LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 1876
Strategi Pemasaran Dan Pengembangan Tepung Cassava Pada Agroindustri UD. Nula Abadi Di Kabupaten Bondowoso
(JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics), 2019-02-09)Cassava flour is one of the derivative products obtained from cassava processing. Cassava flour is different from tapioca because of the soaking process and has higher nutritional value. This research aims to analyze: ... -
Analisis Nilai Tambah Dan Perkembangan Usaha Agroindustri ASAP Cair Tempurung Kelapa Padacv Prima Rosandries Di Desa Kemiri Kecamatan Panti Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis, 2019-03-09)This research has a purpose to know: (1) the income from coconut shell agroindustry liquid business at CV Prima Rosandries in Jember Regency; (2) the amount of added value obtained from the process of coconut shells into ... -
Exploring Farmer-Supplier Relationships in the East Java Seed Potato Market
(Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 2017-02-10)The use of certified seed potato is believed to substantially improve potato productivity. However, in developing countries including Indonesia, most farmers perceived that the price of certified seed is too expensive for ... -
Employment Absorptive Capacity of Smallholder Coffee Plantations and Sustainable Coffee Development in Jember District
(PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF FOOD SOVEREIGNTY AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, 2017-08-01)Jember District is the second largest of coffee producing area in East Java (after Malang) with coffee planted area around 5,608 hectares. Based on the data in 2012, 27 of 31 sub districts in Jember are coffee producers ... -
Added value of robusta coffee products of “dwi tunggal” farmer group in bromo mountain slope
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021-04-07)Indonesia is among the four largest of coffee beans producing country in the world with production reaching more than half a million tons per year. Pasuruan Regency, located on the slopes of Mount Bromo, has a coffee ... -
Analysis of willingness to pay for ‘Ketakasi’ ground coffee in Jember Regency
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021-05-26)Willingness to pay (WTP) has been widely used to measure the value of an item, both private and public goods, also shared resources. More recently, the WTP concept is also applied to marketing management for product ... -
Perilaku Konsumen Cookies Tepung Cassava UD. Nula Abadi di Kabupaten Bondowoso
(-, 2019-05-05)Perkembangan UMKM berbasis agroindustri dapat membantu perekonomian Indonesia. UD. Nula Abadi satu-satunya UMKM di Kabupaten Bondowoso yang mengolah tanaman singkong menjadi tepung dan cookies sehingga menjadi produk ... -
Added value of robusta coffee products of “dwi tunggal” farmer group in bromo mountain slope
(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021-04-07)Indonesia is among the four largest of coffee beans producing country in the world with production reaching more than half a million tons per year. Pasuruan Regency, located on the slopes of Mount Bromo, has a coffee ... -
Evaluation of geographically weighted multivariate negative Binomial method using multivariate spatial infant mortality data
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019-12-19)Global regression assumes that the relationships being measured are stationary over space or the model is applied equally over the whole region. If there is spatial heterogeneity on the data, then the global model is not ... -
Projection pursuit regression in statistical downscaling model using artificial neural network for rainfall prediction
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-05-14)Rainfall prediction is important for farmers to be used in making policies, especially in areas of agricultural production, include in Indonesia. The availability of information about rainfall requires an accurate forecasting ... -
Projection pursuit regression and principal component regression on statistical downscaling using artificial neural network for rainfall prediction in Jember
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021-05-14)Rainfall forecasting is essential for Indonesia, which is an agricultural country. Forecasting to see the rainfall needed to anticipate the danger of drought that will harm farmers. However, due to the complexity of ... -
Penerapan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Backpropagation untuk Memprediksi Indeks Harga Saham LQ45
(Seminar Nasional Matematika, Geometri, Statistika, dan Komputasi, 2022-08-14)Stock price movements are very volatile from time to time. The stock price movement is influenced by many factors, including company performance, dividend risk, the country’s economic conditions, and inflation rate. The ... -
Sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan bimbingan belajar online bagi calon peserta SBMPTN menggunakan fuzzy topsis (studi kasus pada wilayah Blitar)
(SEMINAR NASIONAL MATEMATIKA DAN PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA (6 th SENATIK) PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA FPMIPATI-UNIVERSITAS PGRI SEMARANG, 2021-08-11)Joint Selection of Higher Education State or SBMPTN is a route for admission of new students with fierce competition. One of the preparations carried out by students is to take part in online tutoring of the SBMPTN ... -
Application of Needleman-Wunch Algorithm to identify mutation in DNA sequences of Corona virus
(International Conference on Mathematics: Pure, Applied and Computation, 2019-05-31)Corona virus is a virus capable of mutating very quickly and many other viruses that arise due to mutations of this virus. To find out the location of corona virus mutations of one type to another, DNA sequences can be ... -
Classification of genetic expression in prostate cancer using support vector machine method
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020-09-21)Prostate cancer has long been a concern of expert’s human genetics in health research. However, an explanation of the main causes of prostate cancer cannot be obtained metabolically-biologic, except the most common one ... -
Produksi Bibit Anggrek Dendrobium sp melalui Teknik Kultur Cair
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhorti 2021, 2021-10-14)Tanaman anggrek Dendrobium merupakan tanaman hias yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Salah satu permasalahan dalam budidaya anggrek yaitu memiliki pertumbuhan yang lambat. Pertumbuhan anggrek in-vitro dimulai dari tebar ... -
Pengaruh Citra Merek dan Perceived Value Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang pada Kepuasan Konsumen di Indomaret Plus Jember
(Forum Manajemen Indonesia 14, 2022-10-27)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh citra merek dan nilai yang dirasakan terhadap minat beli ulang melalui kepuasan konsumen pada Indomaret Plus Jember. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Indomaret ... -
Influence of Customer Experience, Location, and Price on Loyalty Through Positive Word of Mouth on Customers of KAI Logistics Express DAOP IX
(International Conference on Management, Business, and Technology, 2021-12-14)Influence of Customer Experience, Location, and Price on Loyalty Through Positive Word of Mouth on Customers of KAI Logistics Express DAOP IX -
Determinant Debt Policy (Study in Manufacturing Company Subsectors Food and Drink List in Indonesian Stock Exchange)
(ICEBAST, 2017-11-24)The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of institutional ownership, managerial ownership, Profit Margin on Sales, Return On Equity and Basic Earning Power on debt policy. The sampling technique utilized ... -
Differentiation Potential of Amnion Membrane angd Dental Pulp Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell to Generate Neuron Induced with EGF, FGF, PDGF and Forskolin
(Usea Uninet Scentific and Plenary Meeting, 2016-02-15)Human multipotent stem cells,including human pluripotent stem cell,hold promise as novel therapeutic tools for neuron treatment because of their self renewal capacity and ability to differenlated inio neuron cells