Lactobacillus casei fermentation towards xylooligosaccharide (XOS) obtained from coffee peel enzymatic hydrolysate
RATNADEWI, Anak Agung Istri
ZAIN, Mamluah Husnul Amaliyah
KUSUMA, A.A. Ngurah Nara
NUGRAHA, Ari Satia
Show full item recordAbstract
Cof fee peel waste con tains fibers in clud ing xy lan, a poly mer that con sti tutes hemi cel lu loses. Xy lan can be ex -
tracted from cof fee peel and used for xy looligosac cha ride (XOS) pro duc tion. XOS is an oligomer that has the
po ten tials as a pre bi otic. XOS pro duc tion could be car ried out by en zy matic hy drol y sis us ing endo - β- 1,4 - d -
xylanase. In this re search, the XOS from cof fee peel was in ves ti gated for its pre bi otic po ten tial on the growth
of Lac to bacil lus ca sei ( sei ) in - vitro. The as say was car ried out by adding var i ous con cen tra tions of XOS to
the bac te r ial cul ture me dia un der dif fer ent in cu ba tion times. L. ca sei growth was cal cu lated based on the
formed bac te r ial colonies log CFU/ mL. Ad di tion of 20% XOS to 10 mL of L. ca sei growth me dia showed the
best re sult at 12 h with 8.75 log CFU/ mL. In creased bac te r ial colonies proved that XOS in fer mented me dia
was ben e fi cial for the bac te ria, re sult ing in bac te r ial cell pro lif er a tion. Other pa ra me ters ob served in this study
were the de creased pH value, the re duced XOS level and the in creased con tent of or ganic acids in the bac te r ial
cul ture me dia.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7355]