Multiplikasi Tanaman African violet Secara in Vitro Menggunakan Benzyl Amino Purin (BAP) dan Indole Butyric Acid (IBA)
Multiplication of African violet is carried out to determine the best concentration of BAP and IBA hormones in the plant propagation process. The aim is to find out the best concentration of BAP and IBA combinations in the multiplication process of African violet. The treatments given include A1 = BAP 0.25 ppm + IBA 0 ppm ; A2 = BAP 0.25 ppm + IBA 0.5 ppm ; A3 = BAP 0.25 ppm + IBA 1 ppm ; A4 = BAP 0.5 ppm + IBA 0 ppm ; A5 = BAP 0.5 ppm + IBA 0.5 ppm ; A6 = BAP 0.5 ppm + IBA 1 ppm ; A7 = BAP 1 ppm + IBA 0 ppm ; A8 = BAP 1 ppm + IBA 0.5 ppm; A9 = BAP 1 ppm + IBA 1 ppm. Data were analyzed using the Standart Error Mean (SEM). The research results obtained show that the treatments with the fastest time for swelling is A9, the fastest time for shoot emergence in A7, for the fastest leaf emergence time in treatments A5 and A7, while the fastest time for root emergence is A2, A3 and A6. In the parameters of number of shoots and number of explants formed, there was no treatment with the best results because all treatments had no significant differences. It can be concluded that A7 treatment with 1 ppm BAP and 0 ppm IBA is the best treatment for the multiplication process of African violet plants.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4324]