Pelaksanaan Program Rantang Kasih Bagi Ketahanan Pangan Lanjut Usia (Studi Deskriptif di Kecamatan Cluring Kabupaten Banyuwangi)
Elderly people who experience poverty cannot fulfill their daily needs independently,
such as meeting their food needs impact unable to work and lose their income. For
this reason, the Banyuwangi Regency government created a social protection
program for the elderly and underprivileged through the Rantang Kasih program.
The large number of elderly people in Cluring District makes Cluring District the
district whose residents receive the most assistance from the Rantang Kasih program
compared to other districts. The research approach used is qualitative with
descriptive research type. The technique of determining the location used purposive,
while the determination of the informants used snowball. Collecting data using nonparticipant observation, semi-structured interviews, and documentation. The data
analysis technique used is the Miles Huberman analysis technique, while the data
validity technique uses source triangulation. This study uses several concepts,
namely the concept of the elderly, social policies for the elderly, social services for
the elderly, social protection for the elderly, and the concept of program application
The results showed that the Rantang Kasih program that was application could
support food security for the elderly, but there were some things that still needed to
be improved, such as the accuracy of the recipients of aid according to the main
criteria, the timeliness of the delivery of Rantang Kasih's aid and the suitability of
food for the special conditions of the elderly
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]