Pendugaan Umur Simpan Edamame Crispy Menggunakan Metode Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) (Studi Kasus Kampung Edamame Binaan PT Gmit Jember)
Crispy edamame products are one of the processed products produced by
the Edamame Village assisted by PT GMIT Jember. Estimation of the shelf life of
crispy edamame products has not been studied and proven scientifically. This
study aims to determine the initial quality of edamame crispy and determine the
shelf life of edamame crispy using the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT)
method of the arrhenius equation approach model with variations in packaging
materials. Arrhenius calculations used three extreme storage temperatures of
35°C, 45°C and 55°C for 40 days. Product deterioration when stored at higher
temperatures can be predicted using this equation. The parameters observed
during storage were moisture content, peroxide number, and pH. The results
showed that edamame crispy had initial characteristics that were in accordance
with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) including moisture content of
1.47%; peroxide number of 0.46 mg O_2/100g; pH 6.27. The results of the shelf
life estimation show that the moisture content parameter is the reference
parameter for the shelf life of edamame crispy because it has the lowest activation
energy among other parameters. The type of packaging that is able to maintain
product quality is metalized packaging compared to plastic packaging (PP).
Based on the calculations that have been done, it is known that edamame crispy
has a shelf life of 5 months and 23 days stored at 35°C using metalized packaging,
while plastic packaging has a shelf life of 5 months and 8 days at 35°C.