Hubungan Ketuban Pecah Dini Dengan Kejadian Kala II Lama Pada Ibu Bersalin
HILYATI, Hesti Via
WIDAYATI, Agustina
Show full item recordAbstract
Premature rupture of membranes is ruptureof
membranes before signs of labor. Premature ruptureof membranes causes prolonged labor. This studyused an observational analytic design with crosssectional approach, data were taken frommedical
records and observation sheets in delivery roomat
the Edifuz Clinic SP.OG Lumajang which was heldinAugust 2022 with population are 50 mothersandsample are 40 respondents using Simple RandomSampling technique. Data collection includes coding, editing and tabulation. Data were analyzedbycomputer using the chi-square test. The resultsshowed that the majority premature ruptureof
membranes in Edifuz Clinic SP.OG Lumajang of 2022experienced PROM (65%). The incidence of longsecond stage at the Edifuz Clinic SP.OG Lumajangin2022 almost all experienced incidence of longsecond stage (67.5%). There is a relationshipbetween premature rupture of membranes andincidence of long second stage at the Edifuz Clinic, SP.OG Lumajang in 2022. The results analysiswiththe chi-square test show the P-value = 0.001 < 0.05, meaning that there is relationship betweenpremature rupture of membranes and incidenceof
long second stage. In this study, there isarelationship between premature ruptureof
membranes and incidence of second stage of labor. The suggestion put forward is research sites shouldprovide information related to early detection of high- risk pregnancies through provision of leaflets sothat
they can increase public knowledge, especially about
premature rupture of membranes.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]