Perawatan Hybrid Prosthesis dengan Precission Attachment padaKasus Fraktur Gigi Tiruan Tetap
Fixed partial dentures (FPD) have been shown to exhibit clinical complications due to a wide variety of
factors. Commonly observed complications associated with a conventional FPD include loss of retention and tooth
fracture. The hybrid prosthesis is one of several treatment option of case of fracture of fixed partial denture. The
hybrid prosthesis could improve an aesthetic and masticatory functions because it use of precission attachment was
to enhance denture retention.The aim of this case report paper was to explain the management of treatment of a
hybrid prosthesis with precision attachment could improve an aesthetic and masticatory functions on case of
fracture of fixed partial denture. The case study was carried out on a 55 year old female patient with case of fracture
of fixed partial denture on tooth 25, 26 and 27. She needed more comfortable denture to improve her aesthetic and
functional performance. A metal removable partial denture with female part placed within the tooth 25, 26 and 27
were designed to replace the posterior maxillary teeth. The male part of precission attachment placed on tooth 24.
In conclusion, the hybrid prosthesis with precision attachment can enhance denture retention and stability and has
no effect an aesthetic performance on case of fracture of fixed partial denture.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]