Penerapan Konvensi ILO pada Industri Garmen Bangladesh (Studi Kasus: Diskriminasi Pekerja Garmen Perempuan)
APSARI, Ratih Dinda
Show full item recordAbstract
This research begins with the problem of implementation obstacles of ILO
Conventions related to discrimination in occupation and employment in the
Bangladeshi garment industry. In that regards, this study aims to question What are
the obstacles to implementing the ILO Conventions on Discrimination in Occupation
and Employment in Bangladesh. This paper addresses this question through
qualitative method by exploring secondary data. Furthermore, the data then being
analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study
indicate that implementation of ILO Conventions related to occupational and
occupational discrimination has encountered obstacles in Bangladesh. These
obstacles are caused by The Bangladesh Labor Act does not explain in detail about
garment workers, weak oversight of the implementation of the Bangladesh Labor Act
on garment companies, garment companies do not fully support the Bangladesh
Labor Act, and the political conditions in Bangladesh.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]