LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 781-800 of 7365
Teknik Pengasuhan Orangtua Terhadap Kemandirian Anak Usia Dini pada Keluarga Mantan Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Desa Prodo Kecamatan Winongan Kabupaten Pasuruan
(LEARNING COMMUNITY Jurnal Pendidikan Masyarakat, 2021-03)Teknik pengasuhan orangtua merupakan salah satu hal yang berpengaruh terhadap tumbuh kembang anak terutama pada kemandirian anak. Dalam hal ini teknik pengasuhan orangtua di terapkan dalam keluarga mantan gelandangan dan ... -
Relationship between Family Support and Welfare Psychology of Prisoners During the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ), 2023-05-06)The high death rate due to Covid-19 does not only cause physical symptoms and illnesses but also has a major impact on well-being which includes mental health, including inmates at Class IIB Lumajang Penitentiary. The ... -
Learning Development Model of Pandhalungan Community Empowerment Program Through Training in Sumbersari District, Jember City
(Brawijaya International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Technology, 2020-04)Researcher obtained a descriptngthion the community in Sumbersari Jember Village had various kinds of empowerment or strengthening. This can be the basis for researchers to develop a learning model which is a series of ... -
Yoga Practice on Reducing Menstrual Pain Intensity (Dysmenorrhea) in Adolescent Girls: Literature Review
(Health and Technology Journal (HTechJ), 2023-05-06)Most women experience severe pain problems during menstruation, usually called dysmenorrhea. Yoga practice can reduce body, mind, and psychic tension, reduce pain, and release endorphins to increase the response of the ... -
Yoga Therapy for Improving the Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Patients: Literature Review
(Health and Technology Journal (HTECHJ), 2023-05-06)Cancer is a chronic disease that affects emotional states and changes in daily life, causing physiological and psychological problems. This condition can also affect the quality of life. This literature review aims to ... -
Penerapan Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Dengan Metode Hypnoparenting : Study Sekolah Perempuan Jember
(Learning Community : Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 2021-03-25)Penerapan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi sering dianggap tabu oleh banyak masyarakat khususnya bagi para orang tua. Akibat yang muncul dari kurangnya pemahaman pendidikan kesehatan anak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini ... -
Prevalence of multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from Ocimum basilicum sold at the traditional market in Indonesia
(Food Research, 2023-04-28)Ocimum basilicum, also known as basil, is commonly consumed uncooked and can spread foodborne infections. Escherichia coli is one of the germs that can cause food poisoning. Antibiotic resistance has previously been ... -
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Boneka Gender dan Buku Cerita terhadap Perkembangan Kognitif dan Sosio Emosional Anak Usia Dini
(Learning Community: Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 2020-03)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran boneka gender dan buku cerita terhadap perkembangan kognitif dan sosio emosional anak usia dini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan ... -
Efektifitas Program Pendidikan Nonformal Terhadap Pemberdayaan Gelandangan dan Pengemis di Lingkungan Pondok Sosial Kabupaten Jember
(Jurnal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah, 2019-03)Salah satu masalah kemiskinan yaitu makin banyaknya jumlah gelandangan dan pengemis, yang disebabkan oleh kualitas hidup masih dibawah garis kemiskinan. Sejalan dengan hal itu, Lingkungan Pondok Sosial (Liposos) yang ... -
Peran Komunikasi Interpersonal dalam Penyebaran teknologi Green House di SKB Situbondo
(Kanal (Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi), 2017-09)Proses penyebaran teknologi green house di Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB) Situbondo banyak sekali menuai kedala dalam pelaksanaannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengembangan green house di SKB Situbondo ... -
Beneficial Effect of Arabica Coffee Fruit Skin (Coffea Arabica) on Epithelial Thickness after Tooth Extraction
(Denta Jurnal kedokteran Gigi, 2021-02-11)In Indonesia, tooth extraction is the most common practice in dentistry. A successful indicator of tooth extraction is a perfect healing process. One of the parameters of a perfect healing process is epithelial formation. ... -
Pengaruh Microwave Assisted pada Kurva Histerisis Multi Domain Bahan Feromagnetik NiFe
(Saintifika, 2020-01)NiFe alloy material is a ferromagnetic material that has a strong texture and with a magnetic anisotropy value and a large coercivity field. The hysteresis curve of this NiFe material produces a large coercivity field in ... -
Diffusion coefficient calculation of iron in liquid lead using molecular dynamics method with new mixing rule for Lennard-Jones potential paramete
(Kwait Journal of Science, 2022-01-06)The diffusion coefficient data of materials are crucial for several applications, and can be calculated theoretically up to considerable accuracies. Using molecular dynamics simulation it is possible to compute this ... -
Arabica Coffee (Coffea Arabica) Fruit Skin Potential Towards the Increase of Fibroblast Cells Amount Within Socket Post Tooth Extraction of Male Wistar Mouse
(HEALATH NOTIONs, 2019-06-01)Tooth extraction can cause wound in hard tissue and soft tissue inside oral cavity. Wound healing process involves cell proliferation especially fibroblast cells. To accelerate fibroblast cell proliferation alternative ... -
Benefits of freeze driedarabica coffee peels (Coffeaarabica) asan oralantimicrobial
(Makassar Dental Journal, 2022-04-01)Background:Oralinfectionsarecurrentlytreatedwithsyntheticdrugs,namelyantimicrobials(antibioticsandantifungals) that cancauseresistantbacteria,so alternative antimicrobialsfromherbalgroupsareneeded.Arabicacoffeepeelconta ... -
Studi Karakteristik Aliran Gas Berbagai Polutan Menggunakan Simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
(-, 2019)Polutan gas yang dihasilkan dari proses pembakaran boiler merupakan salah satu sumber pencemar lingkungan. Sebagai fluida, sifat kemudahannya mengalami deformasi membuat distribusi gas menjadi mudah menyebar ke segala arah. ... -
Optimization of Centrifugation Speed and pH in Extraction of Uricase Enzyme from Goat Liver
(INDONESIAN CHIMICA LETTERS, 2022-12-21)The human body does not have an enzyme that can break down uric acid, so the accumulation of uric acid can cause disease. This problem can be overcome by uricolytic therapy by utilizing the activity of the uricase ... -
Efek Pemberian Gum Mimba (Azadirachta indica) terhadap Kadar MDA Ginjal Tikus Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) yang Diinduksi Diazinon
(JOURNAL OF AGROMEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2023-02-01)Diazinon merupakan pestisida yang paling umum digunakan di Indonesia. Paparannya dapat meningkatkan produksi radikal bebas sehingga memicu proses peroksidasi lipid dengan produk akhir malaondialdehid (MDA). Radikal ... -
Tindak Pidana KelalaianDokter Gigi yang Menyebabkan Luka pada Pasien: Analisis Putusan Nomor: 257/Pid.B/2015/PN.Dps
(Lentera Hukum, 2018-03-19)Terdapat perbedaan yang mendasar antara tindak pidana biasa yang menitikberatkan pada akibat dan tindak pidana medis yang lebih menitik beratkan pada sebab. Untuk dapat dikatakan sebagai perbuatan pidana, kelalaian yang ... -
Formulating Criminal Liabilities Regarding Online Prostitution
(Lentera Hukum, 2019-12-31)This study aims to obtain similarities and differences regarding legal formulation in online prostitution. Hitherto, prostitution has remained to exist in Indonesian society. In context, the existing perpetrators of ...