Nursing Care of Acute Pain in Multiple Fractures with Spiritual Therapy Quantum Touch and Finger Holding: A Case Study
DEWI, Risma Eka Putri Arlyani Kusuma
HAKAM, Mulia
SHODIKIN, Mohammad
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Multiple Fractures or broken bones are a condition where the
continuity of the bones is broken in a complex manner, this is caused by
trauma caused by frequent traffic accidents. Objective: To analyze the effect
of a combination of non-pharmacological therapies Quantum Spiritual Touch
Therapy" (QST) and Finger Holding in multiple fraktur patients with acute
pain at RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. Method: This research is an observational
study with a case study design. Primary data obtained through anamnesis
and physical assessment. Assessment of the effect of QST therapy and finger
holding was carried out a total period of 35 minutes, 20 minutes for QST
therapy and 15 minutes for finger holding therapy, based on initial, process,
and final data. Results: The results showed a reduction in pain levels with a
Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) was carried out for 6 meetings with the
implementation of therapy once a day. Pain levels decreased in the preimplantation measurements with an average of 5,4 to 4,7 at the time of postimplementation. Discussion: The combination of pharmacological therapy
from QST therapy and finger holding aims to help the effectiveness of
analgesic drugs by improving the psychological structure with
implementations that contain spiritual elements.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]