Now showing items 1-20 of 12807

    • From Waste to E-Money: The Role of Village-Owned Enterprise in Community Empowerment in Jember, Indonesia 

      HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; FIRMAWATI, Julvia Nurlaela; LADIQI, Suyatno (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Media Pemikiran dan Dakwah Pembangunan, 2024-11-05)
      Waste management is a significant global challenge as waste volumes increase worldwide. International organizations like UNEP and the World Bank promote the circular economy and 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) principles ...
    • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berkelanjutan (Green Human Resource Management) 

      GHOZALI, Zein; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; FITRIANI, Fitriani; PRASETYA, Wibawa; RIZAL, Samsul; PRAMANIK, Purwanti Dyah; SUKMA, Braja Eka; SARINAH, Lisa; INDIYATI, Dian; DARMANTO, Darmanto; ANGGRAINI, Raden Isma; MANIK, Ester; MUNYATI, Munyati (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-11-11)
      Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berkelanjutan (Green Human Resource Management)
    • Organisasi Sosial dan Kepemimpinan 

      MANUHUTU, Meldi; MANURUNG, Tagor; KARTIKA LESTARI, Putu Fajar; CITRA, Citra; TRIONO, Wahyu; AWALUDIN, Dipa Teruna; ARDIANSYAH, Tedy; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; LESMI, Kirana; SUDIRMAN, Acai; FATMAWADA S, Fatmawada S; NURDIN, Nani Harlinda; NURMILLAH, Nurmillah; KARYAINGTYAS, Setyowati (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-12-17)
      Organisasi Sosial Dan Kepemimpinan
    • Manajemen Pelayanan Umum 

      HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; HENDRAYADY, Agus; SRI WIDNYANI, Ida Ayu Putu; SETYAWATI, Irma; SARINAH, Lisa; AWALUDIN, Dipa Teruna; ARDIANSYAH, Tedy; NURDIN, Nani Harlinda; ORBAWATI, Eny Boedi (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-08-08)
      Manajemen Pelayanan Umum
    • Organisasi Sosial dan kepemimpinan 

      AWALUDIN, Dipa teruna; NURMILLAH, Nurmillah; KARTIKA LESTARI, Putu Fajar; TRIONO, Wahyu; ARDIANSYAH, Tedy; FATMAWADA S., Fatmawada S.; CITRA, Citra; HARLINADA, Nani; MANURUNG, Tagor; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; KARYANINGTYAS, Setyowati; SUDIRMAN, Acai; LESMI, KIrana; MANUHUTU, Meldi (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-12-01)
      Organisasi Sosial dan kepemimpinan
    • HKI " Administrasi Negara (Prinsip Dan Praktik) 

      HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; SRIYANI, Sriyani; SETYAWATI, Irma; AWALUDIN, Dipa Teruna; SUNYOTO, Edi; SURYAWATI, Dina; DAWAMI, Dawami; HUSEIN ENALA, Syahrabudin; HENDRAYADY, Agus (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-08-01)
      Administrasi Negara (Prinsip Dan Praktik)
    • Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berkelaanjutan 

      GHAZALI, Zein; HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; FITRIANI, Fitriani; PRASETYA, Wibawa; RIZAL, Samsul; PRAMANIK, Purwanti Dyah; SUKMA, Braja Eka; SARINAH, Lisa; INDIYATI, Dian; ANGGRAINI, Radden Isma; MANIK, Ester; MUNYATI, Munyati (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-11-01)
      Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Berkelaanjutan
    • Administrasi Negara (Prinsip Dan Praktik) 

      HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; SRIYANI, Sriyani; SETYAWATI, Irma; AWALUDIN, Dipa Teruna; SUNYOTO, Edi; SURYAWATI, Dina; DAWAMI, Dawami; HUSEIN ENALA, Syahrabudin; HENDRAYADY, Agus (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-08-01)
      Manusia ialah makhluk sosial yang tidak bisa hidup sendiri, mereka akan bergabung, berbaur dan menyatu dengan beberapa individu lain, bahkan akan membentuk sebuah kerjasama yang kemudian nantinya pasti akan saling ...
    • Supportive-educative nursing on knowledge, self-efficacy and medication compliance in pulmonary TB patients 

      MUHTAR, Muhtar; ANIHARYATI, Aniharyati; KURNIADI, Kurniadi; KUSHARIYADI, Kushariyadi (International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS), 2025-03-01)
      Tuberculosis (TB) cases are very developed in Indonesia and are ranked second largest in the world with 8.5% of global cases. We aim to analyze the effect of supportive-educational nursing interventions on self-efficac ...
    • Manajemen Pelayanan Umum 

      HELPIASTUTI, Selfi Budi; HENDRAYADY, Agus; WIDNYANI, Ida Ayu Putu Sri; SETYAWATI, Irma; SARINAH, Lisa; AWALUDIN, Dipa Teruna; ARDIANSYAH, Tedy; NURDIN, Nani Harlinda; ORBAWATI, Eny Boedi (WIDINA MEDIA UTAMA, 2024-08-01)
      Manajemen Pelayanan Umum
    • Inovasi Aplikasi Si Rida Untuk Deteksi Risiko Kaki Diabetik 

