LECTURER SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION (Publikasi Ilmiah): Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 12793
Buku Praktikum Lapang Sistematika Tumbuhan Taman Nasional Baluran
(Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2024-03-01)Taman Nasional Baluran (TNB) memiliki ekosistem unik berupa padang savana alamiah yang mencapai ± 10.000 Ha (40% dari luas kawasan TNB). Ekosistem lain di TNB yaitu Hutan Mangrove, Hutan Pantai, Hutan Payau/Rawa, Hutan ... -
Pemanfaatan Daun Mimba sebagai Herbisida Nabati Berbasis Kearifan Lokal
(Warta Pengabdian, 2024-03-01)Selama ini Daun Mimba dikenal terbukti sebagai pestisida nabati. Namun, hasil uji coba pemanfaatan ekstrak daun mimba ternyata dapat digunakan sebagai herbisida. Pemanfaatan ekstrak daun mimba sebagai herbisida nabati ... -
Green Robusta Coffee Bean Extract (GRCBE) inhibits bone loss in wistar rat models of Lps P. gingivalis and NiTi wire-induced experimental periodontitis
(Phytomedicine Plus, 2024-05-01)Oral exposure to alloys frequently leads to negative reactions, both in the immediate area and across the body. The usage of coffee extracts is anticipated to enhance cellular function by counteracting the effects of ... -
Kopi : Khasiatnya Sebagai Antioksidan dan Antiinflamasi Rongga Mulut
(Intimedia, 2023-10-01)Kopi : Khasiatnya Sebagai Antioksidan dan Antiinflamasi Rongga Mulut -
Pendidikan Kesehatan Pada Anak dan Keluarga
(CV. MEDIA SAINS INDONESIA, 2023-12-01)Pengertian Pendidikan Kesehatan Pada Anak dan Keluarga Dengan Penyakit Kronis/Terminal Pendidikan kesehatan merupakan penerapan atau aplikasi pendidikan dalam bidang kesehatan. Pendidikan kesehatan adalah semua kegiatan ... -
Implementation of Parenting Promotion and Attachment Promotion for Postpartum with Nursing Problems Increased Readiness to Become Parents: Case Study
(HTechJ (Health and Technology Journal), 2024-04-05)Parents must prepare emotionally and psychologically to face pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting so that they can be more confident about their role as parents later. Parents' duties include providing exclusive breast ... -
Efforts To Improve Children's Health After Circumcision Through Flash Card Games
(Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2024-06-07)Pentingnya memahami dampak kesehatan setelah khitan tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata. Secara medis, khitan memiliki manfaat dan risiko tertentu, dan perawatan pasca khitan merupakan langkah krusial untuk memastikan ... -
Pendampingan Dan Pemberdayaan Desa Partisipatif Pengentasan Kemiskinan DI Pedesaan
(DARASIA, 2017-02-01)Pendampingan desa telah menjadi salah satu pendekatan yang signifikan dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Desa, sebagai unit terkecil dalam struktur sosial dan ekonomi suatu negara, ... -
The Low-Quality Influence Of Purchasing: The Case of Fashion Stores In Indonesia
(Proceedings on Engineering Sciences, 2023-11-24)Unplanned purchasing involves buying goods or services influenced by the external environment, which creates low-quality purchasing. This research was conducted towards consumers of the Muslim clothing store in Jember East ... -
OPG and RANKL Expression on Orthodontic Tooth Movement after Cacao Bean Extract Administration
(Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, 2023-09-05)Teeth that are given orthodontic forces can relapse because of excessive resorption on the pressure side. Cocoa bean extract increases bone apposition during bone remodeling by enhancing osteoblast proliferation. This ... -
Health Assistance on Meeting Basic Human Needs (Sleep Rest, Activity) For Quran Memorizing Female Students at PPTQ Muhammadiyah Bani Husein - Kalipepe Yosowilangun In 2023
(Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2024-05-07)Kegiatan pendampingan kesehatan tentang pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar manusia (istirahat tidur dan aktivitas) pada siswi Tahfidz Quran di PPTQ Muhammadiyah Bani Husein -Kalipepe, Yosowilangun, dilakukan untuk ... -
Overview Of Self-Directed Learning Readiness (SDLR) In First Year Nursing Students
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ), 2024-06-17)Self-directed learning (SDL) solves learning challenges using various learning tools. Nursing requires lifelong learning, and SDL is an important skill for practitioners to stay current and effective. It is required of ... -
Pengaruh Terapi Musik Klasik Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Pasca Tindakan Eswl (Extracorporea Shockwave Lithotripsy)
(Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ), 2024-05-01)Terapi modalitas pada kasus batu ginjal salah satunya adalah ESWL (Extracorporea Shock Wave Lithotripsy). Terapi ESWL menimbulkan efek pada jaringan ginjal dan jaringan sekitar salah satunya nyeri pasca tindakan. Terapi ... -
Analisis Sesitivitas Pada Investasi Pembangunan Guest House (Studi Kasus Proyek Guesh House A Kota Madiun)
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS JEMBER, 2024-05-01)Analisis investasi sebelum pelaksanaan pembangunan proyek konstruksi, seperti pembangunan Guesh House di Kota Madiun, sangat penting untuk mengantisipasi berbagai risiko yang mungkin timbul. Berbagai indikator dan metode ... -
Pelatihan Autocad Pada Siswa SMK 3 Pancasila
(FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNIVERSITAS JEMBER, 2024-05-01)SMK 3PANCASILA AMBULU terletak di Jl. Kopral Soetomo No.266, Krajan, Karanganyar, Kec. Ambulu, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68172 . Berdiri sejak 1986 merupakan SMK swasta yeng berfokus pada jurusan Teknik Kendaraan ... -
Information Asymmetry and Gender Inequality among Indonesian Female Migrant Workers (IFMW) in East Java Province
(GENERAL MANAGEMENT, 2023-11-01)Migration is a complex decision and involves many goals and expectations that may conflict with each other. The challenge often faced by migrants in migrating is the information received, which can be used as a basis for ... -
Menabung Kopi: Unique Ways of Gucialit Coffee Farmers, Lumajang, East Java, Indonesia to Get Premium Prices
(International Journal of Social Science Research and Review, 2024-01-01)This study highlights the efforts of a small group of individuals in Gucialit, Lumajang Regency, East Java, Indonesia, who are conscious of the need to get superior coffee goods. This study employs historical approaches ... -
Historical Review of Smallholder Coffee Farmers Population in Kayumas Village, Situbondo Regency
(IHiS (Indonesian Historical Studies) Sinta 2, 2023-06-11)This study discusses the historical context of the existence of community coffee farmers in Kayumas Village, Arjasa District, Situbondo Regency, starting in 1883 until the formation of a coffee farmer group in 2018. Based ... -
Hantu Gentayangan di Perkebunan Tebu Besuki Ujung Timur Jawa
(PT KANISIUS, 2024-01-15)Hantu Gentayangan di Perkebunan Tebu Besuki Ujung Timur Jawa -
Sociodemographic Factors Affecting Diabetic Dietary Behavior in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2024-01-01)Dietary behavior is one of the components of self-care that is difficult for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to perform. The study aimed to determine the sociodemographic factors that influence the dietary ...