The Behavior of Fulfilling the Basic Needs Of Early Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Backgrounds: In conditions of uncertainty and anxiety about pandemic conditions, children still
have the right to have the opportunity to grow and develop optimally, both cognitively, mentally,
and socially. Parents, as the primary caregivers of children at home and with the main responsibility
for the growth and development of early childhood children, should meet the basic needs of
children's growth and development. The basic needs of children's growth and development consist
of 3 main aspects: Asuh, Asih, and Asah. This study aims to analyze parenting behavior to fulfill
early childhood growth and development needs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: This
research was conducted at Al Amien Jember Kindergarten from August to November 2020. The
population in this study is all 282 parents of Al Amien Jember Kindergarten students. The sample
size calculation uses the formula from Snedecor and Cochran with a sample size of 72 parents.
Results: The results showed that most parents with good knowledge (80.56%) and good attitudes
(80.56%) had good basic needs fulfillment behavior. The results of statistical analysis using the
Spearman correlation test show a significant relationship between parental knowledge (p-value =
0.003) and parental attitudes (p-value = 0.000) with the behavior of fulfilling the basic needs of early
childhood. Conclusion: Knowledge and attitudes of parents related to parental behavior in meeting
the basic needs of early childhood development. This study contributes to parenting during the
COVID-19 pandemic so that children's growth and development remain optimal.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]