Browsing LSP-Article In Journal by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 149
Activity of Gamavuton-O as Anti Rheumatoid Arthritis on Female Wistar Rat Induced by Complete Freund's Adjuvant with Parameter Suppression of Cytokine IL-1β Level in Joints Tissue
(2013-12-30)Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammation dissease in joints that it’s cause still unclearly known. In the some recently study has proven that there is elevation of sitokines level including TNF-α and IL-1β especially ... -
The Perception of the Practitioners and students towards the subject of forensic counting and fraud examination
(2015-07-24)Presents a research, which aims to analyze the insight of practitioners, academicians and accounting students toward forensic accounting and fraud examination course as if integrating into accounting curriculum. Furthermore, ... -
Strategic CSR based on Local Wisdom for Corporate Sustainability (A Case Study on Sugar Factories in Karesidenan Besuki)
(Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review, 2015-10)Objective - The objective of this program is to help and support sugar cane farmers, cooperative and small business and engaged in community development (such as education/training, improving health, public infrastructur ... -
Pentingnya Peningkatan Religiositas untuk Mengatasi Pornografi di Kalangan Orang Muda Kristen
(2015-10-28)Studi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan menganalisis persepsi orang muda Kristen tentang pornografi dan religiositas dalam kaitan degan aksesibilitas pornografi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi aksesibilitas pornografi. ... -
Pengaruh Upstream Supply Chain Management pada Kinerja Perusahaan (Studi PT Zebra Agrindo Utama di Kabupaten Jember)
(2015-10-30)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Upstem Supply Chain Management kepada kinerja perusahaan dengan study perusahaan PT. Zebra Agrindo Utama di Kabupaten Jember. Dengan variabel bebas atau independen dalam penelitian ... -
Grand Desain Pengembangan UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Kabupaten Situbondo
(2015-10-30)Goals to be achieved in this research is to analyze the potential and problems of any existing for development; SME sector to initiate the SME sector which is a priority for development. identity the factors that became ... -
Uji Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan TV Berbayar Indovision
(2015-10-30)Experiment of the influence of quality service on customers satisfaction and loyalty in a pay TV Indovision branch of Jember is intended to (1) test quality influence services to the customers satisfaction (2) test quality ... -
Studi Tipologi Strategi Supply Chain dan Kinerja pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Jawa Timur
(2015-10-30)In line with the Increasingly tight competition along with the higher and more varried customers demand, companies do not stock pile their invnory in warehouse anymore, but they are required to be subtle in integrating the ... -
Manajemen Pelaporan Pendapatan dan Pemilihan Metode Akuntansi pada Penawaran Saham Perdana di Bursa Efek Jakarta
(2015-10-30)There are many factors affecting the desire of owners of the company to manage the accounting information exspecially in initial Public Offerings (IPO) Empirical evidence has indicated that there are at least five factors ... -
Studi Sistem Logistik dalam rangka Penentuan Tingkat Persediaan untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Gula pada Pabrik Gula di Karesidenan Besuki
(2015-10-30)This research conducted by using survey technique at sugar mill, which is located in Karesidenan Besuki. The technique of sample is purposive sampling. Sample of is set in this research is one sugar mill deputizing each ... -
Manajemen Laba (Earning Management) dan Pemilihan Metode Akuntansi pada IPO (Studi pada Bursa Efek Jakarta)
(2015-10-30)There are many factors affecting the desire of owners of the company to manage the accounting information. Empirical evidence has indicated that there are at least live factors to be related with earning management, namely ... -
Analisis Strategi Integrasi Upstream dan Downstream Supply Chain Management terhadap Kinerja pada Perusahaan Manufaktur di Jawa Timur
(2015-10-30)Increasing and tight competition along with the high customer demand coupled with its variation have made company to be aware of not stock piling their inventory in the warehouse. Company is required to be more subtle in ... -
(Jember: Fakultas Hukum UNEJ, 2014, 2015-11-02)Korupsi memiliki dampak yang sangat luar biasa dalam kehidupan, sehingga digolongkan sebagai extra ordinary crime (kejahatan luar biasa). Untuk menanggulanginya tidak hanya dengan usaha penal (hukum pidana) tetapi harus ... -
Ginger's Bioactive Compounds Incrased Intracellular Antioxidant In Vitro
(2015-11-06)Glutathione (y-glutamil-sisteinil-glisin) in non protein thiol compound abundance in animal tissue and euraryote cells, including lymphocyte. It play important roles in many cellular functions, such as DNA and protein ... -
Kerinduan Tokoh-tokoh Novel Rindu Kami Pada-Mu Karya Garin Nugroho dan Islah Gusmian: Analisis Semiotik
(2015-11-06)Novel Rindu Kami Pada-Mu reveals the lives of the peoples in the market and their life problems they face. By using qualitative methods, it can be seen that the characters have a deep langing for lost love and affection. ... -
Perbedaan Kualitas Pelayanan Berdasarkan Waktu Tunggu Serta Rasio Rujukan Pasien Dokter keluarga
(2015-11-10)Quality services doctor are represented by referral ratio and waiting time. In fact, the referral ratio in Jember shows higher than national value (15%). This study will analiyze the difference between payment system method, ... -
Rekonstruksi Wajah dalam Metode Identifikasi Forensik (Studi Pustaka)
(2015-11-11)The aim of forensic identification is helping the investigator to know the victim identity. Facial reconstruction have used as methode in forensic identification for more last century. This methods is the process to repair ... -
Kedaruratan Endodonsia
(2015-11-11)Emergency case in endodontic treatment need accuracy diagnotic and treatment immediately because it produces pain and puffines. We can get accuracy diagnotic by dental record, subjective inspection, objective inspection, ... -
Audit Quality and Earnings Management In Indonesian Initial Public Offerings
(2015-11-30)This study examines the effect of audit quality on earnings management (as measured by discretionary current accruals) for Indonesian IPO firms. Earnings management is measured using current accruals, assuming that the ... -
The Implication Of Tabarru’ And Wakalah Bil Ujrah Contracts In Financial Management Of Islamic General Insurance Institution (Case Study In Indonesia)
(2015-11-30)There are two purposes of this study. First is to explore the implication of the using of tabarru’ and wakalah bil ujrah contract in financial management of Islamic general insurance institution (IGII). Second is to build ...