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dc.contributor.authorARUMDHANI, Alda Brilliant
dc.descriptionFinalisasi repositori 13 Juni 2023_Kurnadien_US
dc.description.abstractThe development of the uyel cracker business at UD Sekar, Pasuruan Regency, is increasing. The increasing number of uyel cracker businesses in Pasuruan Regency can have an impact on customer satisfaction which results in uyel cracker customer loyalty. This company is located in Tambakrejo Village, Kraton District, Pasuruan Regency, is one of the cracker industries that still exists in Pasuruan Regency. Increasingly innovative business competition requires companies to design strategies to maintain their existence. Formulation of a new strategy needs to be done with an assessment of product quality to determine the extent to which the level of company performance and customer interests so that a service improvement strategy can be formulated. This study aims to determine the attributes that determine customer satisfaction uyel crackers, determine the level of customer satisfaction with UD Sekar uyel crackers and determine the efforts made by the company to increase customer satisfaction. The types of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through observation, interviews and questionnaires. Secondary data obtained through literature related to research. The method of data analysis in this study begins with testing the validity of the data and testing the reliability of the data. Further data processing is carried out by calculating the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) so that recommendations for possible service quality improvements can be formulated. The results showed that the quality attributes that determine customer satisfaction for uyel crackers at UD Sekar consist of satisfaction and interest variables. Attributes of quality and importance to the company are differentiated into taste, aroma, texture, color, price, packaging, flavor variants and durability. The level of customer satisfaction generated in the CSI method is 70.91%. This result means that in terms of customer satisfaction index uyel crackers are in the satisfied criteria. Then recommendations for improvements that can be made are adding flavor variants, improving packaging design by adding information about products and companies, choosing the right ingredients and formulas in order to get the best taste to achieve customer satisfaction.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDosen Pembimbing Utama : Dr. Bambang Herry Purnomo, S.TP., M.Si Dosen Pembimbing Anggota : Dr. Yuli Wibowo, S.TP. M.Sien_US
dc.publisherFakultas Teknologi Pertanianen_US
dc.subjectKerupuk Uyelen_US
dc.subjectKabupaten Pasuruanen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Kerupuk Uyel di UD Sekar Kabupaten Pasuruanen_US
dc.identifier.prodiTeknologi Industri Pertanianen_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing1Dr. Bambang Herry Purnomo, S.TP., M.Sien_US
dc.identifier.pembimbing2Dr. Yuli Wibowo, S.TP., M.Si., IPMen_US

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