Now showing items 181-200 of 12793

    • The role of collaborative competitiveness marketing tourism towards sustainable competitive advantage in creative industries in the VUCA era 

      BUSHAIRI, Siti Aliyati Al; SULARSO, Raden Andi; TOBING, Diana Sulianti K; IRAWAN, Bambang (Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 2024-03-14)
      This study examines the influence of strategic flexibility, innovation culture, agility, ambidexterity, and open innovation on sustainable competitive advantage, with corporate innovation and collaborative marketing ...
    • Dynamic Resilient Leadership: Mediating Effects On Logistics Bureau Performance 

      WIDAKDO, Danang; SULARSO, Raden Andi; TITISARI, Purnama; APRIONO, Markus (Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2024-05-15)
      The majority of new employees come from the millennial generation and are required to know things related to technology and information. On the other hand, the leadership’s ability to utilize technology, which is generally ...
    • Mediation Social Media Resonance Relationship Capability And Environmental Turbulence On Social Customer Relationship Management And Corporate Performance 

      SANTOSO, Budi; FATIMAH, Feti; SULARSO, RadenAndi (GENERAL MANAGEMENT, 2024-07-01)
      The business environment, especially in the culinary industry, is experiencing a decline in sales due to policies limiting people's activities caused by the natural phenomenon of the Covid-19 health crisis. Social ...
    • The Influence Of Management Capability On It Capability, Innovation, And Competitive Advantage In The Salt Industry 

      SULARSO, Raden Andi; CHAIRINA, R.R. Lia; SUTANTIO, R. Alamsyah; AFANDI, Mochammad Farid (GENERAL MANAGEMENT, 2024-07-01)
      This study aims to analyze the effect of Management Capability on IT Capability, Innovation, and Competitive Advantage in the Salt Industry. Salt is a basic need for the people of Indonesia, not only for household needs, ...
    • Strengthening micro-entrepreneurs in Indonesia through technical marketing strategies 

      WIGUNA, Ardhitya Alam; SULARSO, Raden Andi; SUROSO, Imam; HANDRIYONO, Handriyono; WULANDARI, Deasy; SUSANTO, Arnis Budi (Contaduria y Administracion, 2024-03-01)
      Global competition is currently affecting every business or organization. Entrepreneurship has grown to prominence in the field of study due to its capacity to dynamize the economy with the help of technological skills ...
    • Proposing a corporate governance model for an Islamic property developer 

      PUSPITASARI, Novi; MUFIDAH, Ana; PRIHATINI, Dewi; PRIHATINIMUHSYI, Abdul; SUROSO, Imam (International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis, 2024-03-01)
      Purpose – The purpose of this study include analyzing the conformity between the General Guidelines for the Governance of the Indonesian Sharia Entities (GGG-ISE) and the implementation in the field and proposing a model ...
    • Psikolinguistik (Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Stunting, Stunted, Dan Normal) 

      ASRUMI, Asrumi (UNEJ Press, 2024-01-01)
      Stunting merupakan gangguan pertumbuhan anak yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya gizi sejak dalam kandungan. Penyakit ini ditandai dengan lambatnya pertumbuhan fisik anak dan mengacu pada perkembangan psikologis anak. ...
    • Buku Ajar Asuhan Keperawatan Medikal Bedah (Menggunakan SDKI, SIKI, SLKI) 

      KRISTINA, Kristina; SASMITO, Priyo; HIDAYATI, Sri; BAWA, Ngakan Nyoman Rai; AZIZAH, Laili Nur; SURATMITI, Ni Nyoman; SARI, Ni Made Sekar; MUHALLA, Hafna Ilmy; SURASTA, I Wayan; SARI, Putu Mariany Purnama; ASTUTI, Nur Muji (SONPEDIA.COM, 2024-05-01)
      Pada bab ini mahasiswa mempelajari tentang konsep dasar keperawatan medikal bedah terkait sistem muskuloskeletal, persarafan dan sistem indera. Mahasiswa juga akan mempelajari hubungan antar masing-masing sistem dan ...
    • Pelatihan Kader dan Orangtua dalam Pertolongan Pertama Kejang Demam pada Anak 

      MUSTIKAWATI, Arista; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasteya; KURNIANTO, Syaifuddin (Media Karya Kesehatan, 2024-05-01)
      Kurang pengetahuan orang tua dalam tatalaksana awal kejang demam di rumah dapat meningkatkan resiko komplikasi seperti kerusakan neurotransmitter dan epilepsi kerusakan akibat kejang yang berlangsung lama. Tujuan pengabdian ...
    • Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Activitiy of Daily Living (ADL) in Post-operative Patients 

      FIBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi; ASTUTI, Anggia; MULYANTORO, Adi; MUSTIKAWATI, Aleikh (Binawan Student Journal (BSJ), 2024-04-01)
      Surgery is a type of treatment using invasive methods which often causes pain, edema, immobilization after surgery, resulting in a decrease in muscle strength and the ability to ambulate. Increasing post-operative patient ...
    • Nurses' experiences regarding nursing competence in the isolation wards during COVID-19 pandemic 

      MAISYAROH, Arista; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya; KURNIANTO, Syaifuddin; FIBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi (Healthcare in Low-resource Settings, 2024-04-22)
      During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was essential for nurses to possess the necessary skills and expertise to provide care for patients in isolation wards designated for COVID-19 cases. This recognition of a nurse’s ...
    • Anemia and Fatigue in Patients With Chronic Kidney Failure 

