Now showing items 3771-3790 of 7282

    • A Linguistic Landscape Study of English in Yogyakarta: Its Representation of Power in Commercial Boards 

      KHAZANAH, Dewianti; SAMPURNA, Hadi; KUSUMANINGPUTRI, Reni; SETIARINI, Riskia; SUPIASTUTIK (ELLITE (Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching), 2021-11-20)
      This is a Linguistic landscape (LL) study which discusses multilingualism as reflected for example in public signboards, names of goverment buildings, street names, advertising billboards, commersial shops in a certain ...
    • Liquid Culture of Somatic Embryogenesis Cell Proliferation of Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) 

      Alfian, Firdha Narulita; Afdhoria, Nur Nafisatul; Dewanti, Parawita; Restanto, Didik Pudji; Sugiharto, Bambang (2019-05-21)
      Somatic embryogenesis has turned out to be a major breakthrough in sugarcane biotechnology research. The embryogenic cell line is capable of being stored for a long time and it will not undergo a characteristic change. ...
    • Literasi Digital Sebagai Penguatan Bargaining Position Produk Kreatif Dalam Pemberdayaan Kelompok Perempuan “Moss 1” 

      IBANAH, Indah; YANUARTI, Rizky; LUTHFIYAH, Lenny; MUTMAINNAH, Laily (Jurnal Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Jember, 2022-12-02)
      Mother School Sumbersari (MOSS) 1 merupakan Kelompok Binaan Bersama Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) dan Penyuluh Sumbersari, di Lingkungan Sadengan, Kelurahan Kebonsari, Kecamatan Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember. Identik dengan ...
    • Literasi Digital: Pemberdayaan Perempuan pada Kelompok Dasa Wisma di Kabupaten Banyuwangi 

      SUSANTI, Lusi Dwi; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; HILMI, Muhammad Irfan (Diklus: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah b, 2022-09-01)
      Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan bagaimana peran literasi digital dalam gerakan perempuan di kelompok Dasa Wisma di Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif ...
    • Literasi Histori: Adaptasi Teks dalam Rekonstruksi Film Biopik 

      KARTIKA, Bambang Aris (Jurusan Sastra Indonesia-Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember, 2015-12-02)
      Artikel ini membahas tentang literasi teks histori biografi dalam produksi komoditas film biopik dengan obyek material film Soegija, Sang Kiai, dan Soekarno: Indonesia Merdeka. Film biopik sebagai film pengembangan dari ...
    • Literasi Kesehatan Fisik Melalui Pembelajaran Area 

      PUTRA, Firdaus Ferdhiansyah; INDRIANTI, Deditiani Tri; ALKORNIA, Sylva; FAJARWATI, Linda (Learning Community: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 2022-09)
      Literasi kesehatan fisik adalah pengetahuan yang mengenai kesehatan secara fisik. Literasi kesehatan sangatlah perlu dilakukan di masa new normal ini. Selain mengenai literasi kesehatan adapun juga mengenai peran nutrisi ...
    • Literasi Matematika Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Masalah Lingkaran Ditinjau Dari Self Efficacy 

      SAFRIDA, Lela Nur; SUNARDI; SUWITO, Abi; OKTAVIANINGTYAS, Ervin; RIZKINA, Dinda (EDU-MAT: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 2023-04-03)
      Fokus keahlian yang diperlukan dalam pembelajaran matematika abad ke21 meliputi kemampuan berpikir kritis (critical thingking), kemampuan komunikasi (communication), kreativitas (creativity), dan kerja sama (collaboration). ...
    • Literatur Review : Rapid Immunochromatography sebagai Metode Skrining Kanker Serviks Berbasis Deteksi Onkoprotein HPV pada Urin 

      Cervical cancer still becomes the leading health problem, especially in developing countries. This cancer is the second most common cancer in Indonesian women. It is commonly caused by infection of Human Papillomavirus ...
    • Literature Review : Gambaran Tindakan Perawat Mengatasi Nyeri Pasien Post Operasi Laparatomi di Rumah Sakit 

      HAKAM, Mulia; KUSHARIYADI, Kushariyadi; PRIBADI, Noviana Intan Putri Chayaning (Bima Nursing Jurnal, 2024-05-01)
      Nyeri post operasi laparatomi disebabkan karena adanya diskontinuitas jaringan atau adanya luka operasi akibat insisi pembedahan, sehingga sel saraf kulit menjadi rusak. Nyeri laparatomi sering ditemukan dalam tingkat ...
    • Literature Review Kejadian Depresi Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis yang Menjalani Terapi Hemodialisis 

