LECTURER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION (Publikasi Ilmiah): Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 12793
Determinant Analysis of Hand Hygiene Compliance and Its Relation to HAIs in Hospitals: Systematic Literature Review
(Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2024-02-01)Hand hygiene is one of the practical steps that healthcare providers can take to reduce the incidence of HAIs or nosocomial infections. The percentage of hand hygiene compliance is still low, between 35-55.3%. Several ... -
The Influence of Perceived Subjective Norms on Nurses' Hand Hygiene Behavior: Intention as an Intervening Variable
(Jurnal Kesehatan Dr. Soebandi, 2024-04-20)Hand hygiene merupakan salah satu upaya dalam menurunkan risiko Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs). Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh persepsi norma subjektif terhadap perilaku hand hygiene perawat ... -
The Effect of Distraction Therapy in Reducing Children's Anxiety During Circumcision
(JCEMTY, 2024-05-01)Sirkumsisi atau sunat adalah prosedur pembedahan yang melibatkan pembuangan seluruh atau sebagian kulup penis dengan tujuan untuk menjaga kebersihan area vital agar tidak mudah terinfeksi. Pada tahun 2020, 85% anak ... -
Pengaruh Sikap dalam Membentuk Niat Perilaku Hand hygiene pada Perawat di Rumah Sakit
(ARTERI : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2024-02-01)Kepatuhan hand hygiene masih rendah baik di negara maju maupun berkembang. Sikap yang positif dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan hand hygiene. Adanya niat dalam diri seseorang maka dapat memunculkan sikap untuk berperilaku. ... -
Overview and Correlation Between Work Stress and Dry Eyes Syndrome among Nurses in Indonesia
(Nursing and Health Sciences Journal, 2024-01-30)Exhausted nurses in providing nursing care can impact work stress. Many factors cause work stress. Work stress is the type of psychological stress that reduces the lacrimal gland's activity, affecting dry eye syndrome. ... -
The Impact of 30-Degree Head-Up Position on Cerebral Perfusion in Moderate Brain Injury Patients
(Jurnal Kegawatdaruratan Medis Indonesia (JKMI), 2024-02-21)Nursing problems in brain injury patients include the risk of ineffective perfusion due to reduced oxygen flow to the brain, which, if not treated immediately, will increase intracranial pressure (ICP). One way to increase ... -
Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Penurunan Curah Jantung Dengan Intervensi Posisi Semi fowler: Studi Kasus Pada Pasien Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) Di Ruang Intensive Cardiac Care Unit (ICCU)
(Jurnal Imiah Ners Indonesia (JINI), 2024-05-31)Gagal jantung dekompensasi atau yang disebut juga Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) terjadi secara langsung (akut atau subakut) dengan gejala yang bertahap dari keluhan awal berupa keletihan, distensi vena jugularis, ... -
Stimulating Development Method to Promote Health in Children Withintellectual Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: A Systematic Literature Review
(NurseLine Journal, 2024-05-01)During the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers and parents play a crucial role in supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities, necessitating adjustments in self-care and the acquisition of essential caregiving skills. ... -
Social Work In Handling Terrorism: Roles And Challenges
(Tarbawi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Isu-isu Sosial, 2024-06-01)Social work is a profession that has been doing social work which since the 20th century has expanded not only to social issues but also to terrorism. This article discussed the role of social worker in handling terrorism ... -
Kajian Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial: Intervensi Komunitas
(Ruang Karya, 2024-05-01)Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial atau yang lebih dikenal dengan Pembangunan Sosial merupakan suatu upaya untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat. Meski diawal kemunculannya, pembangunan sosial sangat tidak diminati lantaran ... -
Nursing Care of Acute Pain in Multiple Fractures with Spiritual Therapy Quantum Touch and Finger Holding: A Case Study
(Jurnal Kegawatdaruratan Medis Indonesia (JKMI), 2024-02-01)Multiple Fractures or broken bones are a condition where the continuity of the bones is broken in a complex manner, this is caused by trauma caused by frequent traffic accidents. Objective: To analyze the effect of a ... -
Literature Review : Gambaran Tindakan Perawat Mengatasi Nyeri Pasien Post Operasi Laparatomi di Rumah Sakit
(Bima Nursing Jurnal, 2024-05-01)Nyeri post operasi laparatomi disebabkan karena adanya diskontinuitas jaringan atau adanya luka operasi akibat insisi pembedahan, sehingga sel saraf kulit menjadi rusak. Nyeri laparatomi sering ditemukan dalam tingkat ... -
Comparison of Anxiety Levels in MDR-TB Patients with Individual and Short-term Regimens at Dr. Soebandi Regional General Hospital, Jember, Indonesia
(Jurnal Respirasi (Journal of Respirology), 2024-05-01)Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a form of TB that shows resistance to both isoniazid and rifampicin. Globally, the number of new MRD-TB cases has continued to rise since 2020. Indonesia is positioned among ... -
Influence Analysissupportive Educational Nursing towards Knowledge about TB Disease in Pulmonary TB Sufferers
(International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM), 2023-03-01)Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease which is one of the 10 main causes of death worldwide and is the main cause of death due to infectious diseases. The researcher aims to further explore the influence of family-based ... -
Active Cycle of Breathing Technique: The Right Choice for Ineffective Airway Clearance Nursing Problem
(Jurnal Kegawatdaruratan Medis Indonesia (JKMI), 2024-02-28)Management of secretions is one of the main problems faced in the medical condition of respiratory disorders. the use of complementary therapy techniques to treat airway clearance such as the active cycle of breathing ... -
Intradialytic Exercise, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Deep Breathrelaxation for Qol in Hemodialysis Patients: Systematic Review
(NurseLine Journal, 2024-05-12)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing continuous hemodialysis (HD) experience decreased daily physical activity, lower tolerance to exercise and poorer health-related quality of life. Thus, HD patients need ... -
Description of Illness Perception in Diabetic Retinopathy Patients at RSD Dr. Soebandi Jember
(-, 2022-12-28)Diabetic retinopathy patients have different perceptions about how to take care of themselves. Some have a negative perception of dealing with their illness, which can cause the patient to become depressed, it affects ... -
Teknologi Berbasis Animasi Sebagai Sarana Edukasi Anak dalam Mencegah Penularan Hepatitis Akut di Sekolah
(Panrita Abdi, 2024-01-01)TEKNISI merupakan teknologi yang dimodifikasi tampilannya dalam video animasi. TEKNISI di desain untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan anak sebagai upaya mencegah terjadinya penularan hepatitis akut di lingkungan sekolah. TEKNISI ... -
Edukasi Kader Kesehatan Tentang Deteksi Resiko Luka Kaki Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Di Desa Mayang
(Abdimasku, 2024-01-01)Kader kesehatan memiliki peran penting dalam deteksi dini factor risiko komplikasi penyakit di masyarakat pertanian. Namun, kader kesehatan memiliki hambatan dalam penguasaan keterampilan tersebut, terutama keterampilan ... -
Consumer Behavior Gen Z
(Citraland CBD Boulevard, 2024-01-14)Dalam kehidupan ini terjadi perubahan yang terus menerus, keadaan tersebut terjadi karena proses perkembangan. Proses perkembangan ini secara langsung atau tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi kehidupan perekonomian. ...