Teacher Professional Knowledge: The Implementation of STEM Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Pandemic Era
Teaching in STEM education has been challenged in the Asian context, particularly in the pandemic era. The
teacher experience investigated to teach STEM in the classroom with a specific topic in physics give different phenomena
related to teaching in the pandemic. This study aimed to investigate the teacher experience in implementing STEM
education approaches based on the teacher's professional knowledge. The concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)
was a theoretical framework to adopt the criteria such as Pedagogical knowledge regarding STEM education, content
knowledge regarding STEM education, Students' STEM education knowledge, STEM education curriculum knowledge,
and Assessment Knowledge on STEM education. The narrative analysis was utilized in this study that described the
teacher's situation in implementing STEM. The data collection uses three strategies: interview, documentation, and
observation. The results indicated that teachers were teaching STEM education based on their perspective in understanding
STEM education.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]