      NURFAJRI, Qurrata A’yunnin Fitra; MURTAQIB, Murtaqib; WIDAYATI, Nur (JKEP (Jurnal Keperawatan), 2022-11-01)
      Chronic kidney failure patients can experience depression due to physiological, psychological, socioeconomic changes and can reduce quality of life. This research aimed to identify depression in chronic kidney disease ...
    • A Literature Review on Indonesia’s Deradicalization Program for Terrorist Prisoners 

      SUARDA, I Gede Widhiana (MIMBAR HUKUM, 2016-10)
      After many terrorists are captured and receive prison sentences, Indonesia instituted a de-radicalization program for terrorist prisoners. As yet, however, Indonesia lacks a national policy for planning, implementing and ...
    • Literature Review: Factors affecting The Implementation of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF) in maternity and breastfeeding mothers 

      WAHDALIYA, Nur Aziza; BAROYA, Ni'mal; KUSUMAWARDANI, Devi Arine (JNKI (Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan Indonesia), 2023)
      Latar Belakang: Inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) yaitu proses kontak langsung antara kulit ibu dengan bayi dalam waktu satu jam pertama pasca persalinan. IMD berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan dan kelangsungan hidup pada bayi ...
    • A Literature Review: The Application of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) on Dermatitis Patients with Impaired Skin Integrity in Agricultural Areas 

      FIBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi; YUNI, Siti Eka; MAISYAROH, Arista; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya (Nursing and Health Sciences Journal, 2022-03-01)
      n Coconut Oil is a non-pharmacological therapy that can be applied to overcome the problem of impaired skin integrity. Virgin coconut oil contains anti-oxidants and is rich in vitamin E. The aim of the review was to determine ...
    • The Lived Experience Of Women with HIV/AIDS: A Qualitative Study 

      MARNI; NURTANTI, Susana; HANDAYANI, Sri; RATNASARI, Nita Yunianti; SUSANTO, Tantut (2019-03-14)
      Background: The number of individuals living with HIV/AIDS keeps increasing. As this disease is transmitted mostly through sexual intercourse, the number of woman sufferers also increases. The aim of this study want ...
    • Load Sharing Mechanism of Bamboo Pile Mattress For Reinforced Embankment 

      MARUF, Mokhammad Farid; HIDAYAH, Entin; WAHYUNI, Sri; SISINGGIH, Dian; PUTRA, Paksitya Purnama (International Journal of GEOMATE, 2023-05-02)
      In Indonesia, bamboo pile mattress is commonly utilized for reinforced embankments over deep soft soil, especially for shallow ground water table or even over the ground surface as the water functions as timeless ...
    • The Local (Adjacency) Metric Dimension of Split Related Complete Graph 

      ADAWIYAH, Robiatul; DAFIK, Dafik; PRIHANDINI, Rafiantika Megahnia; ALBIRRI, Ermita Rizki; AGUSTIN, Ika Hesti; ALFARISI, Ridho (IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 2019-04-01)
      Let G be a simple graph. A set of vertices, called V (G) and a set of edges, called E(G) are two sets which form graph G. W is a local adjacency resolving set of G if for every two distinct vertices x, y and x adjacent ...
    • Local Antimagic r-dynamic Coloring of Graphs 

      KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; UTOYO, Muhammad Imam; DAFIK, Dafik; AGUSTIN, Ika Hesti; ALFARISI, Ridho (IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 243 (2019) 012077, 2019-04-09)
      Let G = (V; E) be a connected graph. A bijection function f : E(G) ! f1; 2; 3; ; E(G)jg is called a local antimagic labeling if for all uv 2 E(G)s, w(u) 6= w(v), where w(u) = e2E(u)f(e). Such that, local antimagic ...
    • Local Art Communities as Cultural Sphere for Preventing Radicalism 

      TALLAPESSY, Albert (UNS, 2019-11-14)
      This article aims to describe the strategic contribution of the art community as a cultural space to foster the creativity of young people and dynamize the cultural process and be an alternative to prevent the growth of ...
    • Local Distance Irregular Labeling of Graphs 

      KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; KRISTIANA, Arika Indah; ALFARISI, Ridho; DAFIK, Dafik (TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 2023)
      We introduce the notion of distance irregular labeling, called the local distance ir regular labeling. We define λ : V (G) −→ {1, 2, . . . , k} such that the weight calculated at the vertices induces a vertex coloring if ...
    • Local Edge Antimagic Coloring of Comb Product of Graphs 

      Agustin, Ika Hesti; Hasan, Mohammad; Dafik, Dafik; Alfarisi, Ridho; Kristiana, Arika Indah; Prihandini, Rafiantika Megahnia (2018-07-03)
      All graph in this paper are ¯nite, simple and connected graph. Let G(V; E) be a graph of vertex set V and edge set E. A bijection f : V (G) ¡! f1; 2; 3; :::; jV (G)jg is called a local edge antimagic labeling if for any ...