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dc.contributor.authorYonatan Yudistira
dc.description.abstractGood water management is one important factor that should be on notice to improve agricultural productivity and kept in good condition. This study aims to determine the level of effectiveness of the method FPR (Relative Crop Factor) which is used to split water in a fair and equitable, according to the amount of water needed by plants. The research method used is the analysis of the chart. The study results showed that the FPR method implemented by the Department of Local Irrigation has been in accordance with established procedures. FPR method that has been used so far, was able to maintain agricultural productivity to the maximum in Rainy Season, Dry Season 1 and 2. This is shown by the graph cropping intensity, in the absence of fallow agricultural land and planting the resulting pattern is the rice-paddy-crops. Availability of water in the study area can be categorized adequate, being able to meet the water needs of plants down to the lower reaches.en_US
dc.subjectdistribution, cropping intensity.en_US
dc.titleKajian Aspek Teknis Pengelolaan Air Di Saluran Sekunder Jombang Daerah Irigasi Kencong Barat (Studi Kasus Di Jaringan Irigasi Kecamatan Kencong, Kabupaten Jember)en_US
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisen_US

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