Efisiensi dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Usahatani Semangka tanpa Biji di Desa Langkap Kecamatan Bangsalsari Kabupaten Jember
Watermelon plant is a horticultural fruit plant that has been chosen to be cultivated by the community, especially by farmers in Langkap Village, Bangsalsari District, Jember Regency. The selected watermelon is a type of seedless red watermelon. The high production of watermelons is not in accordance with the income earned by farmers, this is because the selling price of watermelons is relatively fluctuating and the pricing of watermelons determined by middlemen does not always provide benefits for farmers. Based on this, researchers will examine: 1) income of watermelon farming in Langkap Village, 2) efficiency of watermelon farming in Langkap Village, 3) factors that influence income of watermelon farming in Langkap Village. This research is a quantitative research with a sample determination method that is simple random sampling, namely as many as 35 people. Data analysis used is using descriptive and analytic methods. The results showed that: 1) The average income of watermelon farming in Langkap Village, Bangsalsari District, Jember Regency was IDR 24,342,291.5/Ha/MT, with an average total revenue of IDR 86,597,380.9/Ha/MT and the average total cost incurred by farmers is IDR 62,255,089.4/Ha/MT., so that it is known that watermelon farming in Langkap Village is profitable because the average revenue is greater than the average total cost that must be incurred by watermelon farmers. 2) the cost efficiency of watermelon farming is classified as efficient because it has an R/C ratio value of more than 1, which is 1.39. 3) variable land area, productions quantities and seeling price has as significant effect on increasing income, labor costs have a significant effect on reducing income, while the fertilizer costs have no significant effect on reducing income of watermelon farming in Langkap Village, Bangsalsari District, Jember Regency.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4324]