Implementasi E-Modul Fisika Berbasis STEM Materi Gelombang Bunyi untuk Mengukur Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMA Kelas XI
One of the thinking ability needed in the 21st century is scientific literacy. To improve scientific literacy ability, there is a need for meaningful learning innovations through theimplementasion of STEM-based physics e-modules. This study aims to describe students' scientific literacy ability and describe student responses. The research method used is of quantitative research. The instrument uses a scientific literacy post-test and a student response questionnaire. There were 65 as the respondents in SMAN 3 Jember. The results of research scientific literacy ability is in a high category with a percentage of 82.86%. The percentage of each indicator of scientific literacy: 1) explaining scientific phenomena is 85.92% (excellent); 2) evaluating and designing scientific investigations of 85.54% (excellent); 3) interpret data and scientific evidence of 77.12% (high). Student responses to the use of STEM-based physics e-modules were in a positive category with a percentage of 85.13%. Thus, the results of the study show that the STEMbased physics e-module can help students' scientific literacy ability in the high category and the responses given by students are positive towards the e-module for the learning process.
Keywords: Scientific literacy, e-module based STEM, response