
Correlation of Secondary Metabolites of Leaf with Resistance to Leaf Rust (Hemileia vastatrix) on Several Arabica Coffee Clones
(Ilmu Pertanian, 2019-05-19)Indicator of coffee resistance to leaf rust attack (Hemileia vastatrix) is needed to select superior coffee plants resistant to biotic stress. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the content of secondary ... -
Penolakan Parlemen Inggris Terhadap Kebijakan Backstop Irlandia
(Electronic Journal of Social and Political Science, 2022-12-05)The Irish Backstop is a protocol in the 2018 (rejected) draft of the Withdrawal Agreement, which would leave the UK (in general) in the EU Customs Union and Northern Ireland (in particular) in some aspects of the European ... -
Analisis Perubahan Tata Guna Lahan Terhadap Debit Banjir Sub-Sub DAS Kayang-Slahung-Tempuran (KST)
(Teras Jurnal, 2020-09)Perubahan tata guna lahan mempengaruhi puncak debit banjir pada suatu DAS. Setiap tahunnya, Kota Ponorogo dilanda bencana banjir pada saat musim penghujan tiba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perubahan ... -
Performance Assessment of Bondoyudo Watershed Management
(Ukarst : Universitas Kadiri Riset Teknik Sipil, 2021-02-05)Continues decrease of vegetation will result in a high erosion and sedimentation rate in the Bondoyudo watershed. This will result in reduced water retention capacity and accelerate land degradation. This study aims to ... -
Analisis Numerik Ekses Tekanan Air Pori dan Perpindahan Tanah Akibat Pemancangan
(-, 2015-06-11)Instalasi tiang pondasi pada tanah lunak dapat mengakibatkan ekses tekanan air pori dan perpindahan radial disekitarnya. Kedua hal tersebut menyebabkan masalah untuk struktur tanah yang berada didekatnya. Makalah ini ...