Browsing LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 7365
The 1998 Banyuwangi Humanitarian Case (In Socio-Economic Studies)
(Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal), 2022-04-30)The change of power from the New Order era to the reform era was accompanied by various major problems, such as the problem of KKN (corruption, collusion, nepotism), the economic crisis, and cases of violence. One of ... -
The 2-Distance Chromatic Number of Some Wheel Related Graphs
(Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), Volume 103, Number 3, 2018, Pages 645-657, 2018-02-09)Let ( )EVG , be a simple and connected graph of vertex set V and edge set E. By the 2-distance chromatic number of a graph G, we mean a map ( ) { }k c GV ,1 ,2 ,3 ..., : → such that any two vertices ... -
The 2014 Indonesian General Election and Beyond: Melting “Frozen” Cleavages
(2016-12-21)This study investigates Lipset-Rokkan’s ‘‘freezing hypothesis’’ based on the contemporary Indonesia cleavages by analyzing the 2014 election together with the previous elections. This study found the endured cleavages ... -
3-Dimensional Eksternal Electric Field Effect (Stark Effect) On the Ground State Energy of Tritium Atom
(IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics, 2019-03-10)Tritium Atom is a Radioisotope that has a half-life of 12.3 years. This atom produces beta decay with a maximum generated energy of 18.598 KeV and an average energy of 5.7 KeV. Tritium radiation is still relatively safe, ... -
The 32 kDa Outer Membrane Proteins of Klebsiella pneumoniae Acts as A Bacterial Adhesin
(Jurnal Ilmu Dasar, 2022-07-02)Klebsiella pneumoniae is a bacterium that often causes infection in the human body. At present K. pneumoniae can resist some of the antibiotics it has associated with modification of one of the virulence factors possessed ... -
45 kDa Fimbria Protein of Proteus mirabilis as Hemagglutinin and Adhesion Protein
(2019-01-17)Proteus mirabilis is opportunistic and nosocomial pathogen that usually found in clinical specimen from patients with catheter. The pathogenic mechanism of the bacteria are not fully elucidated especially its potential ... -
Ability of Net Income in Predicting Dividend Yield: Operating Cash Flow as a Moderating Variable
(2018-01-31)The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of net income in predicting dividend yield with operating cash flow as a moderating variable on manufacturing companies of the consumer goods industry sector listed in ... -
Ability to Pay and Willingness to Pay Analysis of Clean Water Needs from Dusun Sepuran, Jember Regency
(Journal of Indonesian Applied Economics, Vol.7 No.2, 2017: 190-200, 2017-12-01)This study aimed to discover how the people of Dusun Sepuran in Jember Regency could fulfill clean water needs using Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) approaches. This study used quantitative analysis ... -
Ability to Pay and Willingness to Pay Analysis of Dusun Sepuran Society Toward Clean Water Fulfillment Needs
(2018-01-22)This research aimed to discover how Dusun Sepuran society could fulfill clean water needs using Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) approach. This research used quantitative analysis method affirmed by ... -
Ability to Report Emergency at Farmers in the Agriculture Area
(NurseLine Journal, 2021-11-02)Low knowledge and motivation about using personal protective equipment on farmers can cause workplace accidents. Upper limb injuries comprise 67% of all injuries, and the most active parts are fingers (43%). Due to the ... -
Abnormal Chloroplast Development and Growth Inhibition in Rice Thioredoxin m Knock-Down Plants
(2017-11-27)Plant cells contain several thioredoxin isoforms that are characterized by subcellular localization and substrate specificity. Here, we describe the functional characterization of a rice (Oryza sativa) thioredoxin m isoform ... -
Absence of legislation and the quest for an effective mode of governance in agricultural water management: An insight from an irrigation district in central java, indonesia
(RESEARCH ARTICLE, 2020-03-27)This paper explores the historical and contemporary governance of water users' associations (WUAs) in an irrigation district in Central Java, Indonesia. The historical governance was explored through in-depth interviews ... -
Accelerating Wound Healing of Traumatic Ulcer with Topical Application of Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome and Robusta Green Coffee Bean Extract Combination in vivo
(Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, 2023-04-12)Objective: To investigate the ability of a combination dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell secretome (DPMSCS), robusta green coffee bean extract (RGCBE), and Carboxymethylcellulose-Natrium (CMC-Na) in a Wistar rats model ... -
Accompaniment Application of Muzara’Ah Contract in Coffee Plantation Area Between Forest Management Unit (KPH) of Perhutani Company Jember and Mulyorejo Village
(Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2023-04-21)Muslims are prohibited from carrying out economic muamalah activities in any field without knowledge about muamalah. Muzara'ah is an agricultural processing cooperation between the land owner and cultivator, the land owner ... -
Accounting Treatment of Biological Assets for Agricultural Companies in Jember and Bondowoso
(2019-01-29)Application of IAS 41-Agriculture in developed countries contrast with agricultural entities conditions in developing countries especially for Indonesia. The adoption of IAS 41 makes DSAK-IAI issue PSAK 69 Agriculture ... -
Accrual-Based Government Financial Reporting Information System: Acceptance Model from An Indonesian Municipal Government
(Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 2020-06-02)The implementation of a full accrual base in the Indonesian government has a significant impact on changes in the government accounting system. These changes in accounting recognition base have a substantial effect on ... -
Accuracy of DSM By Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the Downstream of Welang Riverbank, District of Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
(Ukarst : Universitas Kadiri Riset Teknik Sipil, 2021-04-01)The Digital Surface Model (DSM) is commonly used in studies on flood map modeling. The lack of accurate, high-resolution topography data has hindered flood modeling. The use of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can help ... -
Achieving Self-Sufficiency Through Sugar Supply and Demand Policies (Dynamics System Approach)
(INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 8, ISSUE 03, MARCH 2019, 2019-03-01)In 2010 to 2016, Indonesia imported white crystal sugar (WCS) to fulfill the household consumption. The objectives of this research are to: 1) examine the possibility of achieving self-sufficiency of WCS without the policy ... -
Acombinationofcheekflap,Cartilageinsertion,and Fattransferonpost-Traumalowereyelidectropion Reconstruction
(JRE:Jurnal Rekonstruksi dan Estetik VOL.9 NO.2, DECEMBER 2024, 2024-12-01)Introduction:Ectropion correction surgery is a procedure designed to restore the anterior lamella to its anatomical position. This study aims to propose a combination of cheek flap and fat transfer as a method for ... -
The Act Protection for Islamic Banks in Financing Land and Rubber Plantation Ownership
(Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam, Volume 4 No. 1. Januari-Juni 2020, 2020-06-01)Islamic banks in channeling funds to the public with two types, namely financing with the profit-sharing system and financing with the sale and purchase system with deferred payment. Revenue sharing system is a system ...