Now showing items 3081-3100 of 7295

    • The Revival of the Past: Privatizing Cultural Practices in the Festival Era 

      PRASETYO, Hery; ROSA, Dien Vidia; JANNAH, Raudlatul; HANDAYANI, Baiq Lily (Open Cultural Studies, 2021-11-30)
      The issue of indigenous community revivalism is crucial related to identity problems and cultural practices in sustainable development. Capital accumulation through cultural commercialization becomes a means to create a ...
    • Sustaining Cultural Legitimation through the Theatrics of Power in the Gong Kyai Pradah Ritual 

      PRASETYO, Hery; ROSA, Dien Vidia; JONES, Eleanor; ARIANIS, Milla (Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, 2020-06-25)
      This article examines the ritual traditions that are reconstructed to fit within a tourist agenda in the Blitar Region of Indonesia. The ritual is the purification of Gong Kyai Pradah. Tourism in local areas is a phenomenon ...
    • Meckel's Diverticulum Associated with Volvulus and Internal Hernia 

      SUPANGAT, Supangat; NUGRAHA, Muhammad Yuda; MARGARETHA, Meiske; TOHARI, Achmad Ilham; SAKINAH, Elly Nurus; QODAR, Tegar Syaiful; MULYONO, Bagus Wahyu; HIDAYAT, Muhammad Rijal Fahrudin (Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2021-12-07)
      Meckel's diverticulum (MD) is congenital malformation that usually asymptomatic. MD could be emergency cases in pediatric due to the complication. Case presentation: We report an interesting and rare case complication of ...
    • Synchronous AC Chopper for Universal Motor Speed Control Using Fuzzy Logic 

      SETIAWAN, Andi; WIDJONARKO, Widjonarko; KUMARATUNGGA, Candrika (Synchronous AC Chopper for Universal Motor Speed Control Using Fuzzy Logic, 2021-07-02)
      The use of Universal type motorcycles is very commonly used, both in daily life and in research activities. The universal motor can be used as a prime mover generator PMSG (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator), which ...
    • The Effect of Isometric Exercise on Reducing Blood Pressure In People with Hypertension: A Literature Review 

      MAISYAROH, Arista; PUTRI, Devi Aulia; ABDILLAH, Achlish; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya (Jurnal Keperawatan, 2021-07-17)
      Hypertension is a major factor contributing to cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death globally. Basic Health Research Indonesian Ministry of Health data for 2018 showed that hypertension in East ...
    • Ability to Report Emergency at Farmers in the Agriculture Area 

      FIBRIANSARI, Rizeki Dwi; MAISYAROH, Arista; WIDIANTO, Eko Prasetya (NurseLine Journal, 2021-11-02)
      Low knowledge and motivation about using personal protective equipment on farmers can cause workplace accidents. Upper limb injuries comprise 67% of all injuries, and the most active parts are fingers (43%). Due to the ...
    • Performance Improvement on Motor Bldc Speed Controller by Using Multi Controller With Summation Technique 

      WIDJONARKO, Widjonarko; ALVIAN, Cries; PRAKOSA, Setya Widyawan; RUDIYANTO, Bayu (Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2021-10-02)
      BLDC motor is the most widely used in the industrial world, especially in electric vehicles. With this increasing demand, a variety of research topics emerged in BLDC motors. One popular research is on BLDC motor speed ...
    • Pengaruh Zakat Produktif Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Mustahik Kabupaten Banyuwangi 

      VIPHINDRARTIN, Sebastiana; HARIS, Fiqi Hidayatu Ulfa; MUNIR, Akhmad (Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis dan Akuntansi, 2021-11-01)
      Tujuan dari penelitian ini dilakukan adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh zakat produktif mustahik terhadap peningkatan pendapatan mustahik di BAZNAZ Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunaka ...
    • Pembatasan Kebebasan Beragama dalam Darurat Kesehatan Virus Korona di Indonesia: Perspektif HAM dan Islam 

      MUHSHI, Adam; SALMAN, Radian (Media Iuris, 2021-10-02)
      Paper ini akan mengkaji pembatasan yang dilakukan pemerintah Indonesia terhadap kegiatan keagamaan yang dilaksanakan secara bersama-sama di tempat ibadah pada masa pandemi covid-19. Pembatasan tersebut dalam beberapa ...
    • Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Islam Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah BPRS Bhakti Sumekar Jember 

