LECTURER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION (Publikasi Ilmiah): Recent submissions
Now showing items 521-540 of 12793
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Effects in Patients With Insomnia: A Literature Review
(FUNDAMENTAL AND MANAGEMENT NURSING JOURNAL, 2022-04-30)Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is often complained by adults. The impacts of insomnia have been widely reported to decrease productivities, less involvement in social activities, and decline mental health status. ... -
Implementation of SDKI and SIKI in COPD Patients With Nursing Problems Ineffective Airway Clearance
(BIMIKI: BERKALA ILMIAH MAHASISWA ILMU KEPERAWATAN INDONESIA, 2023-07-01)Bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif merupakan salah satu masalah keperawatan yang menyebabkan penurunan kualitas kesehatan pada pasien PPOK. Perawat membutuhkan praktik keperawatan berbasis bukti untuk menegakkan dan ... -
Volvulus Due to Mesenteric Cysts in Infants and Children; A Case Report
(MEJDD, 2022-10-30)Mesenteric cysts are defined as benign intra-abdominal tumors located in the mesentery. It was a rare disease with an incidence of 1:20000 in children. The most common location was in the small bowel mesentery. Most ... -
Respon Stres terkait Dosis Pertama Vaksinasi Covid-19 pada Dokter Muda Rumah Sakit dr. Soebandi Jember
(Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences, 2023-02-28)Vaksinasi merupakan salah satu upaya yang direkomendasikan untuk mengentaskan pandemi Covid-19. Sayangnya, masih banyak terjadi penolakan vaksinasi oleh masyarakat. Salah satu penyebab penolakan vaksinasi antara lain ... -
Aplikasi Bank Sampah Berbasis Android Untuk Mengoptimalkan Pengelolaan Sampah di Desa Sumbersuko Kecamatan Purwosari Kabupaten Pasuruan
([JURNAL KREATIVITAS PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT (PKM), 2023-04-04)Sampah yang dibuang sembarangan menjadi sumber penularan berbagai penyakit, sementara itu persoalan pengelolaan sampah dari hulu ke hilir belum dapat dikatakan berjalan dengan optimal. Karenanya diperlukan pengelolaan sampah ... -
Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Total Bakteri pada Ayam Goreng Tepung di Kawasan Universitas Jember
(ACTA VETERINARIA INDONESIANA, 2023-07-01)Ayam goreng tepung biasa dijual di sepanjang jalan dan pusat makanan cepat saji di kawasan Universitas Jember. Lama penyimpanan ayam goreng tepung yang diperhatikan karena berbahan dasar ayam yang rentan terhadap pembusukan ... -
Penerapan Analytical Hierarchy Process dalam Penentuan Kelayakan Produksi Susu Argopuro Probolinggo
(SEMNASMAT, 2023-06-03)Kelayakan produksi susu dapat dilihat dari kepuasan konsumen. Konsumen menjadi faktor kunci penentu atas keberhasilan atau kegagalan suatu perusahaan di dalam memasarkan produknya Standar kualitas hasil produksi susu ... -
Analisis Sensitivitas Optimasi Produksi Roti Menggunakan Metode Goal Programming
(SEMNASMAT, 2023-06-03)Difa bakery adalah salah satu usaha di Genteng, Kabupaten Banyuwangi yang memproduksi roti dan memiliki kendala yaitu produksi yang tidak konsisten. Hal ini mempengaruhi keuntungan yang diperoleh perusahaan sehingga perlu ... -
Penerapan Goal Programming untuk Optimalisasi Penjadwalan Jam Kerja Satuan Pengamanan
(Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing (JAIC), 2023-07-25)One common challenge in security system management is the scheduling of security guards' work. Proper work scheduling is essential to prevent physical and psychological fatigue, which can negatively impact their performance. ... -
The Relationship Between Mothers' Knowledge Level about Exclusive Breastfeeding and Providing Exclusive Breastfeeding Behavior
(Health and Technology Journal (HTECHJ), 2023-08-06)Child health problems in Indonesia are affected by the high infant mortality rate (IMR). One of the reasons for the high infant mortality rate in Indonesia is the low level of breastfeeding immediately after birth ... -
Brainstorming Effect in Pregnant Women on Knowledge of Childbirth Planning and Complications Prevention Programs
(Health and Technology Journal (HTECHJ), 2023-08-05)The birth planning and complication prevention program (P4K) is an effort from the government to reduce maternal mortality (MMR). To support these efforts, learning needs to be provided; brainstorming provides a structured ... -
The Effect of Baby Spa on Body Weight Changes in Babies Aged 3-6 Months
(Health and Technology Journal (HTECHJ), 2023-06-23)Infants aged 0-6 months are the most vulnerable to growth disorders. One way to increase a baby's weight is through baby SPA. This study aimed to determine the effect of infant SPA on weight changes in infants aged 3-6 ... -
Relationship Between Maternal Parity and Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage
(Relationship Between Maternal Parity and Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage, 2023-06-23)Primary postpartum hemorrhage is bleeding that occurs within the first 24 hours. Primary postpartum hemorrhage greatly affects maternal parity. One of the causes of maternal death related to bleeding is maternal parity. ... -
The Relationship between Exclusive Breastfeeding and Stunting Incidents in Candipuro Village
(Health and Technology Journal (HTECHJ), 2023-06-23)Stunting is a problem of chronic malnutrition caused by a lack of nutrition for a long time, resulting in growth disorders. The condition of inadequate nutritional intake in children is important for stunting. The best ... -
Inhibiting the growth of periopathogenic bacteria and accelerating bone repair processes by using robusta coffee bean extract
(The Saudi Dental Journal, 2023-03-24)Background: Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the teeth-supporting tissues caused by microorganisms. Robusta coffee bean extract has antibacterial properties due to its caf feine, flavonoids, trigonelline, and ... -
Accelerating Wound Healing of Traumatic Ulcer with Topical Application of Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome and Robusta Green Coffee Bean Extract Combination in vivo
(Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, 2023-04-12)Objective: To investigate the ability of a combination dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell secretome (DPMSCS), robusta green coffee bean extract (RGCBE), and Carboxymethylcellulose-Natrium (CMC-Na) in a Wistar rats model ... -
Legis Ratio of Tax Imposition to the Transfer of Land Rights through Instruction
(Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 2022-11-01)Inheritance is a legal event that occurs when a person dies. Inheritance is the process of transferring inheritance from the deceased heir to heirs who are related by blood and marriage to the heir. When a person dies, ... -
Eradication Strategy against the Crime of Money Laundering in Indonesia
(Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 2022-11-01)The crime of money laundering can tarnish the life of the nation and state because this crime can endanger the stability and security of the community. This study aims to examine strategies for eradicating the crime of ... -
Legal Protection on Good Intention Buyers Against the Auction Object Due to the Execution of Liability Rights
(International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 2022-11-14)The problem of land in human life is very important, because most of human life is very dependent on the land. Therefore, buying and selling is not only the transfer of ownership rights to land to other parties, but also ... -
Legal Certainty of Income Tax Exemption on the Transfer of Rights to Land in the Sharing of Collective Integration Rights
(International Journal of Social Science and Education Research Studies, 2022-11-07)The transfer of property to certain heirs for the joint ownership of the object of inheritance must be transferred by way of the distribution of joint rights, which is based on the APHB. Article 4 paragraph (3) letter b ...