LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 1876
Van Der Wijck’s Trace in Pantura: The Development of Tourism Industry Based on Literary-Culture Site
(Literature as the Source of Wisdom, 2019-09-02)As a literary-culture site, the Van Der Wijck Monument located on the northern coast of Lamongan poses its own intrigue for research and observation. This paper aims to portray the phenomena surrounding the Van Der ... -
Memahami Sosiologi Sastra Alan Swingewood
(TEORI KRITIS DAN METODOLOGI Dinamika Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya, 2019-06-03)Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan model analsis sosiologi sastra Alan Swingewood yang diabtraksikan dari artikel ketiga yaitu George Orwell, Socialism and the Novel dalam bukunya The Sociology of Literature (1972). ... -
Humoral Immune Response (IgG) of BALB/c Mice (Mus musculus) Post-injection by 56 kDa Immunogenic Protein Extract from the Salivary Glands of Aedes aegypti L.
(Atlantis Press, 2022-12-26)The primary mosquito vector of dengue virus isAe. aegypti, and dengue virus transmitted by saliva mosquito’s during blood feeding. The saliva composed of numerous proteins with capacity to disrupt hemostasis or modulate ... -
Regenerative Braking Using Fuzzy Logic Control on BLDC Motor Driven Electric Vehicles
(International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer and Information Technology, 2022-11-23)The problem that often occurs in electric vehicles is their cruising ability which is limited by the energy stored in the battery. However, there is an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of battery energy, by the ... -
Improving Adolescents’ Knowledge of Dental and Oral Health via Instagram Podcast: One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design
(unhas, 2022-12-19)Introduction: The Baseline Health Research on 2018 showed the 15-24 year old adolescents’ knowledge of an appropriate way to brush the teeth was 3.3% which was in the low category. The low knowledge of dental health ... -
The Effectiveness of Giving Organic Matter to the Productivity of Tomato Plants
(The 5th International Conference on Agriculture and Life Science, 2023-01-13)The assessment of the productivity of a land is not only based on natural fertility, but also the response of the soil and plants to the application of applied land management technology. Basic fertilizer is given at the ... -
Gambaran Waktu Erupsi Gigi Insisiv Sentral Sulung Rahang Bawah Anak Stunting di Desa Panduman dan Sukojember Kecamatan Jelbuk Kabupaten Jember
(Diterbitkan oleh Forum Ilmiah Kesehatan (FORIKES), 2022-10-01)Pendahuluan: Stunting merupakan keadaan kekurangan gizi kronis yang dilihat dari antropometri berdasarkan nilai z-score tinggi badan kurang dari -2 standar deviasi (SD) WHO Child Growth Standards pada kelompok umur dan ... -
In Silico Study of Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of the D7 Protein from Salivary Glands of Aedes aegypti
(Atlantis Press, 2023)The Aedes aegypti mosquito has been known as the primary vector in the transmission of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). D7 protein has been reported as a protein expressed in the salivary glands of mosquito vectors that can ... -
The Apyrase Functional Properties of the 56 kDa Protein from Aedes Aegypti Salivary Gland
(Atlantis Press, 2023)Apyrase is an enzyme an inhibit platelet aggregation process, capable of degrading ADP in the process blood feeding and mostly found in hematophagous arthropods. While vector’s blood feeding, this apyrase salivary protein ... -
Electroelution of 31 kDa Immunogenic Protein Fraction from the Salivary Gland of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae)
(Advances in Biological Sciences Research, 2022-12-22)Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease generated by dengue virus infection. The dengue virus is transmitted to the host by mosquito vectors. The main and secondary vectors are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. ... -
Indigenous Learning in Coastal Community Empowerment at Jember Regency
(Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2679, 2023-01-04)The principle of the community empowerment program includes three things, namely from, for and by the community. Coastal communities have noble values that are held and inherited in the form of traditional learning. ... -
Community Education with Leadership as Mediation
(The 1st International Conference on Neuroscience and Learning Technology 2021, 2023-01-04)This research aims to analyze and examine the direct effect of competence, partnership, teamwork, and innovation on leadership; to analyze and examine the direct effect of competence, partnership, teamwork, innovation, ... -
Prediction of LED Arrangement Illumination on Street Light Armature Using Random Forest Regression Method
(University Jember, 2023-01-28)LED's have a lifetime of up to 30 thousand hours. In addition, it has a level of effectiveness and efficiency of 80%-90%. The current problem is to determine the performance of the LED array arrangement using ... -
Prototype Control of DC-DC Boost Converter in Solar Cell Energy Management System Based on Fuzzy Logic Method
(International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2022-11-23)—Population growth greatly affects the world's electricity consumption, so there will come a time when renewable energy is needed to be an alternative to the generation system from fossil fuels. The generation of ... -
Inhibition Ability of Cacao Pod Peel Waste’s Extract (Theobroma Cacao L.) against Dental Root Canal’s E. faecalis
(Clinical Management in Dentistry, 2023-01-31)Kulit buah kakao merupakan bagian terbesar dari buah kakao (67-76%) dan limbah terbesar dalam produksi coklat yang pengolahannya hanya dibuat sebagai pakan ternak, pupuk kompos, kertas, dan sabun. Ekstrak limbah kulit ... -
Antibacterial Ability of Cacao Peel Waste Extract (Theobroma Cacao L.) Against Streptococcus Sanguinis in Dental Root Canal
(Faculty of Dentistry, University of Jember, 2023-01-31)Background: Cocoa pod peel waste extract is a natural ingredient with active compounds. As much as 78% of the total production of cocoa pods is in the form of waste with processing directed at fertilizers and alternative ... -
Shear Strength Cacao Pulp Extract as Etching Material in Composite Resin Fillings
(2023-01-31)Background: Bonding principle of composite restoration is mechanical-interlocking that resin tags on microporosity etched enamel surface. Acid etching material commonly used is 37% phosphoric acid. Cacao pulp is white ... -
Tren Perkembangan, Kondisi, Permasalahan, Strategi, dan Prediksi Komoditas Peternakan Indonesia (2010-2030)
(Department of Animal Science Politeknik Negeri Jember, 2022-09)Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tren perkembangan populasi dan produksi berbagai komoditas ternak di Indonesia sehingga dapat menggambarkan peluang dan tantangan serta strategi efisiensi produksi nasional. Metode ... -
Efektivitas Nanoemulsi Ekstrak Binahong Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus, Salmonella Typhi, Dan Escherichia Coli
(Department of Animal Science Politeknik Negeri Jember, 2022-08)Tanaman binahong (Anredera cordifolia (ten) steenis) memiliki kandungan antimikrobial alami. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas antibakteri nanoemulsi ekstrak binahong terhadap Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella ... -
Management Strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in The Limestone Area of Mount Sadeng, Puger
(Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020-09-12)The empowerment of coastal communities through the management of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program requires a kind of redesign with an approach that can better ensure community participation in determining ...