Koefisien Keseragaman Dan Distribusi Kadar Air Tanah Sistem Irigasi Curah (Sprinkler Irrigation) Pada Budidaya Tanaman Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana B.)
Sprinkler irrigation provides water to crops, similar to rainfall influenced by the
compressive force given, and is expected to improve or maintain soil conditions in
a field capacity state. However, its application faces several challenges, such as
providing water to plants. This study aimed to determine Sprinkler
irrigation's Coefficient of Uniformity (CU), the soil water content in Sprinkler
irrigation, and the Stevia crop coefficient (Kc) value. The study results showed that
Sprinkler irrigation increased soil water content at a depth of 0 – 60 cm, with the
total water requirement for Stevia plants being 279.8 mm until the plants were 60
days old. Furthermore, the values for the Stevia crop coefficient (Kc) increased
with the plant's growth stages, demonstrating the importance of regular
monitoring and adjusting irrigation practices to ensure optimal crop growth. In
conclusion, the study demonstrates the effectiveness of Sprinkler irrigation in
increasing soil water content and determining the appropriate water requirement
and Kc value for Stevia crops, which can help farmers manage and
optimize their irrigation practices.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4239]