LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 1876
Zinc Status and Cadmium Exposure in Stunted Children Aged from 24 to 59 Months: A Cross Sectional Study
(Proceedings Of The 2nd International Symposium Of Public Health, 2017-11-11)Stunting prevalence in Indonesia was increasing year by year. Zinc plays an important role in the growth, development and functioning of all living cells. Cadmium is a heavy toxic heavy metal that can interact with an ... -
An Overview of the Factors that Influence Breastfeeding Mothers in Carrying Out the Covid-19 Vaccine on in Working Area At Gladak Pakem Public Health Center Jember Regency
(Media Keperawatan Indonesia, 2022-11-01)Breastfeeding mothers are included in a vulnerable group that is important to get the COVID-19 vaccine, but some factors influence it carrying out the COVID-19 vaccine. This study aimed to identify the factors that ... -
Gambaran Efikasi Diri Pencegahan Perilaku Berisiko Hiv/aids Remaja di Sman 3 Jember
(Jurnal Keperawatan Sriwijaya, 2020-07-01)Tujuan: Perilaku berisiko merupakan suatu tindakan yang berdampak cidera, kematian dan penyakit salah satunya HIV/AIDS. Jumlah orang dengan HIV/AIDS terus mengalami peningkatan. HIV/AIDS adalah penyebab kematian remaja ... -
The Modification of Rice Cake for Diabetes Mellitus in Elderly
(HEALTHCARE IN PANDEMIC ERA:"THE NEW NORMS", 2020-12-16)Introduction: The phenomenon of over demographic is estimated to occur in 2020-2030 and stakeholder’s attention will be focused on productive age. Meanwhile, the total of the elderly is predicted to be around 48.20 million ... -
Immunophatogenesis of Oral Tuberculosis
(Dentisphere 3, 2016-08-27)Tuberculosis (TB) is the most important bacterial infectious disease in the world. Infecction occurs when a person inhales droplet nuclei containing tubercle bacili that reach the alveoli of the lungs. -
Utilization Of Moringa Leaf Flour And Catfish To Fish Ball For Improving Nutritional Status During The Covid-19 Pandemic
(HEALTHCARE IN PANDEMIC ERA:"THE NEW NORMS", 2020-12-17)Introduction: The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has caused many changes in our life. Protein source diet is essential to maintain immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for PEM (Protein Energy Malnutrition) ... -
Inovasi Penambahan Prebiotik Xilooligosakarida Dan Peningkatan Pemasaran Pada Produk Usaha Kecil Penghasil Kue Pia di Kota Jember
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022-09-16)Program Pengabdian Berbasis Penelitian (PPBP) ini untuk memberdayakan ekonomi usaha pembuatan kue khas Jember. UKM yang dilibatkan adalah UKM produk kue Pia merk “Syam”, usaha ini tidak jauh dari Universitas Jember ... -
The Potency of Rats as Animal Model of Alveolar Bone Remodeling Induced by Orthodontic Tooth Movement
(Airlangga University Press, 2022)The process of alveolar bone remodeling to move the teeth is a time-consuming process and requires visits for repetitive appliance activation leading to discomforting pain that results in most patients being uncooperative ... -
Exploring the Accuracy of Mathematics Students on the Final Semester Assessment Based on Racsh Model Analysis in Timor-Leste
(Springer, 2022)Mathematics is a difficult subject and often bored students with it always low student learning outcomes, in addition to student understanding is still low due to student accuracy is still low. The purpose of this study ... -
Analysis of Identification of Food Insecure Household Characteristics Based on Regional Status in Aceh Province
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021-09-22)The status of regions in Indonesia is divided into two categories, namely rural areas and urban areas. According to the Badan Pusat Statistik (2010), Aceh is ranked as the 12th most food insecure province in Indonesia, the ... -
Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability Index on Potential Agricultural Land - Cvi, Banyuwangi Regency
(E3S Web of Conferences, 2020-01-21)Indonesia is an archipelago country that has the longest coastline after Canada (UNCLOS). Banyuwangi District is a coastal area in Northern Java, which has a very dynamic development because of its location of the capital ... -
Oxidation of Cassava Starch Using h2o2 and Uv-C Irradiation to Improve the Baking Properties
(International Conference on Starch Technology, 2011)the aim of this study was to investigate teh effect of oxidation using H2O2 and UV-C irradiation on the carboxyl content, pH as well as baking expansion and swelling solubility of the cassava starch. -
Irrigation Effect of Mangosteen Pericarp Extract in Wistar Rat Root Canal on Macrophage Activities Periapical Tissue
(Proceeding FKG, 2019-11-15)Root canal irrigation is an important step in supporting the succes of root canal treatment.The commonly used root canal irrigation solution is NaOCI.The disadvantage is that it is irritative and can cause pain if enters ... -
Integrated of remote sensing and geographic information system for analysis of green open space requirement in Jember City
(ICEGE 2018, 2018-12-02)The oxygen in the city of Jember largely generated by green open space of vegetation stand. The green space that is the focus of this research is woody / cambium standing vegetation, which is able to produce oxygen through ... -
Consumer Attitudes Towards Food Attributes Due to the Dynamics of Supply Shock Covid 19
(AIP Conf, 2021-12-02)Regional lockdown policies and work-from-home patterns have led to changes in consumer behavior and household food purchases. This study aims to determine consumer attitudes towards food attributes due to the dynamics of ... -
Design of Ergonomic Chairs for Railroads Installation Workers
(Proceedings of CCSE ASEAN, 2019-11-13)The train is a transportation that has the advantage in facilitating the movement of goods or people and masse and environmentally friendly. During 2010-2018 has been carried out the construction of new lines including ... -
Land cover analysis using object based image analysis based on Landsat 8 OLI images in the city of Jember
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021-12-02)Jember area has a status as a PKW area (Regional Activity Center). This has resulted in diversifying activities of the population and increasing demand for land, so that land use change is inevitable. Real time land cover ... -
Land cover analysis using object based image analysis based on Landsat 8 OLI images in the city of Jember
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018-12-02)The oxygen in the city of Jember largely generated by green open space of vegetation stand. The green space that is the focus of this research is woody / cambium standing vegetation, which is able to produce oxygen through ... -
Pengaruh Nutrisi Mikroorganisme Pada Proses Fermentasi Terhadap Konsentrasi Bioetanol Dari Batang Tembakau
(Prosiding Kolokium Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022-06-23)Tembakau merupakan salah satu sumber daya hayati yang melimpah, khususnya di Kabupaten Jember. Bagian dari tanaman tembakau yang sering dimanfaatkan adalah daun sebagai bahan baku pembuatan rokok. Bagian lain seperti ... -
Antioxidative and Sensory Properties of Tea Made from Jambolan (Syzygium cumini) Fruit Peel
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019)ambolan fruit peel contains anthocyanin with purple-dark color. Jambolan fruit peel could be processed to become tea by a simple drying process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of drying process ...