Now showing items 41-50 of 54
Quo Vadis: The Legal Politics of Islamic Banks Under Post-law Number 21 of 2008 on Sharia Banking
(JCH (Jurnal Cendekia Hukum), 2023-03)
The existence of legal politics in Islamic banks comprises the most common method for creating and enforcing regulations that can illustrate the kind and course in which the law will be constructed and implemented on the ...
Upaya Hukum Atas Penentuan Nilai Limit Lelang oleh Bank di Bawah Harga Pasar
(Yurispruden, 2021-06)
The limit value was a key part in the auction. The bank was as a seller who would determine auction limit value which was based on the assessor’s assessment and evaluator’s estimation ruled in the ...
Characteristic of Wakalah Contract in Financing With Murabahah
(Jurnal Notariil, 2022-11)
Act Number 21 of 2008 about Islamic Banking regulates that one of the businesses of Islamic commercial banks is to channel financing under a murabahah contract. Fatwa of the National Sharia Council – MUI No. 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 ...
Implikasi Hukum Terhadap Kredit Bermasalah pada Perusahaan Pembiayaan Saat Wabah Pandemi Covid-19
(Jurnal Hukum Mimbar Justitia, 2022-06)
Di era Pandemi Covid-19 sebagai salah satu bentuk bencana nasional yang harus mendapat perhatian khusus, karena kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 sangat berpengaruh pada kesehatan dan perekonomian masyarakat. Perekonomian masyarakat ...
Prinsip Kemanfaatan Ujrah pada Take Over Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR) di Bank Syariah melalui Pendekatan Maqāshīd Syarīah
(Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2022-12-31)
Sistem ujrah dalam take over kredit kepemilikan rumah di bank syariah terhadap penggunaan akad hawalah dan qardh yang pada dasarnya kedua akad tersebut termasuk jenis akad tabarru’ yang bersifat tolong menolong, sukarela ...
Tinjauan Maslahah Murshalah Pemilik Kartu Kredit dalam Kegiatan Gesek Tunai
(Template Jurnal Fundamental, 2022)
Dalam perkembangan ekonomi Islam khususnya transaksi perbankan memerlukan kepastian hukum terkait kegiatan transaksi produk tersebut boleh dilakukan atau tidak mengingat tidak ada nash yang dapat dirujuk atas aktivitas ...
Disharmony of Foreign Citizens' Ownership Rights on Flat Units According to Law Number 11 of 2020 Concerning Job Creation
(International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 2022-12-23)
Public needs related to residents are increasing due to increasing population growth. However, the available land as a place to live is increasingly limited, giving rise to a multi-storey building business called flats ...
Legal Review of Dangerous Skincare Users in the Perspective of Islamic Law and Consumer Protection Law
(KRTHA Bhayangkara, 2023-03-21)
Kecantikan kulit merupakan kebutuhan primer wanita, akibatnya pasar kosmetik naik signifikan sepanjang tahun pada merek dalam dan luar negeri. Tejadi penyalahgunaan pelaku usaha yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan ...
Implikasi Hukum Pailitnya Perseroan Perorangan Terhadap Direksi di Indonesia
(Jurnal Ilmiah Dunia Hukum, 2022-04)
The existence of law number 11 of 2020 concerning job creation has given birth to a new type of limited liability company, namely a company that meets micro and small business standards, or as government regulation number ...
Human Rights Perspective of Protection Law for The Outsourcing Bank Workers in Ciptakerja Omnibus Law Bill
(Pandecta, 2022-12)
In economic development, The bank is one of the economic “spine ”of the country, competition in the world of banking business makes bank needs to focus for creating many products and services which is related to their main ...