Pengaruh Komposisi Media Tanam dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Hayati Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Pagoda (Brassica Narinosa L.)
The increasing market demand for pagoda mustard isn’t proportional to production. Mustard cultivation is starting to be developed towards organic mustard now. One of the initial efforts can be made is application of planting media composition and concentration biological fertilizers. The purpose of this experiment was to determine effect of composition growing media and concentration biological fertilizers on growth and yield of mustard. The treatment that be used was composition of planting medium which consisted of three levels, namely M1 : cocopeat + husk charcoal + bokashi (25%:25%:50%), M2 : cocopeat + husk charcoal + bokashi (25%:50% : 25%), and M3 : cocopeat + husk charcoal + bokashi (50%:25%:25%) and concentration of biological fertilizers which consists of four levels, namely B1 : 80 ml/L, B2 : 100 ml/L, B3 : 120 ml/L, B4 : 140 ml/L. The experimental results showed that interaction between composition growing media and concentration biological fertilizers had a significant effect on the amount of leaves and plant fresh weight. The bokashi used contains nitrogen of 1.75% which is sufficient for the needs of N elements in plants. The experimental results provide good yield potential with the highest average fresh weight of pagoda mustard of 193.33 g.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4324]