      ADENAN, Moh.Adenan; FEBIATILLAH, Syara Aulia; MUNIR, Akhmad (Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Islam..., 2021-12-16)
      Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah compliance, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty dan fasilitas layanan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah pada BPR Syariah ...
    • Corruption Prevention in Legislative Drafting in Indonesia 

      Corruption not only happens in the implementation of legislation or policy (administrative corruption) but also in the process of legislative drafting (state capture). Since the establishment of the Corruption Eradication ...
    • The Principles of Utility on Social Functions in Syariah Banking 

      MAULIDA, Nur Aini; KHOIDIN, M.; SUSANTI, Dyah Ochtorina; HARISUDIN, Muhammad Noor (International Journal of Creative Research and Studie, 2021-10-10)
      This research is motivated that the fact is that not many people know about the social functions of Islamic banking because most people still think that business activities in Islamic banking are only profit-oriented. ...
    • Hubungan Jumlah Rakaat Salat Dhuha terhadap Peningkatan Detak Jantung 

      PRASETYA, Moch. Arief; HASAN, Muhammad; SOFIANA, Kristianningrum Dian (Journal of Islamic Medicine, 2021-09-30)
      Latar Belakang : Salat merupakan ibadah umat muslim yang dilakukan dengan gerakan dan bacaan. Salat jenis aktivitas fisik dengan intensitas ringan yang dapat memengaruhi detak jantung. Peningkatan detak jantung pada aktivitas ...
    • Relationship of Cholinesterase Activity with Blood Glucose Levels Due to Pesticide Exposure to Farmers in Mlokorejo Village 

      LUQMANI, Muhammad Ryznar Faisal Nur; SOFIANA, Kristianningrum Dian; HERMANSYAH, Bagus (Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences, 2021-02-02)
      Peningatan kadar glukosa darah dapat ditimbulkan oleh penggunaan pestisida jangka panjang oleh petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas kolinesterase sebagai indikator ...
    • The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Student Body Ability Index of Medical Faculty Jember University 

      HANDOKO, Adelia; PRASETYO, Aris; WULANDARI, Pipiet; SOFIANA, Kristianningrum Dian; FIRDAUS, Jauhar; PERTIWI, Karisma Adya (Journal of Agromedicine and Medical Sciences, 2021-10-04)
      Technological advances in recent years have had an impact on people's lifestyles. Almost all activities in various sectors can be carried out and accessed via smartphones. This causes a decrease in physical activity which ...
    • Cutting Forces, Chips Formation and Surface Roughness in Rock Cutting Using Negative Rake Angle 

      HERMAWAN, Yuni; SOENOKO, Rudy; IRAWAN, Yudy Surya; SETYABUDI, Sofyan Arief (MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2020-06-01)
      This research pertains to rock cutting used negative rake angle. The parameters used are negative rake angles of 0o, -5o, -10o, -15o, -25o, -30o, and -40o. Negative rake angle is known to play an important role in rock ...
    • Minimizing Temperature and Tool Wear on Rock Cutting with Negative Rake Angle 

      HERMAWAN, Yuni; SOENOKO, Rudy; IRAWAN, Yudy Surya; SETYABUDI, Sofyan Arief (MM Science Journal, 2019-06-03)
      This research discusses the effect of negative rake angle, to the temperature and tool wear on rock cutting. The cutting process was conducted on marble rock material, without coolants and utilized tungsten carbide inserts ...
    • Strengthening Community Empowerment : The Relevance With Development Of Ecopreneurship In Marine Ecotourism 

      Ecopreneurship is an environment based on entrepreneurial activities to fulfill their business goals that have an impact on ecotourism development. Marine ecotourism is one sector that has the potential to develop the ...
    • Strengthening Community Empowerment : The Relevance With Development Of Ecopreneurship In Marine Ecotourism 

      Ecopreneurship is an environment based on entrepreneurial activities to fulfill their business goals that have an impact on ecotourism development. Marine ecotourism is one sector that has the potential to develop the ...
    • The Influence of Leadership on the Competitive Advantage of SMEs: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia 

      TOBING, Diana Sulianti Kristina; SUDARSIH, Sudarsih; APRIONO, Markus; KRISHNABUDI, KRISHNABUDI; SULARSO, Raden Andi; SAMPEADI, Sampeadi; NUHARDJO, Budi (Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021-05-02)
      This academic study aims to examine, analyze and synthetize the role of entrepreneurial orientation in determining the influence of leadership on competitive advantage. The research was carried out at small- and medium-sized ...