LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 7323
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dan Dukungan Tenaga Kesehatan Terhadap Self Care Behavior Melalui Self Efficacy Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung
(Jurnal Keperawatan, 2023-12-01)Heart failure atau gagal jantung merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang terjadi hingga saat ini. Kematian akibat heart failure mencapai 17% di seluruh dunia sehingga heart failure menjadi penyebab kematian ... -
Adheren Adherence Determinant Analysis of Plhiv on Arv (Antiretroviral) Therapy in Situbondo Districtce Determinant Analysis of Plhiv on Arv (Antiretroviral) Therapy in Situbondo District
(Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi, 2024-01-26)Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a collection of symptoms arising from the deteriorating immunity. The number of people living with HIV ... -
Dental Caries Risk and Quality of Life of Middle Age and Older Adults during COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
(Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, 2024-04-09)To evaluate the correlation between caries risk and OHRQoL in middle age and the older population during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Material and Methods: The subjects ranged in age from >45. The participants ... -
Implementasi Slow Stroke Back Massage dengan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Akut pada Pasien Hipertensi di Ruang Kenanga RSUD dr. Haryoto Lumajang: Studi Kasus
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-10-01)Cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension, are still significant heart problem on the worldwide and cause a variety of symptoms such as headaches, heart palpitations, vertigo, and blurred vision. Persistent ... -
Comparison of Release of Nickel and Nickel Chromium Ions on Restoration after Soaking Steeping Robusta and Arabica Coffee
(Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 2024-02-01)Robusta and Arabica coffee are two types of coffee widely consumed by Indonesians. Both tend to be acidic in pH level when they are brewed. Patients who experience prosthodontic treatment using NiCr metal restorations ... -
The Implementation of Guided Dhikr Therapy to Reduce Anxiety in Close Fractures Patients
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-08-14)Patients with fracture conditions often experience complaints of excessive anxiety, where anxiety is felt due to the pain that is felt and the provision of invasive or surgical action plans. Preoperative patients will ... -
Effectiveness of Chest Physiotherapy toward Tuberculosis (TBC) Patient to Overcome Ineffective Airway Clearance in Dieng Inpatient Room of dr. Abdoer Rahem Hospital Situbondo: A Case Report
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-10-09)Tuberculosis is an infectious and potentially fatal disease in worldwide, caused by lungs inflammation due to Mycobacterium bacteria infection. Tuberculosis patient experiences coughing with phlegm, shortness of breath ... -
Triple Helix Sebagai Strategi Kolaborasi Destigmatisasi Kampung Idiot Menjadi Desa Mandiri
(Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, 2024-10-01)Stigma kampung idiot melekat pada Desa Karangpatihan mulai tahun 2008 melalui pemberitaan media yang meliput mengenai banyaknya penyandang tunagrahita dan juga kondisi tunagrahita. Dampak dari stigma kampung idiot ini ... -
Mengenal Sumbing Bibir dan atau Langit-langit beserta Tata Laksananya
(Fakultas Kedokteran, 2024-09-20)Semua manusia memiliki keinginan kehidupan yang produktif terutama penderita kelainan bawaan seperti anak yang lahir dengan kondisi sumbing baik sumbing bibir dan langitlangit. Bedah plastik sebagai salah satu komponen ... -
Religious freedom in world politics: A linchpin for global peace
(The Asosiasi Dosen Pergerakan (ADP), 2024-09-19)This article explores the crucial role of religious freedom in promoting global peace and stability while examining the challenges and opportunities faced in advancing this fundamental human right. The paper argues that ... -
Improving the snakebite envenoming first aid treatment of farmers in rural areas of Indonesia: An educational intervention program
(Fakultas Keperawatan, 2024-01-02)Introduction: Snakebite Envenoming (SBE) cases are a worldwide health problem. Farmers have a big risk of becoming victims of SBE. SBE management is an issue that needs to be resolved due to a lack of information regarding ... -
The severity level of malocclusion and orthodonthic treatment needs based on the index of orthodonthic treatment need (IOTN) on students aged 9-12 years old at candijati jember 1 state elementary school
(Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 2024-09-09)Malocclusion is a condition of dental occlusion that is not suitable from normal conditions that affect oral function and facial aesthetics and has now become a great concern in the health sector. Malocclusion occurs ... -
Gaya Hidup Sehat Masyarakat Agrikultural
(CV KHD Production, 2024-08-01)Wilayah pertanian di Indonesia sangat luas dan meliputi berbagai macam bentuk baik persawahan, perkebunan, perikanan, dan peternakan. Karakterisitik petani di lndonesia meskipun berbeda bentuknya tetapi hampir ... -
The effect of robusta coffee BP 42 extraction on vascularization And collagen levels in second-degree burn injury: An Experimental study
(Kemenkes RI, 2024-08-28)The improper treatment of burn wounds can hinder the formation of new blood vessels and the proliferation of fibroblasts in producing collagen. Therefore, the use of modern dressings, such as topical gel-based preparations ... -
Reducing Anxiety in Cancer Sufferers with Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy: Literature Review
(KHD Production, 2024-08-01)One of the symptoms of cancer is the emergence of pain and anxiety related to each other, especially in patients who suffer from cancer. This can be caused by pain from cancer, examinations carried out and treatment that ... -
Edukasi Sikap Ergonomis: Upaya Preventif Cedera Otot Dan Persendian Pada Petani Sayur Suku Tengger
(Global Health Science Group, 2024-06-02)Suku Tengger terletak di kawasan gunung Bomo, lahan yang subur memberi kesempatan masyarakat suku Tengger untuk bekerja sebagai petani ladang sayur. Wilayah suku tengger memiliki suhu yang amat dingin serta medan yang ... -
Kolaborasi Masyarakat dalam Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Desa Berkelanjutan Bidang Teknologi, Kesehatan dan Kewirausahaan di Desa Duren
(Yayasan KIAT Indonesia Maju, 2023-11-01)Desa Duren merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di kecamatan Klakah, Kabupaten Lumajang. Desa ini mempunyai segudang protensi. Potensi yang berupa sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan sumber daya lam (SDA) yang emadai membuat ... -
Complete neurological recovery of spinal tuberculosis after spinal surgery and vitamin D supplementary: A case series
(Elsevier, 2024-07)Introduction and importance: Deaths from tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia are nearly 200,000 per year and higher than those from COVID-19. The problems associated with spinal TB are vitamin D deficiency, neurological deficit, ... -
British Scholar’s Perceptions on Capitalism and Religious Ethics In The Age of Techno-Feudalism
(INDONESIAN JOURNAL of Islamic Literature and Muslim Society, 2024-06-01)In a feudal system, land was the main source of wealth and power. Meanwhile, Techno-Feudalism concentrates power and data wealth in the digital realm, significantly impacting economic, social, and political structures. ... -
Masculinity And Femininity In Videos Podcasts Youtube: Language Study And Gender
(IOSR Journal of Humanties and Social Science, 2024-03)It turns out that the use of language in YouTube podcasts cannot be separated from issues of masculinity and femininity. This article examines the embodiment of aspects of masculinity and femininity in YouTube podcasts. Data ...