The Role Of Need For Uniqueness Moderation On The Effect Of Tourism Attraction On Revisit Intention With Mediation Of Tourist Motivation In Ranupani Lumajang Tourism Village
IRAWAN, Bambang
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The development of tourist villages is the government's mission to improve people's welfare,
through the development of productive businesses in the tourism sector, in accordance with local potential and
resources. Rural tourism includes a large number of activities, natural or man-made attractions, facilities and
amenities, transportation, marketing and information systems. Revisit intention in the tourism sector is
considered an important factor for business growth and continuity, so that businesses grow and develop. This
study aims to examine the effect of tourist attraction on tourists' intention to revisit the Ranupani Tourism
Village, Lumajang. In addition, this study also examines the moderating role of need for uniqueness and the
mediating role of tourist motivation in the relationship between tourist attraction and intention to revisit.
Methods: This research is an explanatory research using a quantitative approach using survey methods. The
population in this study as a whole is all tourists who are visiting the Ranupani Lumajang Tourism Village. The
number of samples is 180 people with the sampling technique in the form of accidental sampling. This study
uses the inferential statistical method of structural equation modeling – partial least squares (SEM-PLS) using
SmartPLS version 3.3.9 software.
Results: The results of the direct interaction test show that tourist attraction has an effect on tourist motivation,
tourist motivation has an effect on intention to revisit and tourist attraction has an effect on intention to revisit.
Furthermore, the results of the indirect interaction test reveal that the need for uniqueness is able to moderate
the relationship between tourist attraction and influence on intention to revisit. The results of the mediation test
using the Sobel Test provide empirical evidence that the mediating variable of tourist motivation is able to
mediate partially (partial mediation) the relationship between tourist attraction and intention to revisit
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]