      AZIZAH, Laili Nur; ISTIQOMAH, Indriana Noor (Nuansa Fajar Cemerlang, 2024-12-01)
      Diabetes Mellitus (DM) adalah salah satu penyakit kronis yang paling umum di dunia dan menjadi tantangan besar bagi kesehatan masyarakat global. Penyakit ini mempengaruhi jutaan orang setiap tahun dan memiliki dampak ...
    • Aparatus Aklimasi Telur Untuk Pengujian Detak Jantung Embrio Unggas 

      LELONO, Asmoro; UTAMI, Eva Tyas; NIHAYAH, Husnatun (fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Jember, 2025-03-21)
      Saat ini, sistem pemantauan telur digital telah dikembangkan untuk memungkinkan peternak spesies ovipar memantau perkembangan embrio secara noninvasif dan menyaring telur yang baru menetas. Monitor telur digital mendeteksi ...
    • The Fulfillment of Hierarchy of Needs of Elinor in The "Sense And Sensibility" Novel by Jane Austen: A Study of Humanism Psychology of Abraham Maslow 

      GHOZALI, Imam (Pancaran Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Jember, 2020-02-02)
      This research was intended to find and describe the fulfillment of hierarchy of needs of Elinor in the “Sense and Sensibility” by Jane Austen which mostly about the story of Dashwood family, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. ...
    • The Implementation Of Ecology-Based Islamic Education Model In Baitul Ulum Islamic Boarding School At Mojoduwur-Mojowarno Jombang 

      GHOZALI, Imam (Pancaran Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Jember, 2018-11-14)
      Education is an effort to optimize human potential in its entirety, potential, humanity and natural potential (environment) that as an effort to ask Islamic studnets to the realization of righteous human beings. Baitul ...
    • Dasar Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Kesehatan Keluarga 

      HANDAYANI, Dwining; RATNANINGSIH, Titin; NURZANNAH, Eka Maulana; NURHIDAYAH, Nurhidayah; ASHRI, Azizah Al; NAUDUR SIREGAR, Bd.Ronni; DIANA, Sirlii; MARLINDA, Marlinda; RETNONINGRUM, Ambar Dwi; BD. DAMAYANTI, Bd. Damayanti; NURROCHMAWATI, Ike; NURYATI, Elmi; KUSUMANINGRUM, Remita Yuli (Lingkar Edukasi Indonesia, 2024-11-01)
      Era Globalisasi dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan, industrialisasi dan modernisasi, telah mengakibatkan perubahan-perubahan sosial yang amat cepat. Rendahnya pemenuhan hak-hak reproduksi dapat diketahui dengan masih ...
    • Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: The Journey of The University Towards Environmental- Based Budgeting 

      KURROHMAN, Taufik; NINGTYIAS, Farida Wahyu; OKTAVIANI, Aprilia (Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi da Keuangan, 2024-11-25)
      Purpose: This research scrutinizes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the progress towards achieving a sustainable campus, with a specific focus on carbon emissions in higher education institutions. It aims to provide ...
    • The Representation of Female’s Ideal Body in Sarai Walker’s Dietland 

      A. S. RAHMA, A. S. Rahma; D. D. KUSUMAYANTI, D. D. Kusumayanti; SUPIASTUTIK, Supiastutik (The 2nd International Conference of Mathematics Education, Learning, and Application, 2024-02-01)
      This study investigates the issue of women's ideal body in Sarai Walker's Dietland. This research aims to find out how the ideal body is represented in the novel and how the author creates the discourse of the ideal body. ...
    • Japanese diaspora in Margaret Dilloway's How to be an American Housewife 

      FITRIANI, Elok; BASUKI, Imam; SETIAWAN, Ikwan; SUPIASTUTIK, Supiastutik (Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture, 2024-02-01)
      In today's borderless world, people move quickly, forming diaspora communities with complex cultural lives. The culture shock that causes mental health disruption is common in these diaspora communities. Therefore, ...
    • The Representation of Liberal Feminism in the Picture Book Mary Wears What She Wants by Keith Negley 

      MALAU, Theophanie Clarissa; KUSUMAYANTI, Dina Dyah; SUPIASTUTIK, Supiastutik (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora, 2024-03-25)
      This research aims to show that women can dominate the story as seen in Negley’s picture book (2019) Mary Wears What She Wants. The theory used in this research is the theory of representation by Stuart Hall (1997). ...
    • Post-feminist Discourses in Taylor Jenkins Reid’s The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo 

      KHAIRUNNISA, Liyana (Journal of Language and Literature, 2024-04-01)
      This research analyzes feminist success in post-feminist discourse related to neoliberalism in the Hollywood film industry through The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. This research aims to reveal how Evelyn's actions ...