Strategi Kelangsungan Pedagang Kecil di Pasar Tradisional
The Small Scaled businesses at Blauran traditional market Surabaya perform their
businesses commercially in impersonal and independent market system. In order to
survive, those businesses depend hiqhly on the ability in attracting buyers/\. The
trategy used to draw the buyers’ interests is by adding the capitals of the businesses
throuqh merchandise credit system, in the sense that they continuously increase their
merchandise on display by gaining them from the creditors. This study applied
qualitative method to obtain descriptive data, while the research samples were taken
by using Purposive Sampling technique, based on the merchandise they sell to the
The data analysis described the social background of those small-scaled business
operators before they decided to be small-scaled traders, their ages and education,
their geograpchical mobility, and their binding to their native culture. In addition, it
also discussed the business activities of those small-scaled merchants, related to
their business chains, their capitals and their relationships with the buyers. In their
trading chains, those merchants applied the strategy of increasing their business
capital throught merchandise credit system, producer consigment, agent consigment,
and supplier consigment. There are five patterns of credit they applied in order to
increase their capitals. They are : (1) regular customer credit, (2) upon selling
payment credits, (3) installment system, (4) consignment, and (5) comission system.
The first pattern enables the merchants to obtain a relatively large amount of
merchandise credits with a payment due after a certain period of time. The second
pattern provides the merchants with merchandise in the morning and the payment
due is at night. While the third pattern enables them to get merchandise with a
regular partial payment at agreed time periodically. The fourth pattern means that
they obtain merchandise from supplier and the payment can be done when the goods
have been sold. And the fifth pattern enables the merchants to obtain merchandise
with the basic price agreed by the merchants and the suppliers, then the merchants
can resell it at a price profitable for them. The above five patterns are done by the
merchants, not only to increase the volume of their merchandises but also to
establish position in the distibution chains of the market.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]