LECTURER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION (Publikasi Ilmiah): Recent submissions
Now showing items 681-700 of 12793
The Pattern and Trend of Fatwa Related to Halal Consumption Law in Negara Brunei Darussalam: Analyzing Historical Data of Previous Fatwas Issued
(Diponegoro Law Review, 2022-04)Fatwa has been issued in Brunei since the appointment of the first state mufti in 1961, releasing a total of 1525 fatwas throughout his service until 1994. This effort is being continued by Brunei’s current state of mufti ... -
Upaya Hukum Debitur Atas Penentuan Nilai Limit Lelang Oleh Bank
(Yurispruden, 2021-06)The limit value was a key part in the auction. The bank was as a seller who would determine auction limit value which was based on the assessor’s assessment and evaluator’s estimation ruled in the article 44 paragraph (1) ... -
Prevalence and Factors Associated with Care Dependency of Cancer Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy
(Jurnal Kesehatan Tambusai, 2023-06)Increasing the number of cancer patients need exploration of the impact of cancer and chemotherapy. Care dependency is one impact of chemotherapy treatment and can affect the quality of life. Therefore, the prevalence and ... -
Pengembangan Proposisi Nilai Bisnis Sayuran Hidroponik P4S Hikmah Farm Kabupaten Kediri
(Jurnal Agrosains, 2023-04-28)Hydroponic agriculture is a method of producing plants that does not use soil as a growing medium, instead relying on water and a nutrient solution. Hydroponic agriculture is a method of producing plants that does not ... -
Keragaan Permintaan Pangan Hewani Berdasarkan Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Jawa Timur di Masa Pandemi COVID-19
(Cermin : Jurnal Penelitian, 2023-07-01)Perilaku terkait konsumsi pangan rumah tangga khususnya pangan hewani sangat erat hubungannya dengan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Tujuan daripada penelitian adalah memberikan rekomendasi kepada pemerintah terkait kebijakan ... -
Pendampingan Manajemen Pengelolaan Cafe dan Kolam Pancing Omahkui Berbasis Protokol Covid-19
(Jurnal Abdidas, 2023)Dalam perkembangan globalisasi, kebutuhan dan gaya hidup dasar masyarakat di Indonesia sangatlah beragam. Salah satu kebutuhan manusia adalah makanan dan minuman. Kebutuhan manusia berupa makanan dan minuman dapat diperoleh ... -
Forecast of Waste Generated and Waste Fleet using Linear Regression Model
(Polis Journal Environmental Studies, 2023)Sukolilo District has 115,855 inhabitants with a population density of 4,897 inhabitants/square kilometers. The increase of population simultaneously increase the rate of waste generation. The increase in the rate of waste ... -
Transfer Teknologi Pemanfaatan Limbah OrganikdiDesa BaletbaruAreal Wilayah PondokPesantren Nurul MuhajirinMenjadi PupukOrganik Cairdan Pupuk Organik Padat
(AJIE, 2019-01-01)Baletbaru Village has several Islamic boarding schools, and this region has tremendous potential for community development activity to overcome problems that exist. Therefore, our partner in this training is one of the ... -
Penyakit Infeksi Balita Sebagai Dampak Sanitasi Lingkungan Yang Buruk: Studi Literatur
(J-KESMAS Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2023-05)Implementation of environmental sanitation is one form of effort that can be done to improve public health. However, until now the implementation of environmental sanitation is still not optimal, causing the potential for ... -
Pelatihan Budidaya Anggrek untuk Peningkatan Jiwa Wirausaha bagi Masyarakat Pecinta Anggrek Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal Panrita Abdi, 2021-11-01)UPT Agrotechnopark sebagai mitra pelaksana Perguruan Tinggi Program Pengembangan Usaha Produk Intelektual Kampus (PPUPIK) memiliki revenue generating berupa pengembangan komoditi tanaman hias yaitu anggrek. Salah satu ... -
Penguatan Dan Pengembangan Model Bisnis Berkelelanjutan Glen Choco : Pendekatan Triple Layer Business Model Canvas
(Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2022-07-31)Cocoa plants are a leading plantation commodity that entirely exists in Indonesia. One of which is the highest production of Edel Cocoa in 2019 located at PTPN XII Kendenglembu, which has cocoa processing industry, namely ... -
Tsunami Disaster Risk Assessment Using a Geographic Information System for Puger Sub-District, Jember Regency
(Jurnal Teknik Pengairan, 2023-10-10)The southern region of East Java is located on the Indo-Australian plate. The shifting of these plates allows for earthquakes that trigger tsunamis to occur. The earthquake leads to the impact of a tsunami in several areas, ... -
Analisis pengembangan Agroindustri Pindang Family dengan Pendekatan Triple Layered Business Model Canvas
(Media Agribisnis, 2023-05-30)The pindang family agroindustry is a pindang fish agroindustry that produces pindang fish with tuna as the main raw material, which is intended to get more added value and a more durable product. This study aims to (1) ... -
Risk Mapping of Tsunami Ambulu Sub-District, Jember Regency
(Jurnal Teknik Pengairan, 2023-05)Tsunami risk level mapping was carried out in Ambulu Sub-District, Jember Regency, to determine the tsunami risk level in the area. Tsunami risk mapping was carried out by including several components such as vulnerability, ... -
Perencanaan Bangunan Pelindung Pantai di Desa Pesisir Besuki Kabupaten Situbondo
(Teras Jurnal, 2023-03)Desa Pesisir yang terletak di Timur Pelabuhan Besuki Kabupaten Situbondo mengalami tangkis jebol dan rusak sepanjang 450 meter akibat diterjang gelombang laut. Angin kencang dan ombak besar yang menerjang tangkis pada 28 ... -
Wind-Generated Wave Simulation on Payangan Beach Utilizing DELFT3D
(Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2021-07)The Southern Coastal area of Jember has been damaged almost yearly by coastal flooding and high waves, especially Payangan Beach. A study on high waves is urgently needed for disaster risk preparedness. This study is ... -
Tsunami Mitigation Strategy at Watu Ulo Beach Based on Numerical Modeling Using Delft3D-Flow
(Ukarst, 2022-10-26)The coastal area of Watu Ulo Beach in Jember has great resource potential but also the potential for major disasters, such as a tsunami. Tsunamis can cause casualties and destroy buildings. Thus, it is important to assess ... -
Prototype of Building Monitoring System Using Vibration Sensor Based on Wireless Sensor Network
(International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2022-12-22)The building is a critical civil infrastructure for human life, so it needs maintenance. One way of maintenance is to monitor the condition of the building regularly so that it can minimize early damage and use can ... -
Water Pipeline Monitoring System Using Flow Sensor Based on the Internet of Things
(Jurnal Arus Elektro Indonesia (JAEI), 2023-04-01)Pipe leakage is one of the most common problems in agriculture. Especially if the agricultural land is quite large, it will be challenging to determine the location if a leak occurs. Active sensors are not recommended ... -
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Manajemen Usaha Kelompok Tani Kopi di Kalibaru Banyuwangi
(TRIDARMA: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM), 2020-11-01)Kelompok Tani Kenongo Mukti merupakan kelompok tani yang bergerak di bidang usaha kopi yang berada di Kecamatan Kalibaru Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Sebagaimana kelompok tani yang lain, kelompok tani kenongo mukti juga mengalami ...