To make bread needs a step called fermentation or proofing. Fermentation
needs temperature between 35 - 40o C. Natural conditions do not always accord to
fermentation process, hence needs an appliance capable to set the temperature at
an appropriate range ( 35 – 40o C).
The research aim was to design a Wooden Bread Fermentation Cabin
using a simple material. This research was conducted from December 2002 to
September 2004 in two locations. Fabrication was done in Jl. Samanhudi No.10
Pacitan, while testing was conducted in Agricultural Machinery Laboratory,
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember.
Parameters to be measured were weigh increase and lose after
fermentation using formula PP = ( B1 + B2) x 100 %; size growth percentage
using formula PP = Vs X VR2 x 100 %; and the amount of water evaporated from
the pan using formula PP =
2 V
x 100 %.
Capacity of Wooden Bread Fermentation Cabin were180 bread, bread
fermentation in 30 minute with 28 cm2 volume, size growth percentage 91,47 %
from the 1st size growth 81,66 gr become 82,38 gr, and the amount of water
evaporated 18,7 % of 2000 ml.
Economic analysis by comparing expense of Design of Wooden Bread
Fermentation Cabin was made with the elementary material of wood compare
with the Bread Fermentation Cabin made of Stainless Steel material. Cost of the
wooden bread fermentation cabin = Rp. 894.400,-, while cost the Stainless Steel
can on = Rp. 3.787.000.
The designed wooden bread fermentation cabin can be used in home
industrial bread makers.