Indonesia is one of countries, which potential enough in producing
coconut palm sugar. Coconut palm sugar as a product of agro industry has an
important role, especially its existence and function, which cannot be replaced by
other kinds of sugar in its usage. Coconut sugar is produced with distillation
process of the sap of coconut tree (Cocos nucifera Linn). Coconut sap of the
infloresence is obtained by tapping the coconut inflorescence.
Due to the availability of firewood as a fuel come to be more limited by
time, so wood supply representing constraint that will be faced by artisan of
coconut palm sugar. Besides, combustion smoke of wood fuel also cause the air
pollution to the environment.
This research aims are to learn the processing of coconut palm sugar:
measure energy efficiency of coconut palm sugar processing by using stove of
firewood, pressure stove fuel kerosene; compare the requirement of energy
utilization of coconut palm sugar processing from both types of the used fuel.
This research is conducted by using 2 factors viz. the processing of
coconut palm sugar with traditional stove with volume of coconut sap equal to
150 liters and processing of coconut palm sugar with pressure stove, by volume of
the sap of the infloresence as much as 50, 75 and 100 liters.
It is evident that the utilization of pressure stove with fuel of kerosene was
better, then traditional stove in case of energy efficiency. The energy efficiency of
utilization of traditional stove was 1,07%. On the otherhand, the energy efficiency
of pressure stove with volume of the sap of the infloresence 50, 75 and 100 liters
were 44,5%, 46,3% and 47,9%.