The Implementation Of Ecology-Based Islamic Education Model In Baitul Ulum Islamic Boarding School At Mojoduwur-Mojowarno Jombang
Education is an effort to optimize human potential in its
entirety, potential, humanity and natural potential (environment)
that as an effort to ask Islamic studnets to the realization of
righteous human beings. Baitul Ulum Mojoduwur Jombang
Islamic Boarding School guides students to carry out activities to
maintain the cleanliness of the Islamic boarding school
environment (natural potential) as a form of implementation of an
ecological based Islamic education model. Therefore, the purpose
of this study is to describe the forms of activities to maintain the
cleanliness of the environment of Islamic boarding schools in the
ecology-based Islamic education model and the ecological
concept in the fiqh perspective and the problematic
implementation of ecology-based Islamic education in Baitul
Ulum Islamic Boarding School. Descriptive analysis type
qualitative research, with data collection techniques namely
observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis
techniques are description, reduction and interpretation. The
results of the discussion that the concept of ecological-based
Islamic education in its application can be reflected in two
models. First, the classical model, which is applicative, still uses
the Islamic distinctive cultures, such as Roanan (workmanship)
once a week, and cleaning pickets clean the cottage environment.
Second, the modern model, namely by utilizing natural
technological advances such as findings in the field, is to replant
the land around the hut and fertilizing it with natural fertilizers.
The problem of the implementation of Ecological-based Islamic
education in Baitul Ulum Mojoduwur Mojowarno Jombang
Islamic Boarding School is the existence of historical factors, land
factors, and the density of literary activities with the activities of
reciting and attending school making the implementation of
ecologically based its application.
- LSP-Article In Journal [149]