LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 1876
Irrigation Effect of Mangosteen Pericarp Extract in Wistar Rat Root Canal on Macrophage Activities Periapical Tissue
(2020-04-05)Root canal irrigation is an important step in supporting the succes of root canal treatment.The commonly used root canal irrigation is NaOCI.The disadvantage is that it is irritative and can cause pain if it enters the ... -
A Review on the Anti-Toxocara Effect of Different Plant Extracts
(Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjajaran, 2022-06-01)Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati are important zoonotic parasites of dogs and cats. The increasing use of medicinal plants as anti-parasitic agents are attributed to their advantages such as less side effects, with lower ... -
Gingivitis Severity of Contraceptives Injection Users Containing Progesteron and Estrogen-Progesteron Hormones on Puskemas Sumbersari Jember Regency
(Procceding Book Forkinas VI FKG UNEJ, 2016-10-14)Contraceptives injection is one of hormones contraceptives contained of progesteron and estrogen-progesteron combination. both of them could influence the inflamation response of gingival tissu or gingivitis .Objective: ... -
Spirituality and Coping Strategy In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(2021-08-19)Patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) experience changes related to self-care management. This condition can lead to a negative psychological reaction such as stress. People deal with stress depending on their ... -
Peningkatan Kinerja Pemeliharaan Jaringan Irigasi Tersier Oleh Petani Berbasis Manajemen
(2019-03-25)Pembangunan Sumber Daya Air, Pangan dan Energi dalam Lingkungan yang Kompetitif -
Penelusuran Dan Pemetaan Jaringan Irigasi Tersier Melalui Program Kkn Tematik Cinop Pada 5 Desa Di Wilayah Kecamatan Puger (Di Bedadung Bagian Hilir)
(2018-01-16)Data dan informasi aktual terkait status, peta dan kondisi jaringan irigasi tersier pada level Desa umumnya masih belum akurat, kurang lengkap atau bahkan belum ada, karena berbagai alasan baik teknis maupun non-teknis. ... -
Kajian Prosedur Penetapan Urutan Prioritas Rehabilitasi - Pengelolaan Aset Irigasi Bendung
(2014-03-01)enelitian ini mengkaji beberapa skenario prosedur penetapan prioritas rehabilitasi Bendung. Penelitian dilakukan pada 67 Bendung yang ada di wilayah kerja UPT Pandan dan UPT Mojosari, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Provinsi Jawa ... -
The Influence of Research-Based Learning Implementation In Improving Students’ Combinatorial Thinking Skills in Solving Local Irregularity Vertex R-Dynamic Coloring
(2020-06-19)This research is one of the studies aimed at applying research-based learning and aims to determine its effect on the combinatorial thinking skills of students in solving local irregularity vertex r-dynamic coloring ... -
Kondisi Biopsikososial Penyintas Covid 19 di Kabupaten Jember
(Forum Ilmiah Kesehatan (FORIKES), 2022-10-01)Indonesia salah satu negara yang terdampak Covid-19 cukup parah dikawasan Asia. Sampai bulan April 2021 jumlah penduduk terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 mencapai 1,5 juta kasus, dimana 1,3 juta orang dari jumlah tersebut ... -
On the development of the GE and the GGE interaction Biplot in the RCIM model and the evaluation of its’ robustness to the outlying observations
(2018-12-20)Our recent statistical research on modeling of the two-ways table data was focused especially on the robustness of Row Column Interaction Model (RCIM). It has been showed that the RCIM model provide better result in ... -
Ovarian Failure Affected Leukocytes Profile in Peripheral Blood and Gingival Fluid (In vivo Study)
(UNIVERSITAS JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN PURWOKERTO, 2017-11-05)Ovarian failure can be caused by ovariectomy which induces estrogen deficiency. Estrogen influenced leukocytes as immune and inflammation cells systemically and locally, and leukocytes also contribute to ovarian function ... -
Penguatan Kelembagaan Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Petani Tebu
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2017-10-28)Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji strategi penguatan kelembagaan sebagai upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani tebu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dan penentuan kelembagaan dilakukan ... -
Moringa Seeds (Moringa olifiera L.) Application as Natural Coagulant in Coffee Wastewater Treatment
(IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019-01-28)The coffee processing will produce a wastewater with a low pH. It is corrosive and dangerous for the environment. One of the alternative solution to solve this problem is by applying the coagulation- flocculation treatment. ... -
In Vitro Analysis of Human IgG Immune Response Against 31 kDa and 67 kDa Immunogenic Protein from Aedes albopictus Salivary Glands
(Atlantis Press, 2022-12-01)Mosquito salivary glands contain protein substances that can facilitate dengue virus transmission. Those proteins have abilities to induce an immune response and specific antibody production. Previous studies showed that ... -
Gumuk, Perempuan, Dan Konflik Lingkungan dalam Cerpen Pakoh Bumi di Ujung Pertarungan Karya Nurillah Achmad: Pembacaan Ekofeminisme Sosial-Transformatif
(Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Unej, 2022-06-18)Kertas kerja ini akan menyajikan dimensi perempuan pada konteks relasi lingkungan dengan kultural, interaksi sosial, dan gender dalam cerita pendek Pakoh Bumi Di Ujung Pertarungan karya Nurillah Achmad. Adapun metode ... -
Fragments of Madura Women In the Works of Madurese and Eastern Javanese Literature: A Reading of Ecofeminism
(HISKI, 2021-11-23)Tulisan ini akan menyajikan fragmen atau dimensi perempuan Madura dalam konteks relasi lingkungan dengan budaya, interaksi sosial dan gender dalam karya sastrawan Madura dan Jawa Timur. Fokus kajian penelitian ini adalah ... -
Memahami Sosiologi Sastra Alan Swingewood
(Kepel Press, 2019-06-03)Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan model analsis sosiologi sastra Alan Swingewood yang diabtraksikan dari artikel ketiga yaitu George Orwell, Socialism and the Novel dalam bukunya The Sociology of Literature (1972). ... -
Van Der Wijck’s Trace in Pantura: The Development of Tourism Industry Based on Literary-Culture Site
(Syiah Kuala University Press, 2019-07-11)As a literary-culture site, the Van Der Wijck Monument located on the northern coast of Lamongan poses its own intrigue for research and observation. This paper aims to portray the phenomena surrounding the Van Der Wijck ... -
Regresi Rasio Prevalensi dengan Model Log-Binomial: Isu Ketakkonvergenan
(UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA, 2008-11-30)Regresi logistik memainkan peran sentral dalam pengamatan epidemiologi. Regresi logistik memiliki odds ratio yang memberikan informasi tentang risiko seseorang didapati sebagai penderita suatu penyakit. Pada kasus tertetu ... -
Handling Outlier in Two-Ways Table Data: The Robustness of Row-Column Interaction Model
(IOP Publishing, 2018-06-14)As part of our recent statistical research on modelling of the two-ways table data, here we will to investigate of the robustness of Row Column Interaction Model (RCIM). Row Column Interaction Model is a Reduced-Rank ...