The Role Of Memorable Tourism Experience As Mediating The Effect Of Tourism Components On Revisit Intention With Need For Uniqueness Moderating Variables At Blue Diamond Beach
NAYON, Ganang Rahmaddhan
SUSANTO, Arnis Budi
Show full item recordAbstract
Tourism is a series of related phenomena that arise from interactions that occur related to
culture, economics, and social phenomena by domestic and foreign tourists, business stakeholders, government,
and host communities in the process of visiting tourists. Indonesia has very abundant natural wealth due to
geographical conditions, which include mountains, tropical rain forests, beaches, and oceans which can be
utilized as one of the sectors that play a role in economic growth. The geographical location of Jember Regency
makes the beach one of the tourist destinations chosen by tourists from within and around Jember Regency; with
the many choices available, there are several beaches that are tourist destinations, namely Papuma Beach,
Payangan Beach, and Watu Ulo Beach. This study aims to examine the effect of the tourism components
consisting of Attraction, Accessibility, Amenities, and Ancillaries on Revisit Intention. Furthermore, this study
also examines the role of the intervening variable, namely Memorable Tourism Experience, in relation to revisit
intention using the need for uniqueness as a moderating variable.
Methods: This research is explanatory research using a quantitative approach through survey methods. The
population in this study is Blue Diamond Beach tourism visitors, which include Papuma Beach, Watu Ulo
Beach, and Payangan Beach, who have traveled 2 or more times. The number of samples was 130 people with a
sampling technique in the form of purposive sampling. This study uses the inferential statistical method of
structural equation modeling – partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using SmartPLS version 3.3.9 software.
Results: The results of this study have answered the objectives previously described, namely to obtain empirical
evidence of the effect of attraction, accessibility, amenities and ancillaries either directly or indirectly on
memorable tourism experiences. The attraction has an effect on a memorable tourism experience; this influence
shows that a destination that has attractions or various attributes in tourism will have more impact in shaping
the experience that tourists have. Findings about the effect of memorable tourism experiences on revisit
intention, as well as revisit intention moderated by the need for uniqueness, also have or describe the results of
the research that has been done. The results of the study state that a memorable tourism experience is able to
form revisit intention
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]