LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 321-340 of 1876
Akurasi Pemetaan Kekeringan Lahan Pertanian Menggunakan Metode Normalized Difference Drought Index (NDDI) di Kecamatan Wuluhan dan Rambipuji Jember
(Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan HATHI ke-38, 2021-12)Kekeringan merupakan kondisi kurang nya air dalam waktu tertentu yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan, lingkungan dan hasil pertanian. Daerah Jember, Jawa Timur terdapat beberapa kecamatan yang mengalami kekeringan seperti ... -
Pemanenan Air Hujan Sebagai Upaya Pengurangan Limpasan Permukaan pada Kawasan Perkotaan
(Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan HATHI ke-38, 2022-01-11)Banjir perkotaan di perumahan Muktisari biasanya terjadi secara berkala selama musim hujan. Topografi wilayah yang datar menjadi tantangan untuk mengurangi debit puncak pada saat terjadi hujan ektrem. Solusi dengan membuang ... -
Blind Decryption for Preserving Privacy in the DRM System
(International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology, and Electrical Engineering, 2021-10-28)This paper addresses the user’s privacy problem in the DRM system. Focusing on achieving optimal security for content provider, DRM system often neglect user’s privacy. We propose solutions to this problem in a new ... -
Regulatory compliance ofskincare product advertisements on Instagram
(Pharmacy Education, 2022-03-31)Introduction: Significant progress has been shown in the selling of cosmetic products. The number of companies working in this industry increased from 153 in 2017 to 760 in 2018. The National Agency of Drug and Food ... -
Identifying of The Relationship Between Lineament Density and Vegetation Index at Tumpangpitu Mining Area, East Java, Indonesia
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 2020-10-26)Tumpangpitu Mining Area was in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java, Indonesia. This area has potential of mineral resources, forests, plantations and agriculture. The potential for mineral resources was developed into the ... -
Strengthening of Indonesia Intra Asean Trade in order to Meet Asean Community Trade 2015
(International Conference Proceeding, 2013-11-02)Globalization is indicated by increasing number of countries applying economic integration to another country to elliminate fares of traded commodities among those countres -
Flood-Plain Utilization in Some Bedadung’s Sub-Watershed for Paddy Cultivation in Order to Support Food Security
(International Conference on Agribusiness Marketing (ICAM 2012), 2012-06-26)Along with the rapid growth of population on Java island, many land-uses were change as residential and agricultural-field. One consequence of these conditions was the increased sensitivity of the environment against climate ... -
Pengaruh Defisit Anggaran Terhadap Inflasi Tahun 2001.Q1 – 2012.Q4: Pendekatan Fiscal Theory of Price Level
(Pustaka Radja, 2015-12-01)fiscal policy that is used to regulate the income and expenditure among nations through teh budget deficit.expansion of fiscal policy is characterized by greater expenditures than revenues have on important role in controlling ... -
Keragaan Balanced Scorecard Model Pada Koperasi Pondok Pesantren di Kabupaten Jember
(International Conference on Economics, Business and Social Sciences, 2016-12-07)Pelaksanaan balanced scorecard yang dikembangkan oleh Kaplan sejak tahun 1996 secara empiris telah banyak dipraktekkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan di Eropa dan Amerika dalam suatu kerangka kerja manajerial perusahaan. ... -
1st International Conference on Life Sciences and Biotechnology (ICOLIB): Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity
(Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity, 2015-09-29)Based on these phenomena above, the ICOLIB 2015 with theme “Exploration and Conservation of Biodiversity”, provide an interdisciplinary platform of life sciences for researchers, academics, students, professionals, industries, ... -
Vinasse Based Medium for Exoxylanase Production
(The 4th International Seminar of Indonesia Society for Microbiology and IUMS-ISM Outreach Program on Food Safety, 2011-06-24)Vinasse is a liquid waste, produced during alcohol production was utilized for an isolate AA I bacterium to produce exoxylanase. Without any supplement as nutrients added, this isolate capable utilized remaining sugar and ... -
A Consortium of Three Enzymes: Xylanase, Arabinofuranosidase, and Cellulase from Aspergillus sp. which Liquefied Coffee Pulp Wastes
(IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2022-04-08)Three enzymes released by Aspergillus sp., identified as xylanase, arabinofuranosidase, and cellulase which hydrolyzed coffee pulp during solid state fermentation (SSF) had been investigated. The active fraction of xylanase ... -
Nigella sativa toothpaste promotes anti-inflammatory and anti-destructive effects in a rat model of periodontitis
(Archives of Oral Biology, 2022-05-09)Objective: Periodontitis is an infectious disease that results in gingiva tissue damage. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Nigella sativa (N. sativa) toothpaste in a periodontitis tissue repair based on inflammation ... -
Caffeine-Degrading Endosymbiont Fungi Isolated From Hipothenemus Hampei. Ferr as Pre-analysis Caffeine Toleranceability of Coffee Berry Borer
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021-09-30)The Coffee Berry Borer (CBB), Hypthenemus hampei Ferr., is the most destructivepest of coffee berry due to its ability to bore and complete their entire life cycle inside of thecoffee berry. The detoxification mechanism ... -
The Relationship of Piperaceae Based On Morphological Character of Vegetative Organ in Meru Betiri National Park Jember East Java
(Integrated Biological Sciences for Human Welfare, 2018-01-05)The family of Piperaceae in Meru Betiri National Park Jember East Java is represented by ten species: Peperomia pellucida, P. Sarmentosum, P. aduncum, P. auriculatum, P. retrofractum, P. nigrum, P. canicum, Piper Sp 1, ... -
Improvement of students' soft skills (honesty and motivation) using edmodo by Blended Learning Method
(ICEGE, 2020-06-02)Edmodo is a website that can be applied in learning as an effort to improve student soft skills using Edmodo based on blended learning, combining direct learning and online learning. The formulation of the problem in ... -
The Quality and Usability of Spring Water for Irrigation (Case Study: Ngerong Spring, Rengel Karst, Tuban, East Java)
(IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019-09-29)Karst springs have an essential role as sources of drinking water, agriculture, industry, and other domestic needs. This research was conducted on the Ngerong spring as the largest water source for irrigation needs in the ... -
Characterization of Terrestrial Spores Fern Plants From Wildlife Highland “Yang” The Argopuro Mountain
(ICOLIB, 2017-08-07)This study was conducted to determine the spore characteristics of terrestrial fern plants. It covered in highland “Yang" wildlife moss forest, Argopuro Mountains. The specimens of terrestrial fern collections were carried ... -
Adaptation Strategies for Pedicab Drivers in Their Socio- Economic Life
(IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020-09-13)The pressure of socio-economic life pedicab drivers are a reason to adapt. This is because the reality they experience is contrary to their expectations. Adaptation strategies undertaken to free themselves from socio-economic ... -
The Effect of Extract Thymoquinone Black Cumin Seed (Nigella Sativa) Of Against Neutrophils Number in Rats Socket Post Extraction With Traumatic Tissue
(ICOLIB, 2015-09-28)Tooth extraction may accompany by complications, such as tissue laseration, bone resorption, adjacent tooth mobility and dry socket. They caused inflammation or infection. Treatment of traumatic tissue usually given an ...