      MAISYAROH, Arista; M. MASLUFIN, M. Maslufin; FIBRIYANTI, Dwi Ochta; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya; KURNIANTO, Syaifuddin (Jurnal Kesehatan Manarang, 2024-04-01)
      Gagal ginjal kronis mengakibatkan gangguan fungsi ginjal dalam menghilangkan sisa metabolisme dan mengatur keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit secara efektif. Penumpukan limbah metabolit diduga berdampak pada terjadinya ...
    • Efektivitas Terapi Hipnotik Lima Jari Pada Gangguan Stres Pasca Trauma Pasca Bencana 

      RAHMAWATI, Primasari Mahardhika; PEBRIYANTI, Dwi Ochta; SULISTYONO, R. Endro; SUHARI, Suhari (Binawan Student Journal (BSJ), 2024-04-01)
      Bencana alam adalah bencana yang disebabkan oleh terjadinya serangkaian peristiwa alam, seperti gempa bumi, gunung meletus, tanah longsor, dan erupsi gunung. Peristiwa erupsi Gunung Semeru tidak hanya berdampak pada ...
    • Buku Ajar Keperawatan Komunitas 

      ARNA, Yessy Dessy; MAEMONAH, Siti; SULISTYONO, R Endro; HADI, Nurul; ASNIAR, Asniar; PUTRI, Risqina; UTAMI, Sorayati Dwi; RACHMAWATI, Dhian Satya; AMRI, Khaerul; ASIH, Susi Wahyuning; NATALYA, Wiwiek; KHOLIFAH, Siti Nur; YULIANA, Widayani; LAPIAN, Lady Galatia; KAIRUPAN, Michelle; IRIANTO, Gunawan; IRIANTO, Niko Dima; BASRI, Muhammad (CV. SCIENCE TECHNO DIRECT, 2024-02-01)
      Perkembangan definisi kesehatan dipandang dari berbagai aspek dari tahun ke tahun semakin meluas seiring bertambahnya indikator seseorang untuk dikatakan sehat. Ada beberapa aspek yang harus diperhatikan dalam menetukan ...
    • Special Case Report of Geographic Tongue on the Dorsum of the Tongue of a 2.5-Year-Old Boy 

      TRIWAHYUNI, Iin Eliana; SETYORINI, Dyah; OTAFIA, Nenik (Galore International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2024-03-01)
      eographic tongue is a condition that involves the dorsal surface of the tongue. This condition is usually painless, but in some cases, it may be accompanied by pain. The cause is unknown, but it is thought to be ...
    • The Relationship between Parenting Pattern of Parents who Work Outside the Home to the Oral Hygiene of Preschool Children in Bobbin Area of Jember 

      RAAFI, Muhammad Naufal; AZIZ, Aziz; SETYORINI, Dyah; SUKANTO, Sukanto; YANI, Ristya Widi Endah; PRIHATININGRUM, Berlian (International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research Studies, 2024-04-04)
      To examine the overview and relationship of parenting styles of working parents on the oral hygiene of preschool children in the Bobbin Area of Jember. Metode: Parenting styles applied by each parent vary depending on ...
    • Buku Ajar Ilmu Biomedik 

      AZIZAH, Laili Nur; PANGANDAHENG, Tommy; SUHERMAN, Suherman; WULANDARI, Yanti; HIDAYAT, Muhammad; YULISTIANI, Ratna; ACHMAD, Ami Febriza; KRISTINA, Kristina; KASTELLA, Faysal; LAKSONO, Rudy Dwi; FINASIM, Finasim; PRAMESEMARA, I Gusti Ngurah; YULIANTO, Andri (SONPEDIA.COM, 2024-04-01)
      Bunyi dihasilkan melalui vibrasi. Pembentukan bunyi dapat dicontohkan melalui vibrasi kedua ujung garpu tala. Ujung garpu tala bervibrasi ke depan dan belakang, sehingga gerakannya menyebabkan udara tertekan dan terjadi ...
    • Panfacial Trauma-Managing Separated Nasal Cartilage And Extensive Degloving Faciala Case Report 

      ELFIAH, Ulfa; DEWI, Diastri Nur Suprobo (Perapi Jateng DIY, 2024-05-05)
      Seven out of ten victims of trauma in many road traffic accidents are those with facial trauma, who not only experience fractures but mostly also experience soft tissue damage, including lacerations or bruising. Wounds ...
    • Panfacial Trauma-Managing Separated Nasal Cartilage And Extensive Degloving Faciala Case Report 

      ELFIAH, Ulfa; DEWI, Diastri Nur Suprobo (Perapi Jateng DIY, 2024-05-05)
      Seven out of ten victims of trauma in many road traffic accidents are those with facial trauma, who not only experience fractures but mostly also experience soft tissue damage, including lacerations or bruising. Wounds ...
    • Management of Nosocomial Infections in Clinical Practice in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) In Soebandi Hospital 

      ELFIAH, Ulfa; SANTIKA, Suparno Adi; PUTRI, Waulida Zakiyatul Ramadha; SUGIARTO, Lunggita Arabela (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember, 2024-04-26)
      Nosocomial infections have high mortality and morbidity, especially in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI), urinary catheter-related ...