Now showing items 31-40 of 41
Pencegahan Keracunan Pada Peternak Di Desa Burno Kabupaten Lumajang
(J-Dinamika, 2023-08-01)
Peningkatan hewan ruminansia ternak sapi dan kambing yang mendukung ketahanan pangan salah salah satu
komoditas strategis penyediaan kebutuhan pangan protein asal hewan. Meningkatnya jumlah limbah kotoran
hewan ternak ...
Buku Pencegahan Kegawatdaruratan Stroke Sumber Acuan Kader Desa Tanggap Pencegahan Kegawatdaruratan Stroke (Kades Tahes) Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Desa Siaga Bebas Stroke
(KHD Production, 2023-08-01)
Desa Penanggal Kecamatan Candipuro Kabupaten
Lumajang memiliki jumlah penduduk sejumlah 7.756 jiwa yang
berasal dari kurang lebih 2.186 keluarga yang berdomisili
disana. Letak geografis Desa Penanggal yang berada di ...
Factors Affecting Successful CPR in Covid-19 Patients: a Systematic Literature Review
(The Fundamental and Management Nursing Journal (FMNJ), 2022-04-30)
Cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of the heart's effective pumping action.
This causes the circulation to stop. When circulation stops, it can cause death in a short time.
Cardiac arrest occurring in hospital is ...
Improving Documentation of Presenting Problems in The Emergency Department Using a Domain-Specific Ontology Base On 3S
(Faculty Of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, 2023-05-21)
3S-based nursing documentation (SDKI, SLKI, and SLKI) has already been
developed in Indonesia, but there is still little research related to the implementation of 3S
documentation in emergency care. The use of specific ...
Effectiveness of Stroke Attack Risk Assessmentusing Application Face Drop Recognition
(Faculty Of Nursing Universitas Airlangga, 2023-05-21)
Introduction:The treating of a stroke has a limited period; if it is not discovered immediately,
it can lead to complications and even death. Objective: This study used innovations in
technology to detect the danger of ...
The Nursing Assessment of Work History in Agricultural Areas With Liver and Kidney Functions in Farmers
(NurseLine Journal, 2023-05)
The demand to increase the productivity of agricultural products greatly drives the use of pesticides in agricultural areas. Uncontrolled use of pesticides by farmers and non-compliance with the use of personal protective ...
The effectiveness of project-based learning on students’ academic achievement in emergency nursing study
(Healthcare in Low-resource Settings, 2023-10-28)
Contributions: AM Conceptualization, Data Curation, Formal Analysis, Methodology, Validation,
Visualization, Writing – Original Draft, Review & Editing; EPW Conceptualization, Investigation,
Methodology, Validation, and ...
What Are the Causes and Types of Farmer Trauma? A Literature Review
(Journal of Vocational Health Studies,, 2023-11-11)
Industri Pertanian merupakan sektor yang berbahaya menyebabkan banyak kecelakaan tiap tahun
Quadriceps Exercise Efektif Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Pada Penderita Osteoartritis Lutut: A Literature Review
(Journals of Ners Community, 2023-05-03)
Osteoaritis merupakan penyakit degenaratif yang biasa nya terjadi pada usia lanjut akibat penipisan tulang rawan sendi
Improving Students’ Hands Only CPR Skills Through Bls Simulation Activities: A Pre-experimental Study At Khomsani Nur Boarding School in Lumajang
(International Agronursing Conference, 2023-05-01)
Background: Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) or better known as cardiac arrest is
the leading cause of death in emergency cases. Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR) is by performing compression and ventilation ...