Now showing items 21-30 of 41
Farmers Ability to Report Daily Emergency In Agriculture Area
(UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2020-11-24)
Background: Low knowledge and motivation about using personal protective equipment on
farmers can cause work accidents in the workplace. Upper limb injuries comprise 67% of all
injuries, and the most active parts are ...
(UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2020-11-24)
Background: In the COVID pandemic era, nurses are required to have competence in caring
for COVID patients in isolation rooms. Challenges invaluable services in carrying out
treatment can occur due to limited references ...
Effectiveness of Range of Motion to Increase Joint Motion Range in Stroke Patients
(UPT Penerbitan & Percetakan Universitas Jember, 2020-11-24)
Background: Stroke patients by 80% experience hemiparesis (partial paralysis on one side of the body).
Muscle contractions are influenced by the body's motion system in stroke patients who experience
weakness. Range of ...
Modul Praktik Klinik Keperawatan Gawat Darurat dan Kritis
(Bondowoso: KHD Production, 2020, 2020-11-01)
Modul ini sudah disesuaikan dengan
kurikulum D3 Keperawatan dan sebagai sarana bagi dosen/ tenaga
pendidik/ instruktur klinik untuk menilai pencapaian kompetensi
mahasiswa Prodi D-III Keperawatan sesuai dengan ...
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Techniques in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era: Literature Review
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ), 2023-01-30)
Cardiao resuscitation in the e a of the COVID-19 pandemic meets its challenges, in addition to the high prevelance of cardiao and pulmonary arrest events in these patients, the transmission rate to health workers who carry ...
Dampak Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Post CPR
(Wiraraja Medika Jurnal Kesehatan, 2023-02-06)
Peningkatan kualitas hidup Pasien post CPR bisa dinilai dari hasil luarannya yaiti kembalinya sirkulasi spontan dan keberhasilan untuk keluar rumah sakit
Efektifitas Pelatihan Bantuan Hidup Dasar terhadap Peningkatan Kemampuan Siswa MTS Negeri 1 Lumajang dalam Penanganan Kegawatdaruratan Tersedak Akibat Obstruksi Benda Asing
(Media Karya Kesehatan, 2022-11-25)
Tersedak merupakan kejadian kewagatdaruratan yang sering terjadi di masyarakat terutama di kalangan siswa
sekolah, oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan untuk mendidik dan melatih siswa dalam penanganan tersedak
terutama ...
The Experience of Nurses Conducting Nursing Assessments of Occupational Diseases in the Farm: A Phenomenological Study
(Gaceta Médica de Caracas, 2022-10-06)
Introduction: The stages of the farming procedure are carried out sequentially. From planting preparation to harvesting, the farmer has a risk of occupational disease. Farmers will come to the first health service ...
Community Empowerment through Population Centered Health Nursing Care in the Prevention and Management of Trauma in the Group of Farmers of the Insan Mulia Lumajang Foundation
(e - Prosiding Kolokium Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2022)
Permasalahan yang teridentifikasi dari Kelompok ternak yang tergabung dalam Yayasan Insan Mulia Lumajang adalah tingkat pengetahuan peternak masih rendah terhadap resiko trauma yang bisa terjadi akibat dari pekerjaannya. ...
Effectiveness of Asthma Self-Management Education (Asme) on Improving the Quality of Life: A Literature Review
(Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan, 2023-10-20)
Asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease that
affects around 300 million people of all ages worldwide so that it has an
impact on patients both physically, activity restrictions, and
psychosocially, in terms of ...