LSP-Conference Proceeding: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 1876
Leukocyte Count on Rats Modells of Experimental periodontitis Induced by Lipopolysaccharide of Porphoyromonas gingivalis
(Perios IV, 2019-08-25)The normal physiologi value of white blood cells and its differential amount are essential for diagnosis,therapy and screening -
Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Pabrik Semen Puger di Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember
(FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS JEMBER, 2015-12-30)This study aims to determine how much puger’s cement gives effect to socioeconomic society, to determine the economic value perceived by the society in the form of benefits that increase revenues an ure to be incurred to ... -
Pengaruh Rake Angle Netral Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Pada Proses Bubut Material Getas Batu Marmer
(UNISBANK, 2017-07-26)Proses bubut merupakan proses pemesinan yang banyak digunakan dalam komponen-komponen mesin (logam). Setiap proses pembubutan mempunyai karakteristik tertentu dari material yang dihasilkan. Untuk memperoleh karakteristik ... -
Aplikasi Pembangkit Listrik Mikrohidro Dengan Memanaatkan Sisa Aliran Sungai Lahan Pertanian
(Seminar Nasional Karya Pengabdian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, 2020-10-21)Pada saat ini dunia sedang mengalami ’krisis energi’ dan khususnya Indonesia mengalami krisis energi listrik secara nasional. Listrik merupakan salah satu kebutuhan hidup manusia yang primer, sehingga diperlukan suatu ... -
Policy Analysis Recovery KIA-KB Services Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic
(2and International Health Conference, 2021-11-26)The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred throughout Indonesia, including in Lumajang Regency had an impact on maternal and child health (KIA), family planning (KB) services in Lumajang Regency. Policies and restrictions imposed ... -
Laminar burning velocity of Calophylluminophyllum methyl ester on perforated burner
(AIP Conference Proceedings 2278, 2020-10-02)Laminar burning velocity is the volume of unburned gas per unit time distributed by the gas consumed. The laminar burning velocity has an important role because it contains basic information about fuel reactivity, ... -
Extraction Bioactive Compound of Pegagan (Centella Asiatica L.) using Solvent-Free Microwave-Assisted Extraction
(International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering (ICCME 2020), 2021-02-25)Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica L.), known as pegagan is a plant with many benefits, including used to repair burns, hypertrophic wound healing, and as an inflammatory agent. C. asiatica grows in tropical Asia and grows in ... -
Heating Treatment of Air in Combustion Chamber For The Use of Mixture Ethanol and Gasoline Fuel
(International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology, 2021-02-22)This research was conducted to improve the engine performance with ethanol and gasoline mixture, because from fuel mixture with high concentrate causes value of flash point and heat evaporation fuels becomes higher. To ... -
Sanitasi Lingkungan dan Status Gizi pada Keluarga dengan Balita Stunting Di Kabupaten Jember: Perspektif Petugas Kesehatan di Puskesmas
(Perhimpunan Sarjana dan Profesional Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2021-10-10)Latar Belakang: Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak balita akibat dari kekurangan gizi kronis sehingga anak terlalu pendek untuk usianya. Faktor penyebab langsung terjadinya stunting adalah ketidakseimbangan ... -
Slow Release Fertilizer Production from Coffee Spent Ground: A Preliminary Study
(AIP Conference Proceedings 2278, 020022 (2020), 2020-10-26)Jember is an area in East Java that has potential in the agricultural and plantation sectors. Coffee as one of the commodities of Jember Regency is very well known throughout the world proven by the existence of the coffee ... -
The Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Inulin from Dahlia Sp. Tubers in Water
(AIP Conference Proceedings 2278, 2020-10-26)The Inulin is well-known as a valuable chemical since its structure contains fructose and glucose. Through extraction, inulin can be derived from Dahlia Sp. Tubers. Mostly, the acid and high temperature are used ... -
The Implementation of research based learning in developing the students mathematical generalization thinking skills in solving a paving blocks design problem
(Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019-04-09)The mathematical generalization process is a powerful thinking skills that should be present in mathematical learning. Especially in the higher education students, the lecturer should maintain this process to sharp their ... -
The development of interactive mathematics learning media based on schoology and visual basic through industrial revolution 4.0
(Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019-04-09)The development of technology in the era of globalization raises the issue of a fourth industrial revolution or called the industrial revolution 4.0 [1]. Industrial revolutions 4.0 did not influence only the production ... -
Pemodelan Pemotongan Longitudinal Material Getas Batumarmer Pada Proses Bubut Tanpa Tailstock
(Seminar Nasional Teknik Mesin, 2017-12-02)Sebagai material yang getas sifat ketermesinan batumarmer sangat rendah karena nilai ketangguhan patahnya yang rendah. Kekuatan patah batumarmer lebih rendah dari kekuatan luluhnya. Ketika batumarmer diberi beban tarik ... -
Desain dan Pengembangan Mesin Pengolah Krupuk Singkong Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Tambah Produk Olahan Singkong DI Kabupaten Banyuwangi
(PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PERTANIAN, 2020-11-18)Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat industri kecil pembuat krupuk singkong yang mengalami kekurangan pengetahuan teknologi produksi, perluasan pasar dan manajemen pembukuan. Untuk menyelesaikan permaslahan ... -
Conflict Resolution Model Between Corporate Community and Government in the Environmental Conflict of Gold Mining Tumpangpitu, Banyuwangi
(Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 2021-11-25)This study was carried out in Banyuwangi's Sendangarum Pesanggaran, which investigates the government's and corporations' conflict over gold mining. The dispute arose due to the community's refusal and even resistance as ... -
Karakteristik tumbuh gadung Dayak Kalimantan (Dioscorea hispida) dan teknik detoksifikasinya sebagai pangan alternatif
(PROS SEM NAS MASY BIODIV INDON, 2017-02-02)Rudito, Suwarto, Azkiyah L, Witono Y, Saragih B, Arung ET. 2017. Karakteristik tumbuh gadung Dayak Kalimantan (Dioscorea hispida) dan teknik detoksifikasinya sebagai pangan alternatif. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: ... -
Formulation of Flavor Enhancer from Common Barb (Rasbora jacobsoni) Protein Hydrolysate
(Publisher Logo Conference Proceedings, 2019-12-23)Natural flavor enhancers based on common burb (Rasbora jacobsoni) fish protein hydrolysate which is allegedly in accordance with human health needs have been investigated, namely by formulating them using ingredients ... -
An Experimental Study on Thermal Catalytic Decomposition of Inulin to 5‑Hydroxymethylfurfural And Levulinic Acid and Effect of c6 on Furfural During Decomposition Process
(International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering (ISIChem), 2019-06-04)The attractive biobased platform chemicals, 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and Levulinic Acid (LA), are commonly produced by the conversion of monomeric sugars. Nevertheless, a polymeric sugar such as inulin shows promising. ... -
Analisis Validitas Dan Respon Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika Terhadap Penggunaan Video Pembelajaran Tentang Pemanfaatan Pengolahan Kakao Pada Pembelajaran Fisika
(SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN FISIKA, 2019-11-17)Perkembangan pendidikan tidak terlepas dari perkembangan teknologi. Perkembangan teknologi dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar yang inovatif dan menyenangkan bagi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ...